
I am having a late night drinking a few beers worried about possible flooding and listening to your Deception podcast episode 1. I think you are very talented. I have a very hard time with social cues and I feel that I am very naive and taken advantage of often. I will be listening to all of these. How did you get so interested in the subject of deception?

Wow, thanks so much! Flooding is a terrible thing to worry about. Beer helps. Rum helps more : )

I'm really glad to hear you are interested in the Deception Tips Podcast. I became interested because it is something that everyone experiences every day. Yet, we don't even know it. It happens under the radar. However, if we train ourselves to pay attention then it is almost as if a whole new world of communication and understanding opens up!

Based on your enjoyment of the podcast, you may be interested in the deception books I have available. Connect with me on other social media so we can message back and forth.

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