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RE: A New Genesis

Welcome To the community.

I hope to see websites that will help educate people about steem and the platforms that run on steem.

Such as

We need to start building on ramps to bring people on from Facebook from Twitter and IG. There is a better way we just need to bring everyone on.



That's where I really need to start at, learning what those are. I know, but that's about it. Is there a good comprehensive list you know of that I could look at?

I've been thinking about that for the past week. The challenge is typically people won't move unless the user experience is significantly better, or there is something innovative that is key to letting it thrive. Unfortunately, I don't think that many people care about decentralization enough, to commit, although that comes back to your original point of education.

The recent Facebook Hacks and the crisis that is Social Media at this point, I don't feel as many people have the same trust for a centralized platform. The Education is Key. I'm just spit balling but, develop a true Instagram replacement. From what I am seeing the vast majority of current market saturation, I feel that its the most influential in bring in more people, expressly the the people who are younger and will be-able to understand it more. Look at projects other people are working on and build your own just make your own improvements. Build because you want to use it, and it don't exist. And bring people on who board who like your ideas. If its good enough you can grab your self some small piece of the crypto pie.

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