Hi – I’m Xtester, Hero Bitcointalk Member And Initial Core Member Of The New Economy Movement(NEM) - On The Inexorable Built-in Velocity Of Steem

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)


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Hello everyone. I am xtester, Hero bitcointalk member[1], initial core member of the New Economy Movement(NEM)[2], risk taker and Black Swan farmer[3] [4].

Among many others, my key contributions during my time with NEM were the following:

  • Reputation and crisis management
  • Healthy community building and organizing
  • Long term marketing vision, short term planning and implementation
  • Key insights and strategic deals(exchanges, payment processors, etc)

After a long and rewarding period of learning and contribution, I left NEM in order to focus more intensely on other personal projects. Currently I am working on a private project(still in stealth mode) which is in the very early stages, but intend to put it on hold for the time being, to experiment with perhaps the most intriguing project I see in crypto at the moment.

So, today I am officially joining Steem. I am looking forward to contributing with valuable insights, constructive criticism and various ideas that could have an enormous potential of improving Steem.

On The Inexorable Built-in Velocity Of Steem

Preliminary Thoughts

Human Nature

The more we study human nature, we seem to discover that man is not as rational as he thought. In fact, he is invariably guided by a combination of conscious, subconscious, emotions and biases, which often lead to decisions that are, at best irrational, and at worst, very damaging for individuals and society.

In an ideal world, we would only have to build a great piece of technology and people would rush to adopt it immediately, simply because it would be in their best interest. Reality however, proves to be a lot more complex than that. Indeed, it has become exceedingly hard for people to make sense of things and though they may understand what’s wrong and what they might do to improve things, they rarely have the strength of character to act in accordance to what they think.

This is why mankind has learned the necessity of auxiliary precautions.

Elon Musk And The Hypothesis

Consider the story of Elon Musk, who is arguably one of the most important entrepreneur – engineer - inventor alive, and, apparently also a billionaire genius[5]. As he understood where we stand today, and what devastating future threats we could face, he came up with some ideas and plans as to how these problems could be optimally solved and threats could ultimately be transformed into powerful innovation for the benefit of humanity.

One of the problems, he figured, was that the automotive industry was rapidly advancing in the wrong direction due to unsustainable production and consumption of energy[6]. He also figured that arguably, for the immediate future, part of the solution would lay in electric cars[7] [8]. But the biggest problem with electric cars was their perception. Who wants them anyway?! They’re slow, ugly, unreliable, low range, boring and unsexy. So even if you would make an electric car, you could not beat people into buying it, and indeed, nobody would.

Or at least, nobody until they learned about Tesla Motors[9]. In fact, Musk figured that the most effective way to solve the problem would be to radically redefine the perception about electric cars, by creating the first compelling electric car ever built which would truly capture the imagination of people. It was clear, the car would have to be better in almost every aspect than its gasoline competitors[10], but, more importantly, the car would have to be sexy, irresistibly so.

And here lays the brilliance: the burden of psychological hard work would shift from the customer to the inventor. An irresistibly attractive product would be created, and all the customer would have to do, is follow his basic instincts, passively catalyzing the solution for a very important problem in the process.

An Antifragile Meta-solution

It seems most solutions for big and important problems are very fragile, precisely because they are dependent on a highly unstable variable, namely, human nature. But think for a second, what if we could create a meta-solution, one that could solve or isolate a much bigger problem, rendering us resilient or even better yet, antifragile to human nature?

Indeed, how would such a meta-solution even look? Well, instead of asking of people to use their willpower and self-discipline, requiring a great deal of intellectual and psychological effort to fight a cause, we should try to put in a great deal of thought at the beginning, in designing an irresistible, almost addictive product. Presumably, once launched, it would drive itself to adoption with an increasing velocity. In fact, precisely when people would lack any kind of willpower and self-discipline, acting instinctively and impulsively, epidemic growth would commence.

The Tipping Point

Lets say we could create such a product. Henceforth, our only target would be to reach a tipping point: the point when sufficient mass and speed would coalesce into an exponential growth period. That is the same point at which epidemics become pandemics, when growth explodes in such a way that it virtually becomes unstoppable.

Steem: Aligning Incentives For Inexorable Velocity

To the best of my knowledge, Steem is perhaps the most apt iteration of a meta-solution to date[11]. Indeed, this rather unique iteration seems to consist of two critical parts: first, there exists a powerful and fundamental built-in economic incentive which aligns private greed with public interest; secondly, on this primary economic incentive, a relatively simple yet exceedingly flexible and deceptively potent social layer is built. In fact, it is this combination that differentiates Steem from its predecessors and competitors[12], swiftly transforming a snowball into an apparent avalanche, overruling both social inertia and reluctance to change.

A Riveting Experiment

Though Steem may still be an early stage experiment which could eventually fail in any number of ways, evidence thus far suggests it could be a rather wild and rare animal. Indeed, for all we know this could turn out to be a Swan. A Black Swan. Since I am very fond of Black Swans, and they are rare, unleash extreme impact, and seem to be only retrospectively predictable[13], the most appropriate course of action would be to maximize my exposure to areas where possibly positive Black Swans could emerge.

So, I will be here. Experimenting, nurturing and curiously examining it, patiently waiting to see what it turns out to be.


[1] - Here is my profile on bitcointalk. Please note that as a proactive step of verification, I have also included short note on Steem in my bitcointalk signature: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=197542

[2] - NEM FAQ: http://nem.io/faq.html

[3] - "What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalize it) is an event with the following three attributes.

First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Second, it carries an extreme 'impact'. Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable.

