I Almost Died...

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I have to admit.

I was tempted to write a superficial, "sunshine and rainbows" post as an introduction here.

But I won't.

This platform, Steemit, is truly something different. I already love the community here.

So allow me to strip my inhibitions, and go skinny dipping in your stream of consciousness.

This is part of my story. And it's something that everything can relate to on some level.

We all face struggles. We all get challenged to our breaking point.

And those are the experiences that make us stronger!

Coal turns into a diamond only under intense pressure.

By sharing our experiences, we relate, connect with each other and help each other shine our light.

So that’s why I want to share a story with you..

I was 19 years old.

A lost college kid. Chronically anxious, more overweight than I’ve ever been, craving attention from my peers. I had zero self-confidence and zero direction in life.

I was completely out of touch with my heart, my purpose and my authenticity.

So I partied. And I partied hard. It was partly me trying to be cool, but mostly about escaping from the UNBEARABLE inhibitions and fears I had.

And one day, it all came to a head.

I was at a party at a friends house. And I decided to take shots of liquor, continuously, until I blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital. With no memory of what happened.

It was the morning and I was still drunk. I felt a surreal swirl of drunkenness and guilt.

I don’t remember talking to any doctors. I just remember my friends arriving to pick me up soon after I regained consciousness.

Later, I learned that I had passed out on the hood of a car in a parking lot while trying to walk home. Someone had seen me there at about 5am and called an ambulance.

At the hospital, my blood alcohol content was 0.31. And that was a few hours after I stopped drinking! Anything over 0.40 is basically death, and I’m certain my levels were that high before I passed out on the car.

I must have had a guardian angel. Because how I survived that blows my mind.

The rest of that weekend was filled with phone calls with my mom, dad and other family members. They were scared for my life and just.. sad.

I felt like I let them down. I felt like a burden. I felt like I was causing so much unnecessary pain for them. And that was true!

I was sent to a school psychologist for an evaluation. When I first found out that I needed to get a mental health evaluation, I resisted and downplayed everything. “It’s not a big deal," I thought.

But deep down, I knew that this was a wake up call. I spoke with the psychologist about my intention to pursue health, fitness and self-development. Expressing myself in that way (which I did with my mom also) helped me uncover the lesson in this crazy experience.

So as soon as I was able to really think about what happened with a clear head, I made a firm decision that things HAD to change.

That’s what it took. A FIRM DECISION.

I was at a giant fork in the road of my life. I could keep going down the same path, spiraling downward, or I could choose to create myself in a completely new way.

I chose the latter. Actually, I chose the ladder. Because I started to climb.

I started eating healthier, going to the gym and reading books on personal development and spirituality. Eckhart Tolle and Osho in particular, struck a deep chord with me. They acted as mentors who helped guide me along my new path through their words.

And it didn’t stop there. I kept building momentum. As I got healthier – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – life started shifting for me.

I become happier, more confident and purposeful.

Where I am today is due to that single firm decision I made. That one pivot to this direction CHANGED EVERYTHING.

And here’s the thing: The “worst” thing that ever happened to me was actually the best thing that ever happened to me.

That wake up call did just that. It woke me up. And ever since then I’ve become more and more conscious, more and more loving, and more and more of a person who positively impacts the lives of others.

I wish to share my light with you. I wish to shine and help you shine too.

I want to spark the infinite genius that is within us all.

We’re all in this together. We’re all connected. We’re all parts of the same whole.

What’s your story? What's been your best worst experience? Feel free to reply below. The simple act of sharing can be absolutely transformative.

Much love.

Stevie P!

Find Me Elsewhere



Welcome Stephen. I have a similar story, but walking up in jail, with my hands still in cuffs. Apparently I'd blacked out and tried to go home, but tried to get into a door that locked at 11. Campus cop called the real cops and I managed to kick a cop, so that gave me three days to freak out about if I'd ever get out.

But that wasn't enough for me, took a few more years of suffering and trouble to give up drinking. And then something amazing happened. Someone asked me if I was ever happy. That got me thinking, why am I not happy? That led me to Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, and Wayne Dyer. I more recently found Anthony DeMello, Osho and really enjoy Allan Watts.

Abraham-hicks and the Law of Attraction hold a lot of sway in my thinking. I started to see my part in every event in my life, and also began to change my thinking and see real results, and the world became more friendly to me as I became more friendly towards it. Wonderful coincidences started to become more obvious and amazing as I watched my life transform.

Sounds like you are already on a good path, and glad your here on steemit. I know it is the best place I've found since reddit for good discussions. This is better for finding real people.

Wow. Thanks for sharing. We're definitely on a similar wavelength.

Wish you and all of us Strength to walk the Path to Illumination.
You, guys, mentioned several names of which only Abraham Hicks is familiar to me. Will check them out.
See y’all on stem!
Best regards,

Thank you Alex!

I currently have low voting power but I believe this post deserves an upvote. Welcome to Steemit Stevie! I’m glad that you’re here. Steemit needs people who loves to write and not just spam the platform. You have an amazing story, I’m sure it will inspire a lot of Steemians too. Looking forward to your future posts. By the way, you might want to add #ocd-resteem as one of your tags so that OCD will be able to find your post, they’re amazing curators here in Steemit who loves quality contents. Best of luck! Steem on! 🤗💚

Thank you!

Hello.. so lovely to meet you.. I really enjoyed your post and your story, Osho was a big mentor for me a couple of years ago too.. as I was trying to find another way, a more fulfilling and sustainable way.. Namaste, keep shining, I'm following you, I like your vibe :)

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