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RE: Transparency Bot is going online to help fight the rampant rise in bidbots and their long term devastating effect on our platform.

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

@transparencybot is not about judging, but about transparency. I’m sure that if the community thinks your work is of good quality, the message sent by @transparencybot will have no impact at all.


You're right, but I don't want to see a spammy comment on each my post, asking people to upvote it and delegate some SP.

I can agree that there is no need to ask for an upvote. If people like it, they will upvote without being asked. And @bycoleman, maybe you could add the delegation links to the introductory post you are referring to?

That's the question, why does the bot needs delegation if its purpose is only to show readers that author has used upvote bots?
I mean the bot creator just want to make some money like everyone on steemit. And I think his hypocrisy is much worse than bidbots usage...

If I understood correctly it needs a valuable upvote to counter the downvotes it will get, so it will not be made invisible by those downvotes
@bycoleman, can you confirm this?

Many people are downvoting the comments so they do not show.

If the bot or someone else does not upvote them, then they will be hidden and serve no purpose.

Soon there will be a consorted effort to out SP the bot so the comments are never shown. Several posters have already begun to power up (which is great), but that power will directed at the bot to try to shut it down.

The message was changed yesterday. No upvote or delegation is requested.

exactly, and also telling everyone if you used more than one bot to make money. the message is actually confrontational and not very nice. to boot they upvote themselves and ask for a deli. LOL yikes

The message no longer asks for upvotes or delegations. This was removed yesterday shortly after getting the bot in full gear. Your feedback and others were very helpful on this regard.


The post from transparencybot is like spam, it looks like crap on the comment section of the blog post. And the blockchain is transparent, all anyone needs to do is look at the wallet of anyone on this platform and they can see every transaction. This bot is crap and not needed.

exactly! i totally agree

This is unasked for spam. I agree with you 100%

I had just followed you and was excited to learn more about you. But when I saw that you guys used a bid bot, that told me everything that I need to know about you. In ten seconds, you are not just going to be unfollowed. You are going to be MUTED!

Do you think @dunite actually cares that you followed him/her? No fucking way, you should mute your fucking self.

exactly, you are my hero!

Go ahead. Mute me and hide in your filter bubble. Or, encounter me. Social intercourse is about giving, not taking. Human relationships, even isolated encounters, are sacred. Whenever you disagree with something I post, say so, in whatever terms you choose to express yourself. I will consider your thoughts.

My most significant achievement in life is the large number of mistakes that I have made and false ideas that I have embraced. You can quantify the maturity of a person by counting the number of times he or she has apologized and/or admitted that he or she is wrong.

there are so many groups and people using bots! you look fairly new, maybe do more research before passing judgment. if you like the content, which is what steemit is about ... what would a bot matter?

I am new, and I am willing to admit being wrong if it appears that I am. But I am a trained economist, and my trained instincts tell me that gaming the system will destroy it. There's an old saying in monetary economics that is closely related: "Bad money drives out good".

I'd like to have a respectful conversation about each of the types of bots currently in use or emerging, in which we take a good look at whether they are good, or bad, for the platform.

however, you do not know what has been going on for months now including bots being used by many. after only one month on there is a lot of info you are not yet familiar with and you are making a judgment based not all on facts.
thus was the first comment left to you was you are too new to make these statements and basically bottom line is to do the research first before trying to defend something you do not understand. that said, there are people on here that have been on awhile that feel if someone puts in money to the bots and feels the only one getting rich are those owning bots that may be a better argument.
try looking at all the owners of bots first ... someone making money off of a "transparency bot" is still doing exactly as you stated above. do you know what a deli is? do you know that steemit is already transparent? these are things that need to be looked at before taking sides. anyhoo, good luck on your endeavors on steemit. making people upset when being new is not something one can easily overcome. the community is still small.

I'm here to give, not to take. The probationary period goes both ways. I agree with much of what you say involving me being a newbie. But ad hominem attack responses just tell me that the person can't articulate why I am wrong.

