Hello There. Allow Me To Introduce Myself.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I think too much, they tell me. It's nothing new. Since childhood, I have always preferred to spend most of my time inside my head. Can you blame me? The world that exists beyond the metaphysical barriers of my mind is not so inviting. Certainly not when compared to the realm that lies wthin.

Within the depths of my own psyche, I am a God. No. That's inaccurate. I am the God. I have only the need to plant a single seed of imagination to conjure the most beautiful, or most monstrous of dreamscapes. Just like you, I am a creator of worlds-- whenever I close my eyes. But, I too am a creator of life. With a mere thought I am able to breathe a population into my newly-constructed imaginary world. Often, a population of improbably attractive women who have an unnatural desire to please their God.

Yes- within the confines of my mind, I reign supreme, and it is Glorious.

However, the second I return my attention to the external, I am reminded of how I am the furthest thing from a God in this world. My life on this plane of existence feels more akin to that of an ant. And no matter how fast I dance, I cannot seem to evade the concentrated beam of scorching sunlight that the evil little kid with the magnifying glass insists on pointing at me.

This is why they're wrong. I do not think too much. If anything, I do not think nearly enough.

I am here on Steemit for this exact reason. I long for the freedom to think more, and I believe this place may be able to provide me with that opportunity. If I am able to make enough of an income on Steemit, then I will no longer have to sacrifice so much of my time towards that life of a worker-ant, breaking my back just so that I and my family might be able to survive on the very land we were born.

In spite of the name, I am no fool. I do not expect to click "publish" on this post and be able to quit the 9-5 life a moment later. I am all too aware that I will need to work hard to achieve what I want here. But I am willing to give this a very good shot, because after weeks of investigating, I truly believe this place has a lot of potential for the common man such as myself.

Based on the introductory posts that I have reviewed before joining, it seems that it is customary to disclose personal information and a photograph. I hope that you will allow me to pass up on this tradition, as I don't feel comfortable sharing identifying information over the internet. I want my words to be the only thing that matters. So my name, age and favourite beverage shouldn't be of any relevance. Instead, I will use this introductory post to share with you all what I intend to do with this blog.

You can consider this a travel blog of sorts. No. I do not mean that I will be exploring the world and snapping photos to share with you. Do you really want to see pictures of the biggest cathedrals and churches in Europe? I can think of no reason, none that are logical at least, why anyone would want to look upon a symbol of power and oppression with excitement. Do you hope to see photos of food from restaurants around the world? Looking at food that you cannot eat is far too masochistic for the likes of me, and I have grown tired of observing the differing methods by which certain cultures decide to serve up dead bodies for consumption-- regardless of how artistically those corpses may be presented.

No. The only journeys I will be sharing on this travel blog, are those which require a trip down the freeway-of-thought to complete. So the next time I regain my senses only to realise that I have been daydreaming for twenty minutes, the first thing I shall do is write down what I was thinking and share it here on Steemit.

Whether my thoughts will be worthy of rewards is yet to be ascertained, but even if they are not, I hope that they will serve as an invitation for others to think a bit more. It seems that most of us don't indulge in the practice enough.

I may also share a little poetry and art, though I am by no means a professional.

I don't know what else to say. I am sorry for that. I've never been that competent in a social sense. But if you are interested in what I have to share, I invite you to follow me for, hopefully, some very interesting future posts.

Thank you for reading.


Nice one sir ! The post is too good to share among steemit communitites !

Welcome, thoughtfool. I'm the kind of person who lives in their head a lot, and am sometimes told that I "think too much." But the material plane of existence can be challenging and painful at times, and it is then that I most desire to protect myself with entertainment - music, acting, comedy, literature. The arts are a great nourishment for my soul.

I do sometimes feel that it is rather pleasant to shut off the mind for a while - sometimes when things get a bit too raucous in there. I wish you luck on this platform and hope you find what you are looking for, since you seem to be in search of something.

I believe I am searching for something worth searching for. Perhaps Steemit will assist me in this regard. Thanks a lot for your words. I too have an appreciation for the arts, and hope to contribute something worthwhile to the field myself at some point. Thanks for the warm welcome and please have agreat day.

Two Words: Descartes incarnate?

Welcome. Enjoyed your post immensely.

And via your posts, I hope to regularly join you "Down the Rabbit Hole".




As an ex-editor, I must say this:

You still have the opportunity to correct the double " that that" the evil kid...typo. And you are allowed to make multiple edits and corrections until your pay out (7 days) - Lord knows, I have.

Find some more tips in "Four Simple Steps for Effective Editing and Proofreading" - a short piece I posted a couple weeks ago.

Upvoted and following you now, amigo...

I really relate to your thoughts and point of view.
You are a GOD. and so am I.
This "reality" made of lies.
Like you, I'm hoping to win or at least, understand this game.
See you around ~

Welcome and greetings from me Bro, I From Indonesia, Papua Island..!

Thank you for posting this lovely moment in time for you. Followed...

Hi, I'm George. Welcome to Steemit. Feel free to interact with people, ask questions where you are confused and make friends. Here in Steemit, we love each other as family.

Hey! Welcome to Steemit. Loved the post. Looking forward to more content! Hope you have a good time.

Welcome abroad to steemit sea :) Wish your journey will be excited ones in the realm of minnows, dolphins and whales. Share your creative inner souls with all steemitians. ... Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @steemtrip

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