Hello steemit ... this is my first post :)

hello .. my name is Muhammad Taqdirul Alim or you can call me "taqdir"..... i am 22 years old and i am still a college student in economic sciences university of syiah kuala.

hello .. nama saya Muhammad Taqdirul Alim atau nama panggilan "taqdir" ..... saya masih 22 tahun dan sekarang masih berstatus mahasiswa ilmu ekonomi di universitas syiah kuala.


in addition to busy as a student, everyday I often spend my time to explore interesting places to visit such as beaches, mountains, waterfalls and many others. usually I often travel with my closest friends and also new friends who have the same hobby.

selain dengan kesibukan sebagai mahasiswa, sehari-hari saya sering menghabiskan waktu dengan menjelajah tempat yang menarik untuk dikunjungi seperti pantai, pegunungan, air terjun dan banyak lainnya. biasanya saya sering bepergian dengan teman-teman terdekat saya dan juga teman-teman baru yang mempunyai hobi yang sama.



in the end of this short introductory post, I give thank to @alvaro (Bang alva) hehehee ... who had previously invited me to join @steemit.
and for all my steemit friends, I hope we can be friends and can continue to share knowledge and stories, so through this steemit we can be a family: D

*di akhir tulisan perkenalan singkat ini, saya berterima kasih kepada @alvaro017 (Bang alva) hehehee ... yang sebelumnya telah mengajak saya bergabung dengan @steemit.
dan untuk semua teman-teman steemit, harapan saya kita bisa menjadi teman dan bisa terus saling berbagi pengetahuan dan cerita, sehingga melalui steemit ini, kita bisa menjadi keluarga ... AMIIIN :D



Welcome to Steem @taqdirul94 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Hi @taqdirul94 welcome me to same here yesterday I in here, good to me here together. Bless you . i follow you , you can follow me, have a great day. I upvoted you. BE SALAMAT, JUMPA LAGI .

Selamat bergabung bro @taqdirul94.
Selamat berkarya dan berimajinasi di platform Steemit.

Saleum Rakan Steemit.

hehehehee terimong genaseh bang @alvaro17 :D

What's up mate! Good on ya for joining Steemit. Your life is much different than mine here in Australia. I went to Bandung when I was in the Air Force and your people were so awesome to us. I look forward to following your blog :)

Welcome :)!


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.
It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

welcome friend on steemit if you want to earn more se my intro post
which i post 2 day ago and see how i explan my self and how much i earn on it. its really helpfull for you my friend if you learn something so help other
in this way i am happy is not about money its about your inner good person .

Hey there! Welcome to the fastest growing monetized platform for bloggers and writers. You may find it easy to quit and not persist because it is tough here at times.

Nevertheless persistence beats luck.

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