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RE: | AN IMMIGRANTS' TALE | The Khmerican Family Abroad | #1 - My Introductory Post |

Wowzerz! That's fascinating stuff.. That's coming from an American living in and married to a Malaysian, Tamil Indian.. All the best to you and your family in the western hemisphere.. Steem is an interesting place in and of itself, things are a bit tumultuous within this ecosystem but there are amazing people and in the end making connections and sharing our experiences is what it's all about.

That's my perspective of course. I'm not here to milk the roi and compete with anyone.. I came to freely express myself and not have to filter my voice..

Cheers, I look forward to your future contributions.. Welcome!

Posted using Partiko Android


LOL I was reading homies intro post and I’m like I gotta tag the skra man he’s like to know that there are halfmericans out there! Damn y’all find each other fast

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can spot an americant in a flash! 🤓

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol it’s the same for me when I’m abroad, South Africans are easy to spot too, they’re normally speaking Afrikaans with the most vulgar use or singing local songs for some reason we get hella patriotic when we cross boarders! When we at home, we think the place is shit

Posted using Partiko iOS

You thinking of crossing into Thailand for the fest of steem? I'm still considering being in the same vicinity and basically trolling the official events..

I see some potentially outrageous times sharing our patriotic songs and catching a ping pong show...

Posted using Partiko Android

I am keen on Steem first I just didn’t think I’d have anyone to hang with lol I’d be interested to see what’s going on there and at least check it off my list

Lol sounds like you could make it worth the trip I don’t want to just be geek talking for a week

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @chekohler

Is there any chance I could DM you? Do you use telegram? or discord? I've some questions I wanted to ask you (outside blockchain).


Speaking of South Africa, with the Dutch language spoken everywhere, and the massive Indian and African population here, Suriname honestly reminds me a bit of South Africa. And yes you can find Americants just about anywhere. I gotta be honest, I haven't seen one yet in Suriname though.

Hey @skramatters, thanks for the read. Life is a crazy experience indeed. I love Malaysia. I got to visit a bit of Malacca and the surrounding areas many years ago with a friend from Singapore. I found Malaysia to be one of the friendliest and most beautiful countries I have ever seen. It's a shame their immigration policy is a bit restrictive, but I certainly enjoyed my tourist visa there. Also, Malaysians are among the most well-behaved international tourists that I have seen. I enjoy seeing more genuine interaction on here that isn't solely crypto-based. Give thanks for reading, and stay tuned. I'll give you a follow. Do you post about life in Malaysia? I'll be sure to check your blog when I get a chance. Give thanks again @skramatters.

@justinparke my apologies for the late response, my go to steem app is bugging out per usual on notifications.

Life is a trip indeed. Malaysia is a beautiful place as a true melting pot that has its diverse roots firmly planted in its silk road origins there is no place on Earth quite like it.

Immigration is strict and I'd not advise anyone to seek citizenship here, especially an American! For a myriad of reasons but as long term visa holder(crossing fingers) it's a great place to live.

I don't have any rhyme or reason to my content here. I'm all over the place, I tend to focus on satire, levity, and the peculiar. I'm certainly not taking my self seriously and nobody else should either.

Cheers, and yes give thanks!

Yeah it's such a shame Malaysia doesn't open itself up more for immigration. It is already such a multicultural place. If anything ever changes in the visa department, I'll be the first to attempt it. I have an American friend living in a mix of Thailand and Malaysia due to his long-term visa woes. Anyways, keep living the dream. We are surrounded by Indonesians and Javanese here in Suriname, so it's not a world away from you. There are signs of SE Asia all over the place here. I'll be sure to tune in to your content. Thanks again.

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