I'm ready for Steemit

My name is Daniel Delgado, I am Venezuelan, I am currently living in the capital of my country (Caracas).
I'm starting this great Steemit community for the first time, as I find it incredible.

Speaking a little about me, I am a 17 years old boy, sports lover, I passionately love Photography, I love to enjoy life venturing through many places of my country, I want to study many things in the university like:

Photography, Fashion Design, Languages, Accounting and others.

I like to make videos like challenges, vlogs and comedy content and some other educational.

I would like to create a large community of Latin American and other parts of the world to support each other.

My main idea of ​​what I want to do in Steemit is entertainment content such as funny video, challenges, vlogs, and many other things.

Unfortunately, my country is in a critical situation in the economic, social and even cultural.
I would like to generate some money to help my family and myself in my studies to be what I have always dreamed of.

We're going to follow each other, I'll have several types of themes in my videos. I will also upload photos of my photographic works.

Thank you very much and greetings!!

My alternate social networks:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Daniels_zone

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniels_zone

Instagram of photographic works: https://www.instagram.com/photos_daniels


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Welcome to Steem @zonedaniels.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Welcome and enjoy yourself

Hey Daniel, welcome to Steemit!

I am also a new Steemian, just joined a few days ago. You are a much more productive and active young man than I was at 17, great photos! I don't know much about Venezuela, it seems like a beautiful country, I would love to go there sometime if I have the chance. The people do not deserve to be in the crisis there, suffering for the corruption of politicians both locally and internationally. I hope that you and your family can do well despite the situation there, and I hope that your country can recover from these crises soon.

Thanks for your good wishes.

Welcome to Steem, @zonedaniels!

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Welcome to steemit and all the very best for your future. Expecting good contents from you. Be Consistent, it is the first rule in steemit for success.

Thanks for the tips friend.

Hello and welcome to Steemit! :)

Also If you are into cryptocurrencies then you are more than welcome to visit my channel, as I have made the commitment to share everything with others.

Let me know if need any help.

Best of luck to you!

Thank you very much.

hello steemer....I like to follow you..so please follow me and i can followback you 100% asap..tank you

Ready I followed you, now you follow me.

Por si te interesara, te dejo un enlace a una plataforma que te paga con su criptomoneda solo para registrarte y mirar su contenido: https://watch.getalx.com/login?referralCode=RCLNL3
Solo te pido que si te registras lo hagas con este enlace para que me paguen algunas monedas a mí también. Y, por supuesto, será conveniente que si invitás a unirse a tus amigos lo hagas con tu propio enlace que generarás una vez registrado.
En este post explico un poco más sobre esta plataforma (yo lo considero una gran oportunidad):https://steemit.com/spanish/@reyvaj/watch-getalx-registrate-y-empeza-a-ganar-alx
Y otra que te puede interesar también, es un buscador como Google que te paga al realizar búsquedas: https://www.presearch.org/signup?rid=539163
También hice un post al respecto: https://steemit.com/spanish/@reyvaj/presearch

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