A month later...finally doing my introduction!

Hi Steemit people!

After waiting a little over 2 weeks I finally got accepted onto this site.
I was super excited to finally be able to start posting/be a part of this community and then I got cold feet haha.
The main reason with that being I really want to bring great daily [Monday through Saturday] content to this website.
It took me this last month to not only figure out what I was going to be posting about on those days, but also to get some of that content ready to go!

At this point in time I am planning on posting:
Some of my original music/music that I like and think people should check out.
Sharing pictures and stories about what I found while out at thrift stores, flea markets etc.
DTube videos of varying content but mostly compilation videos for now.
Photography mostly focused on nature when I am out for walks/runs/hikes.
Playlists that I post to Spotify.

I sort of cheated by posting my "Introduce Yourself" today as Monday would typically be the day that I plan on posting original music and or music that I think people should check out. So to somewhat remedy that here is a link to my SoundCloud where I currently have three of my original beats posted that I put up a month ago when I entered a contest.

I look forward to not only contributing original content to this site but seeing all the other great content that others are posting. :)
Hopefully doing this post today gives me the proper kick in the rear to follow through with my planned content schedule for here!


Hello @yamaagni. Welcome to the great Steemit community. Invite yoir frienda and family to join.

Welcome to steemit

We are excited to see you join us here! Steemit is a remarkable platform that is built to reward users for creating quality content. Its a logic called proof of brain.

As for TechChat, think of us as DJs that create tech content instead of music. We create content by looking for the most shocking, interesting, and exciting breakthroughs in the tech space. Basically - we do all the research so you dont have to.

We hope to hear your opinion on TechChat’s content! We always love to hear from our community.

Happy Steeming 🚀

You are cool. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Thanks Joey! I just checked out your blog and you seem to post content [vlogs] that I quite enjoy so I gave you a follow :)

Welcome to steemit @yamaagni ! I can see you are planning to post lots of content, be careful that you don't burn out with this busy schedule :) I'm at work now so I can't checkout the 3 tracks u posted but I will once I'm home haha. Followed u :D

I'll try not to burn out but I honestly don't think it will be too difficult to keep up with. Most of the things I will be posting are already hobbies of mine; I just need to get good at turning them into engaging posts on here!

Welcome to Steemit @yamaagni!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Some people wait even longer than a month to start their first blog post let alone an intro post. I’ve always seen it as a very vital step in moving forward in the process.

Commenting and engaging with others outside of your own blog is often fun and rewarding.

That is great you have an idea when you would like to be posting during the week. That is often the hard part for most. They either try and post to much and be a daily blogger when they have no idea how draining it can be or go months without posting anything. Having some kind of schedule can really help.

Since you talk about creating original music I would suggest you give openmic a look into if you have not already. It looks like a great place to interact with likeminded people and be part of a community. It can also be a great way for people to find out about you. Which is often the hardest part on Steemit.

Thank you so much! I was not aware of the openmic community so I will definitely check that out :)

Nice to meet you, Can't wait to see what content you will make
don't forget to follow back

Likewise I gave you a follow!

Welcome to steemit
Hey dear
You can join this discord channel to be taught how to go about steemit and learn business,poetry,art,crypto and get motivated,taught how to make good posts and comment...Meet over 4k+ members and get to make friends from steemit all over the world including where you're from
Join the steemit school on discord channel today and learn something from the academy of life

Thanks I will check that out.

NIce to me you. Where are you in this world?

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