Hello Steemit! This is me, who are you ?

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Hi. I don’t really like to talk about myself because it feels a bit weird, but I think steemit is the future of social media.
I can meet amazing people here, maybe also future collaborators on artistic projects so I hope some cool people will find this.

My name is Jose. I’m interested in art in all forms and mediums.

Since I was young I always had an interest in storytelling and the conception of surreal visuals. I am the founder of the experimental art collective called Vache Morte where I present my work. I own a commercial video studio, Salsa Film, where I direct for televison, web, fashion and corporate productions.
I am a passionate musician, multidisciplinary artist and luthier by trade and play many instruments, both acoustic and electronic and I want to share all of that with YOU, oh and I also practice Wing Chun Kung-Fu for 20 years, I will post some of that as well.

None of my life would make any sense without @juliakponsford which I met 17 years ago.
Me and Julia:

Together we had a child. An ugly little bastard named :
which is a full length feature film we wrote, directed and produced together. 5 years of work from the story idea to the full completion. Here’s the poster for now:

I want to share everything about this project because it's our first feature and I think some people might like it!

I never liked facebook because it’s creepy. Never been active on tweeter youtube etc...
I always said I was not that social (online) but in a sense it’s mostly because I didn’t have a platform where the creators and community are the priority.

Seems like the tide is changing and I LOVE IT. Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, maybe together we can change the world. Love you all!


Wellcome to steemit

Welcome to family :)

Wellcome to steemit

Welcome to the community! I'm looking to connect with artists/musicians so I just followed your account! Best of luck ❤️

thank you I followed. Nice musical selection.

Welcome. Julia looks like Lady Gaga. Nice

Yo Nezbong. She does on that frame but not today :)

I think it is the hair. that is a signature Gaga hair look.

yeah. Julia did it first, but she is not has popular...

Welcome to steemit :)
I m following you and eager to see your upcoming posts.
Hope you too follow me and give me feedback on my upcoming posts as well.

Yes this is a deal! I never been that excited for social media never before....In a few day I already found so many incredible people with amazing talent.

Hey Jose, nice introduction post! Glad you made it onto this platform. It’s going to change your life, hope you have a good time. If you have any doubts, you can always join Steemit.chat and ask for #help.

Thanks you really kind.
I have a question for you because you seem involved in admin? Did steemit ever do a WORLD FILM PREMIERE on the site? Release and distribution in the film industry is exclusive unless you are already in. Steemit seems like it could remove the middle man of distribution. As I mentioned in my post I worked 5 years on my feature and I am interested in an alternative means of distribution. What are your thoughts? Has this already been covered/discussed somewhere on the site?

Welcome to Steem @vachemorte I have sent you a tip

Thank you really kind!

Welcome, It is awesome to see such talent making a space for themselves on this amazing new platform. I am right there with you, not a huge fan of social media, and nor do I like talking about myself. I have Meeples for this exact purpose! May we all Steem forward. Followed and upvoted!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I deleted my Facebook account 2 years ago but I know they save all the info forever. Zuckberg give me the creeps. I really hope I can find musician and artist from around the world on this platform for collective project .

Well I know a few... well am more related to an aspiring base player... And here i'm sure you can find more who are interested. Ill have to keep an eye for them. Also I still have my facebook, if only because as you said the info never goes away so why not use it to keep in contact with some of my long distance friends. However that being said, you can see 5 years of posting history in about 2 minutes. LOL.

yes. I felt forced by family and friends to join FB and I felt so relieved when I closed my account. On the other hand I'm here willingly :) later

Hey! Welcome to the Steemit Community! I wish you a great time on the platform, hope you'll make many friends and I can't wait to see your content. I have followed your blog, you can check mine as well and if you like my content don't forget to drop a follow. Have a nice day & Steem on!

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