I stop and summarize the triplet: rarity, extreme 'impact', and retrospective (though not prospective) predictability. A small number of Black Swans explains almost everything in our world, from the success of ideas and religions, to the dynamics of historical events, to elements of our own personal lives.“ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_swan_theory

[4] - Black Swan farming is a very instructive essay by Paul Graham, emphasizing how hard and counterintuitive startup investing really is. By extrapolation, one could make a good argument that crypto investing is similarly hard and counterintuitive, if not more so. Here is a link to the essay: http://paulgraham.com/swan.html

[5] - Elon Musk is “the founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors; co-founder and chairman of SolarCity, co-chairman of OpenAI; co-founder of Zip2; and co-founder of PayPal. As of June 2016, he has an estimated net worth of US$12.7 billion, making him the 83rd wealthiest person in the world.

Musk has stated that the goals of SolarCity, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX revolve around his vision to change the world and humanity. His goals include reducing global warming through sustainable energy production and consumption, and reducing the "risk of human extinction" by "making life multiplanetary" by setting up a human colony on Mars.” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk

[6] - I am referring to pollution and climate damage with potentially devastating consequences for the long term along a high burn rate and possible eventual depletion of relatively scarce resources.

[7] - Here is the Master Plan, Musk posted in August 2006: https://www.tesla.com/blog/secret-tesla-motors-master-plan-just-between-you-and-me

[8] - After 10 years, an updated version has been published. So here is the Master Plan, Part Deux: https://www.tesla.com/blog/secret-tesla-motors-master-plan-just-between-you-and-me

[9] - Here is a car built from the ground up to take advantage of the technology available in the 21st century: http://www.teslamotors.com/models/features#/environment

[10] - Tesla Model S was rated 99 out of 100 points on Consumer Report, the highest rating ever awarded to a car: http://money.cnn.com/2013/05/09/autos/tesla-model-s-consumer-reports/

[11] - Please note that a very early variation of this essay has been posted some time ago by me on bitcointalk. What’s interesting though, is that back then it was just a thought experiment, outlining a goal towards which I thought we should strive. Right now, I can finally see the first iteration. Quite impressive.

[12] - Although Bitcoin(and perhaps all the other crypto-currencies for that matter) has exemplified an interesting variation of the economic incentive, it has always lacked the second and equally critical part: a simple yet flexible and potent user interface. Indeed, the technical barrier of bitcoin seems to be still its main obstacle for average user adoption and the root cause for all kinds of security problems.

[13] - “Hindsight bias, also known as the knew-it-all-along effect or creeping determinism, is the inclination, after an event has occurred, to see the event as having been predictable, despite there having been little or no objective basis for predicting it.” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindsight_bias

P.S. If you loved this post, you can follow me here: @xtester.

Be sure that I intend to heavily optimize my posts for quality, not quantity, so keep close if you're in for that.

Cheers, @xtester.


Glad to see people that think alike on steemit! My good friend @limitless and I are huge supporters of the antifragility mindset. Nassim Taleb has even reached out to one of our posts on Facebook which was pretty awesome. Thanks for the introduction, and I also followed you :)

It's a small world. Antifragility is indeed one hell of a concept and its practical implications are fascinating.

Be sure to say hi to both @limitless and Taleb when you talk to them again. ;)

Hi, awesome stuff! Is there a way that @nphacker and I could get in touch with you by email? I will write more of my thoughts on this post once I get to a computer. Thanks!

Hello @limitless, you can find me at https://steemit.chat/ . Send me a pm there and we can talk. Thanks.

Welcome to Steem! Glad to have you around! I really enjoyed your intro. Human nature is such an interesting subject. Great to see you in #MinnowsUnite, we'll have to talk more on psychology down the line. :)

Thanks mate. Glad to be here. As for psychology, cognitive psychology seems to be pretty reasonable. :)

Cog Pysch is where it's at. I really can't buy the crack job, "everyone wants to fuck their mom" Freud-esque bullshit.

Welcome @xtester. Fellow NEM and NXT holder myself. Did you leave NEM as in cash out or just left the Core Team? I still see a lot of potential for NEM.

Thanks @msutyler. NEM does indeed seem to still have potential, I just left the Core Team to focus more intensely on other projects I had.

Good to hear. Wish there were a few more updates from the NEM team. Forums are quiet but I think there is quite a bit going on behind the scenes

Good to have someone here who knows what they're talking about. I sense a whale in your future.

May your foresight turn out to be true. ;)

Welcome to Steemit, Xtester. Great article. I've been reading a fair bit about Tesla, Spacex and the legendary Elon musk lately. Exciting news but I really hope people can work together to implement this smoothly. The amount of work and investment that Elon Musk has risked to keep things up and running is incredible. Even when the media doubted him the dude threw all the money he had into keeping the Tesla S1 going. What a gamble to take, but it really shows what you can achieve when you believe in yourself.

Thanks mate. As for Musk, I would say this: If you're alive today, interested in the cutting edge of science, technology and engineering and don't know about this guy, well, you're doing it wrong. :)

P.S. You'll probably be hearing about him some more.

Glad to see quality content coming to steemit at an increasing rate.

Welcome and enjoy your stay! And why not, let this be your black swan. :)

Thanks mate. The true beauty of Black Swans is that it certainly can happen but, hey, you never know. :)

Hi! Great post and a very interesting and needed information. Good luck in Steemit!
Please, read my post too: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@knyaz/hi-steemers-my-name-is-igor-knyaz-and-i-ll-be-35-in-two-weeks

Excellent and thought-provoking intro.

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