Oh, I'm alive! I'm alive! Hello, birds. Hello, trees.

I was never good at this. Telling the world who I am. Describing myself in 100 words or more, stating facts, that might well be true, but don’t really describe the person that I am.

Maybe it’s the way my brain is wired. I was never one for volunteering information. I’ll quite happily chat with you and answer questions but I seldom share anything about myself without prompting. I’m not exactly a wallflower but then again I’m not the most forward guy (1) in the world!

Maybe it’s the way I was brought up. For me there’s always been a stern internal voice that frowns on bragging or self-promotion, which this feels like. It has a few other buddies in there that like to criticise and belittle any attempts at trying to stand out or sticking your head above the parapets too. (2)

Maybe it’s because I don’t really like the spotlight all that much. Growing up I was trotted out on any sort of occasions to do my party piece and entertain whatever guests had arrived. I didn’t like it, but children don’t get any vote, or they didn’t in the last century anyway! ;) (3)

Whatever the reason I’m not at all happy about describing who I am. I mean how am I ever going to describe in words the kaleidoscope of facets that a person is, that I am? Oh I could state a lot of facts of where I live (4), and what kind of soup I like to eat (5) and how I know why the sky is blue (6), but that won’t tell you who I am. What might, is if you interact with me, talk to me or engage with me. You see we never truly start knowing people until we’ve spent some time with them. It’s then we see that, beyond words, the actions of a person and the way they treat others, is a truer method of showing us who a person really is. So I guess what I’m saying is if you want me to introduce myself properly you’re going to have to stick around for a long time! :) (7)

(1) Your first bit of concrete info, I’m a guy. ;)
(2) I may be schizophrenic, but then again everyone hears voices in their heads don’t they? ;)
(3) I’m old enough to be a child in the last century, so that makes me at least over 20! :P
(4) I live in Dublin, Ireland. Its lovely come visit! :)
(5) I’m a fan of mushroom and vegetable soup, though not together!
(6) It’s because of the Tyndall effect. (More about that in another post)
(7) And of course follow me and re-steem and all of that good stuff! ;)

For those that really need to know some information NOW! I found a post about “How to Do Your Steemit Introduction Post - Best Results” by vaansteam (55) while I was just browsing through various posts and decided that it might be a good template to answer questions about myself to (I did tell ye that I was ok at answering questions as opposed to volunteering info)! ;)
Link: https://steemit.com/basictraining/@vaansteam/how-to-do-your-steemit-introduction-post-best-results

What you do in life:

I HATE this question!! With a PASSION! It’s a question that everyone asks when they first meet you, “what do you do?”, as if your answer is going to reveal to them the sum total of your life! Most people answer with what they do for a living, as if that defines them! It doesn’t! My answer to “What do you do in life?” will always be, “As little as possible!” ;)

What you have done:

See above! :P

What projects you're working on:

I know you’ll probably think I’m taking the piss out of these questions so far, and you’d be right, but it’s just as far as my opinion on the first two questions goes. For this one, I can actually answer. I’m a big fan of projects! I like all sorts of them and I usually have 6 or 7 of them running in my brain at any given time. Every year I make Christmas presents for friends and family (this year I made 40 presents) and I also like doing DIY projects in my house. This year I am planning to build a lean-to shed in my tiny concrete garden, put a new set of gates on the back of the garden, build a murphy bed and craft room in my spare box room and try to DIY some sort of automation system in my house. Those are the major projects, there’s always a few more minor one’s that crop up during the year. :)

What interests you:

Like most people I like all sorts of things. Computers, arts & crafts, gaming, D&D, movies, books, music, DIY, poetry writing, puns, silliness, dancing when I’m drunk and lots of other stuff.

Talk about how you found Steemit:

My nephew’s fiancée told me about it and it sounded interesting. She’s sweet and funny and very thoughtful and amongst many other talents is a model, photographer, game designer and outstanding Neice-in-Law (almost). https://steemit.com/@eriluks

What you like about Steemit:

Well obviously the chance to get paid for writing stuff! ;). But I also like the fact that it does, from what I’ve seen from lurking the last couple of days, seem to be trying something new that will reward those who take an active part in the community.

How you will you add value to the community:

That’s a hard question to answer! Firstly cos there’s far too many you’s in there! :P. But in reality it’s hard to answer because ultimately it’s not going to be me that decides that, it’ll be up to the Steemit users to decide if I add any value to the community.

