Hello Everyone

My name is Andrea, and I’m a college instructor by day and healthy living enthusiast the rest of the time. My favorite workouts are barre classes, yoga, and long hikes. I enjoy eating and preparing healthy (but tasty!) foods. I’m very sensitive to gluten and try to avoid it.

I’m married and have two sons, one is in his late 20s (he is the one who introduced me to steemit), and the other one is in 5th grade.


welcome to the steemit platform

Welcome to the Steem Community @wellandrea!

I would love to feature your new introduction post in my weekly curation blog if you don't mind!

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Welcome wellandrea!
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Welcome to steemit @wellandrea.

  • Join @minnowsupport project for more help
  • Checkout @helpie for daily trivias and useful information
  • Join @qurator a good quality support project
  • Checkout @steembasicincome
  • Help us save the forest with @treeplanter
    Follow me @tuanis for random votes daily please checkout the report
    Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!

Hi Andrea, I'm Tammy and I'm new to Steemit as well. I am a mother of 2 sons also, and 2 grandchildren. Love those two (Roman 6 and Millie 4). I love finding new healthy recipes and cooking in general. I have done the Whole 30 a couple of times and I have several recipes posted on Pinterest account (https://www.pinterest.com/blueeyes8960/) id you'd like to check them out. I do line dancing and circuit training right now for exercise and I'd like to start yoga. I have a question - what are barre classes? Welcome to steemit!

Hi Tammy,
Your Pinterest looks great. Following you there and here. Barre classes are done at a ballet barre and include exercises based on ballet, Pilates as well as orthopedic exercises. They have really helped me manage my low back pain.

Welcome to Steem wellandrea! Partiko is a fast and beautiful mobile app for Steem and unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!

Partiko for Android can be downloaded here on Google Play and the iOS version is available here on the App Store.

If you have more questions, feel free to join our Discord channel and ask @crypto.talk, we're always here to help!

Thank you so much for your interest!

Hi Andrea, welcome to Steemit :)

You are lovely and I enjoy eating from my garden. You are great.

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