I don't mind being shown that I am wrong. I appreciate it and will thank the person for it. But the childish responses and behaviors will result in the kind of responses from me that they deserve.

yet when you are given the correct response and law to back it up you continue your behavior instead of doing the suggested research. thus the comment you havent seen what we have and how things change.
this subject is dead so im done. i prefer not to keep repeating whats been said over and over. peace

I think that @transparencybot is the best thing I've seen yet here. You guys who are paying for exposure are selfish, morally ignorant people who don't get the concept of community.

We don't need your shitty content or your even more shitty predatory personality here. I personally wish that you all DID leave. Three cheers to @transparencybot.

I'm glad you think that it is the best thing here. selfish/ignorant? What does using a bot have to do with community? Is this platform fair for all users in the community?

We don't need your fucking twisted perspective on the issue and it's best if you shut your fucking mouth.

This is a public platform and you are free to write anything you want on any post, but you shouldn't be condescending to those you do not know.

That being said, I see what you have wrote and it would be best IMO that you take your shitty worthless posts and leave the platform. Do us all a favor and go fuck yourself and leave the platform.

Thanks for providing even more evidence that you are a selfish person who flags people merely because you don't like what they have to say. If everyone was like you, we'd all destroy the platform in a nuclear flag war. I'm not going to flag you because I'm not that kind of person. My policy is to UPVOTE people who disagree with me. So you are getting an upvote from me.

You assumed that I flagged your post b/c I did not like what you have to say. While in fact, when you read the message that appears before you flag, one of them are 'Hate Speech or Internet Trolling'.

Your initial post described your personality from the get go. And for someone that just came in last month, you sure have no problem shooting your mouth off with no respect at all. It actually does not matter b/c crypto and a decentralized system is a free for all and the wild wild west.

Nuclear flag war huh? If you look at my history from July 2017, I have flagged one other person, that is it. You and this new bot were number 2 and 3. There are a lot of people that flag every single week. I have flagged 3 times in 10 months.

In addition, since I have been on this platform since July 17, I have never been in one argument with anyone with the exception of today. So congratulations, you are the first.

One can get a misconception from my reply post that I am an aggressive poster based on the profanity used. But if you look at every single one of my posts or comments from July 17, you will see that I do not use profanity or swear in any of the posts. Your reply brought it out and I think that people need to stand up to what they believe is right.

Commenting on posts is fine, when a bot FORCES an unwelcome comment that has zero value on a post is SPAM. One only needs to look at a wallet to see if they were using a bot.

I personally do not need upvotes that are of zero value...

Please remove the flag. My post is neither hate speech or trolling. If you disagree, please give me the courtesy of stating the ground for your flag, with enough specificity so that I and others can form an opinion regarding whether your flag is reasonable.

BTW, IMO flags should not be used for hate speech, for the same reasons that there is no "hate speech exemption" to the First Amendment in the United States.

Since you were merely standing up for what you think is right, we have that in common. That's all I was doing. Neither one of us should be flagged for speaking our minds.

I happen to think that the comments by @transparencybot are of great value. It feels like it would if you were caught masterbating, doesn't it, to have everyone see that you paid for your votes and that you paid to rob the rewards pool? Those comments expose you for what you are, for what you KNOW that you are. That is why they are so embarrassing for you, and so hilariously funny for the rest of us.

You have no option or any control over any flags that you get, and based on what I have read, your going to get your share if you continue on this platform.

Again, READ what determines a flag as written by the developers of this platform. 'Hate speech and Internet trolling' is one of the items. Re-read your initial post, tell me that it has no hate in

First Amendment? Let me enlighten you a bit, that applies if your in the USA, the blockchain is worldwide. There are people posting from countries all over the world and the first amendment does not apply...

And I know it is very hard for you to comprehend, but this blockchain is transparent. All anyone needs to do is look at a wallet for anyone on this platform and see every single transaction, comment, post, reply, purchase. Can you wrap your head around that concept??? Apparently not...

It is not like we received the shit post from this bot and got Even the postpromoter bot sends a post indicating the vote percentage it gave.

