Random Idiot called by the Sun to Join Steemit Community

I grew up on a small farm in West Tennessee.

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My first word was 'butterfly.'

My grandmother, who claims to have witnessed my first word, told little white lies to make me feel smarter than I am, so my first word was probably 'mom' or 'dad' like most people. I don't remember.

What I do remember is living a magical life that somehow led me to meet tens of thousands of beautiful humans and have some version of this conversation with most them:

  1. What do you want?

  2. What are you going to do about it?

  3. How may I support you?

Through listening and attempting to be of service (while failing often at both), I have come to believe we all want the same thing:

We want to do what we want.
When we want.
Where we want.
With whom we want.
How we want.
For whatever purpose we choose.
And to be loved no matter how it turns out.

In a modern world, most of the things on that list require two things-technology and energy. Because our energy comes from sources which aren't abundant and free, we end up doing:

Things we don't want to do.
At times we don't want to be there.
In locations, like cubicles, we don't prefer.
With people we may not like being around.
In ways someone else mandates we do them.
For the purpose of earning fiat currency.
All while possibly being fired if it doesn't turn out the way someone else wants it to turn out.

Why do we need dollars? To access, in our current reality, the energy and technology we need to do what we want actually want to do--sometimes. Dollars are the tokens of the oil matrix on which our magic world is built.

I believe when humans connect magic happens. I believe this to be self-evident. This world is absolutely magical to someone living just a couple of hundred years ago, much less a caveperson.

We are advancing so rapidly as a species because of the new ways technology allows us to listen, connect, share, and develop ideas which move us all forward.

My two decade journey to learn how to be of service to humans led me to renewable energy, and recently to the blockchain.

Sunlight is falling out of the sky for free, and rather than adopt the technology required to convert it to electricity, we're currently opting instead to continue our thoughtless habit of renting power from a centralized authority.

Trade between peers is now possible using cryptocurrency, and rather than adopt the technology required to make it widespread and easily usable, we're currently opting instead to continue our thoughtless habit of renting transaction verification from a centralized authority.

I see the two movements as being parallel. We have a chance a society to do things for ourselves, like create electricity and trade without banks, using technology which wasn't previously available. It all comes down to technology and energy.

My purpose in joining steemit is to share my thoughts on these parallels, wake the community up to the potential of solar energy, and share some stories and things I've learned during my magical journey which some may find useful.

I like taking very complicated things, reducing them to first principles, and making them easy to understand.

And I'm also joining because I believe in the steemit community! I learned so much before I joined. Thank you for your articles.

A mentor once told me this story:

A man went out whale watching on a small boat. The waters were choppy. The man began to feel seasick.

He told the captain, 'I'm feeling ill.'

And the captain asked, to the surprise of the listeners, 'What did you come out on this boat to do?'

To which the seasick man replied, 'To see the whales.'

'And where will you see the whales?' the captain asked.

The man pointed toward the horizon.

And the captain, 'Do what you came out here to do.'

If you've ever been on a boat in choppy waters, you know it's easy to get sick by looking just past the edge of the boat, but as you look toward the horizon, the waters become calmer.

The captain was teaching the man how to stay focused on the long-term goal instead of the short-term bumps, or in short the captain was teaching the man what it means to HODL. That's where you find the whales.

So to go back to those questions from earlier, I'll answer them for myself so you can get to know me:

  1. What do I want?

I want to live in a world where all of our awesome connective technology from cars to smartphones to blockchain mining rigs are powered by sunlight. If cryptofans think it's cool to do transactions without banks, I agree. But what are we gonna transact without the ability to move around people and things (at least before 3-d printing grows up) oil currently makes possible?

  1. What am I going to do about it?

I co-created a free fundraising service organizations, communities and individuals can use to raise funds by inviting their supporters to explore going solar. It's called Ovanova. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link here or not, but you can google it if you'd like.

Here's how it works: if a school is raising money for a field trip, for each supporter of the school willing to receive a free proposal to find out what going solar would look like for them, we give $100 to the school--just for learning. So a school with 100 home-owning parents willing to take a few minutes to explore solar would create a $10,000 fundraiser for the school.

It took us a couple of years to set up, and we're just getting started, but so far we've raised funds for a school, public radio station (KPFK Los Angeles), a choir, and a few other organizations signing up. We've raised over $8,000 so far all because people were willing to explore solar energy to support their community.

Sunlight is needed to power the coming world. We can't do it alone, which is why we're doing what we can to inspire communities to spread the word.

  1. How may you be of support?

Most importantly, keep being you. This community has enormous potential and I am grateful to be a part of it.

If you have organizations you'd like to see us form an alliance with and raise funds for, please recommend them.

And as far as what you may do on steemit to support me, I'd love it if you'd follow me.

A few weeks ago I thought, 'I'd love to have a place where I could share potentially useful thoughts and paradigms with an open-minded, forward-thinking community.'

I feel like steemit found me. Merry Christmas. Having my account approved is a true Christmas gift.

Thank you for the work all of you early believers have put in so far to make this possible.

When we imagine a utopia and work backwards, it's hard to imagine a utopian world with coal miners. That's what 'Hunger Games' was about.

It's also hard to imagine a utopian world with bankers. Thus solar and blockchain technology as being integral parts to build the utopian foundation.

And it's something we can do together.

  1. What do you want?

  2. What are you going to do about it?

  3. How may I support you?

With Love and Sunshine,


#introduceyourself #solar #life #solar #blockchain #cryptocurrency


Welcome to Steemit Land! Great to see you continuing to post more often now!
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Welcome! Nice intro and post! Enjoy your stay. Just upvoted and followed. Follow me back it would mean a lot! :)

I do films, blogs, and mobile photography. Check it out sometimes! :)

Good video editors are tough to find. Thanks for what you do. I just followed you.

Thanks man! :)

welcome and hello! what you have to say resonated with me, and i look forward to more provoking thoughts.

all in all, i want to be at peace, and safe.
to do it, i am in the midst of some change, and it's a good thing.
i like what you said about being supportive - just keep on keepin' on! we all have different talents and knowledge bases to share.

merry merry!

Thanks for reading and for your kind reply. For the last few years, I've said the same prayer each day, 'Thank you for my life. Please give me the wisdom to see your path and the courage to take it.' I believe 'wisdom' may mean 'operating from a place of knowing we are safe.' So if what you want is to live in a safe, peaceful world; I'm all for it. Let me know what I may do to be of service if you think of anything, and thanks for what you're doing.

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