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Quite some goals you’ve set for yourself :0)
I think the numbers are a little too optimistic, in my case, but I guess I’m up for the race.
My account would have been a lot bigger if I hadn’t migrated to a new account. The old account was at 51 already, had more than 500 followers and more than 600 posts.. it still hurts a bit when I think about leaving that all behind.

Still, I think that getting a new username (@simplymike instead of @mike314-0005) was a smart move. On a platform like SteemIt you need a username that’s easy to remember and - even more important - easy to spell.

Considering this new account is only 25 days old, I think I’ve done a pretty good job getting 212 followers and making 409 posts. (Wow, if you do the math, that’s like more than 16 posts/comments per day - I’ve been quite busy, lol)

You’re giving some good tips there. Interaction is the key to getting more followers.

I think every once in a while you should take a step back and take a look at your own behaviour: why do you start following someone? What makes you upvote something or reply to something?
Then, use that information to get more followers, comments and upvotes.

I do think the tip ‘follow others’ needs a word of warning.
It’s indeed a very good way to get more followers, because many users have a policy to follow everyone back. The backside of this is that your feed becomes large fast and it’s hard to follow up on the people you really want to follow up on.

So I think it’s important to clean up your feed every once in a while by unfollowing some people if you notice you don’t interact with them anyway.

Also, it can be very useful to set up your own personal feed list by creating an RSS feed URL for the blog of the people in your ‘inner-circle’, and load those URLs in an external feed reader like This allows you to keep an overview and tighten the connections with the people in your inner circle.

Okay, time to break it off. Since a lot of my comments have a post-sized length, and according to the stats I make like 16 a day, one would start thinking if I ever took time to sleep... ;0)

But to come back to the reason I started this comment: I’ll race you :0)


Thanks! @simplymike and yeah... i think the new username was a good decision, I prefer it big time to the previous one that looks like your name and phone number
That warning is much appreciated and i had to check back on my post to notice that i ommitted that. However the RSS feed suggestion is very welcome and I'll do well to check it out.
I'm up for any race but i think you're way ahead of me. That is not such a bad thing though as it gives me something or in this case someone to chase. Cheers! :D

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