I do appreciate that you are dialoging. You indicate the flag is because my post seems hateful or motivated by or expresses hate. Is that accurate? Are there any other grounds?

You are correct that the First Amendment reaches only acts or omissions of the federal (and State) governments of the United States. My point is that there are compelling reasons why there is no "hate speech exemption"; hate speech is fully protected. (See e.g. Snyder (2011))

My post did not express hate, either of you or of any identifiable group. If I beat the fuck out of you, it would not be a "hate crime" under California law. My post merely spoke against the practice of paying bot operators to upvote your post. My post expressed my disapproval and opposition in strong terms because I feel strongly about the issue.

I hate selfishness. Selfishness ruins everything. The difference between selfish and normal, unselfish, behavior, is analogous to the difference between cancer cells and normal cells. Normal cells promote their own self interest in a manner that benefits the body of which they are a part, and within which they have a purpose. Cancer cells promote their own self interest with a "fuck everyone else" attitude, with no concern for the effect of their behavior on other cells or on the body as a whole.

The behavior that we are discussing, paying bots to upvote so that you gain exposure, robbing the rewards pool in the process, is a cancer on the platform that will destroy steemit if it spreads. Perhaps you just never thought of it this way before and will thank me for bringing this perspective to your attention.

If so, then please remove the flag and join me in the fight against cancer.

Snyder v. Phelps, 131 S. Ct. 1207 - Supreme Court 2011

Sounds like a very balanced and fair perspective to me, @glennolua . “You can say whatever you want, just don’t disagree with me”. Got it.

I'm glad you see it as fair and balanced... if you don't like what is written, say it straight up or don't write anything at all....

I Agree the comment looks like other loud bot spam, but I think for example an outsider who lands on trending wouldn’t go look into someone’s wallet...

YOu will never hear me say that it is perfect, but it is a step in the right direction: bringing awareness about the problem of upvote bots (I know there are many more, but I’m already happy with one step in one direction)

IMO, most of the bot users are minnows that send in 5-10 SBD to get something back for their post. They do not care if their post is on any trending page at all.
I see this as a small crypto savings account that may have more value in the future. I can continue to grow it slowly for potential future monetary gains.

I'm not sure how the abusers of the bid bods can be addressed as it is hard to tell someone to stop abusing the system.

There are others here that have multiple accounts with high SP that are really abusing the system. They make 1000's of dollars in withdrawals a month and are living off Steem/SBD's. This is the stuff that should be stopped, but the high profile people (witnesses) just turn their heads the other way.

Don’t get me started on all the things that need to be fixed around here, lol. I can go on for a day or two...

The real fixing should be done by SteemIt Inc., but they don’t care and they don’t do anything.

The fact that a lot of early adopters are stuck in their circle-jerking and don’t care about the community, only about the money is a huge problem.

But we are small and can only do so much...

Those minnows that invest $5-$10 in bots are not going to be addressed by the bot. I must admit, I am not innocent in this. I do send money to the bots, although i realize I shouldn’t. But I have invested quite some money into Steem, and I never got a payout as high as $50, even when buying upvotes.

You know people are throwing $100s at a time to the bots??

I'm using $25-30 to buy upvotes for every post and getting payout around the same amount + some SP and I think this system is useful for platform, especially for minnows, since whales and dolphins has much more ways for promotion.
Also, let's not forget that main vote sellers like @minnowbooster and @smartsteem has limits and they use rating systems, so that they won't upvote shitposts. Maybe someone will use bidbots to make money on a low-quality post, but leaving spammy comments under everyone's posts in a row is not a solution. In my opinion this bot is not more useful then bot posting BTC price.
And I still havn't got an answer, why does this bot need SP? What it will be used for? It's not supporting minnows or quality posts, it's just leaving comments. If I'm not wrong no SP needed to post a comment.

Yeah, there are some dolphins/whales that throw in 75-100 at a time to the larger bots. Their posts and payouts are like $700+, that is abuse.

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