Too many ewe's

What type of content you will be posting:

I reckon it’ll be a combination of ranting, raving and generally carrying on mixed with a heavy dose of sarcasm and punnery! ;). I’ll stick up some poetry if I feel brave enough and maybe some project journals of the one’s I’m undertaking this year. My content will be like a sailboat, it’ll go where the wind takes me! ;)

What are you going to do for other people:

This one is fairly easy to answer. I am going to be myself and try to engage with people. Maybe I can share knowledge (possibly) or answer questions (hopefully) or share wisdom (doubtfully).

What are you going to help other people do:

Be their best selves and evolve into the people they’ve always wanted to be! GO TEAM STEEM!! I may be overselling how positive I really am in real life! :P

What are you going to teach other people:

Anything I can! I’m quite happy to share knowledge and help someone learn something new.

How may you add value to the community:

This is like Déjà vu! We may have been here before, quick someone do the lotto before time snaps back!

Thanks for reading, hopefully you'll let me know if the last two days of learning how to post on here has been worth it! (Yes it took me two days, yes I know I'm slow, yes it'll probably take me two days to reply to you too!) :P. The mask I made myself as I'm not ready yet to show the world my hideous visage! All of the pictures above, apart from the mask one, came from https://pixabay.com/

Well that's it folks! You've made it to the end of the post. By way of a reward here's a little poem for you. It's for everyone so you'll have to share!

Since I was told about Steemit
This new place on the net
Everyone is joining up
Except those who haven't yet
Maybe they don't see it
It's possibilities
They're missing out cos they could
Interact with you and me
So much worldly knowledge
All gathered in one space
Click the links that you desire
Elevate your mental space


Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks warjar. :)

Yep this is how it works @theblackcrow. You go comment on somebody's post and hopefully it's interesting enough to take them back to your blog to find out a little about you :). Well that's what happened here. And I'll be damned but I read a lot of myself in that introduction. Followed for sure. I've even already interacted with you niece-in-law before I met ya. How's dat! Welcome. Get your self along to the Discord channels, you should enjoy it there.

Firstly thanks for the comment. :). If you read a lot of yourself in that intro then maybe we're long lost twins? ;). My niece in law is a sweetheart and I'm always glad when I get to interact with her, hopefully you felt the same. I'm a bit of a slow learner so I'm just focusing on trying to do 1 post at least per day and trying to read up some of the stuff that comes up on my feed. I'll get to the Discord stuff in time though. :). It was interesting reading up on your articles about trading. It's not something I'd be into but having an insight into something new is always good, even if it's only information for bluffing or pub quizzes. :). I had a look at your posts and noticed that some of your "LearnToTrade" videos are not loading for me. I don't know if it's just for me or whether it's a problem with the video's. It gives this error "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported". Just thought I'd give you a heads up. :).

Good stuff @theblackcrow. Clever and engaging post. I too like to dance when I'm drunk and also play the drums as well.

I think you will fit in perfectly with Steemit :)

Thanks robertandrew. :). I've never tried to play the drums whilst drunk dancing but hey on your recommendation I'll give it a go! ;)

Welcome to steemit - you have intrigued me and for that I will follow because I am curios to see what your future posts will bring

Thanks anneke. :). I haven't a clue what my future posts will bring so it'll be a surprise to us both! ;)

Welcome and excellent post - surely deserves a follow. Keep them coming.

Thanks alishi, you're very kind to say so. :). I'll do my best! ;)

This was an amazing introduction ! Absolutely loved it , such a good read! Well done and welcome to steemit !!! Upvoted and resteemed x

Thanks Erika, you're a wee sweetheart so you are! :). Hope your day has gotten better! :)

Haha it has after I read your amazing post ! :) gave me a giggle ^^ the mask is amazing by the way ! Cant imagine how you made it !

Desperation is how I made it! I was desperate not to show my face! Oh and paper, lots of paper! ;). Glad you had a giggle, thanks again for the sweet comment! :)

Welcome aboard, great to have you here!

Thanks kamalamacan. Tis great to be here! :)

Welcome to Steem. Congratulations! It's an awesome community. I followed you. Please follow back. Good Luck.

Hi, thanks for the welcome. Just listening to one of your videos. If you know the way, I'll follow you! ;)

Thank you. Hope you crush it here.

Welcome on Steemi ;) nice introduction

Thanks! :). Haven't a clue what I'm doing but I'll figure it out eventually. :)

welcome theblackcrow!

Thanks. :). At the moment you're 'garden' the bottom of my comments! ;)

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