A Newbie in the Steemit Community
Greetings Steemit community! My name is viras
So what do I do on a daily basis and what would I like to share with you today?
I spend a lot of time thinking and exploring new ways to market to the next generation of buyers. People have changed the way they shop and buy and my opinion is that we as marketers also need to adapt to this new behavior. Instead of buying ads, spamming people with emails and spending all budget on trade shows, marketers need to shift towards an inbound approach. Inbond marketing is about pulling people in and not shouting your message across to them with the hope they might buy from you. "Sharing is caring" and inbound marketing is all about the need of the customer and creating valuable content to get people's attention. Inbound marketing starts with blogging. A business blog is the best thing you can invest in because it's such a great form of communication for today's buyer. People search online, come across your content and find it really valuable. Done in the right way, this creates brand awareness, thought leadership and more happy customers. You're no longer just talking about your product because now you're creating content that is useful to the reader and attract more readers time over time that will convert into customers.
That should give you guys an overview what an inbound marketer does these days and how marketing and sales will change in the coming years... I am sure I will share more on this topic, if people are interested. So please leave a vote if you would like to read more about new trends and technologies in the tech business.
Welcome to Steemit, noob.
Welcome to Steemit Land!
welcome to steemit! Hope you have a good time.
Welcome to the platform! Hope u enjoy what it has to offer
Welcome to Steemit Viras! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Follow @secter
welcome! :)
Welcome to steemit, @viras! Interested to see some of the things you're marketing!
Hello @viras : All that Marketing talk got me thinking* ** I will Follow this Lady** and vote of course :-) For your content on Marketing
I just started a Panama Blog today and will want to direct people to it, After I have several finished many more.
Thanks for the Great Intro
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Here to enjoy my Blog