Self introduction - Shlomit Schatzmayr, visual artist

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Self Portrait with Muses, Vienna 2016

Hello Steemit world,
happy to meet you all.
My name is Shlomit Schatzmayr, I am a visual artist, currently based in Vienna, Austria.
When I tell people that I'm a visual artist they immediately ask: "but what exactly do you do"?
Well, that is a question which is not easy to answer ;D though I'll try my best.
I work mainly for fashion and stage, but not only. I create with cameras, makeup, textiles, lights and bodies.
Colours, movement and the human body are a great inspiration for me and you can clearly see that in my images, videos and performance work.
I also write from time to time.

With my work for Vangardist Magazine, photo by karel fernández

I work with magazines and designers, creating images on every stage- concept, production, photography, make up & hair and styling.
I travel the world exhibiting, judging and bodypainting.
I combine my creativity with my own personal genious, to creat new, innovative, tech creations for photos, stage and exhibitions.
I had my own body-art performance group called "The Alternative Paint Cabaret", where I created full concept shows, choreographed, painted and performed.
Heck, I even had my own fanzines for quite a few years.
At the moment I am working on my first visual art book, titled "DreamLand", that will be published in June 2018, with Monochrom publishing. Tastes of the book will be showing on this profile here and there ;)

Working on DremLand, photo by D.

I am also a volunteer photographer for Animal Care Austria and would be happy to share these stories with you, if you're interested.

Volunteering with ACA (and adorable Petty!), photo by Czerula Attila, Hungary 2017

So very shortly, I guess that pretty much sums it up :D
If you wish to know more about me, you can take a look at my website: where you can find my full cv for download.

Thank you for reading,
Happily yours-


Servus Shlomit!

willkommen auf Steemit. Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schaue einfach mal in unserem Chat vorbei:

Hi and thank you very much!
I will check it out ;)

Welcome :))

Thank you :)

Hey there! You seem like an awesomely multi-talented creative, looking forward to seeing more. Cheers, P.

Thank you very much ^_^

welcome! very interesting work!

Thank you very much :)

Shlomit? Sounds Israeli. :) If so - come join IsraSteem!

Welcome to the mess! Following you and hoping to see more of your awesome art. <3

אכן כן, למרות ששנים כבר לא מתגוררת בישראל ;)
תודה רבה על קבלת הפנים והפולואו!

איזו השקעה באמנות
מעוררת השראה

תודה רבה :)

כן, אמנים רבים מוצאים את עצמם יותר באירופה וארהב
בכל מקרה - ברוכה הבאה!! אמנם אין לנו מספרים וממון כמו לאוסטרים פה, ואין תמיכה ביישור לתוכן עברי, אבל תמיד כיף לראות עוד דוברי עברית פה

תודה רבה! :)
בטוחה שגם זה יגיע, הישראלים בסוף ישלטו פה ;D

אני עובדת על זה

Sehr cool eine “neue” tolle Wienerin hier zu treffen! Ich hoffe, dass Du mal zu unserem Stammtisch kommst oder zumindest in den #steemit austria channel. Viel Spaß hier in unserem steemit cocoon 🌺

Ich komme auch mit, wusste eben nicht, dass es sowas gibt. Toll was man alles so erfahren kann.

Hi and thank you for the warm welcome! <3

Ein herzliches Willkommen auch von mir! Deine Kunst bewegt und fasziniert!

Schön, dass du bei unserer Steemit-Austria-Gruppe dabei bist :)

Thank you very much! :) :) :)

Great to see you here darling. 💛

Thank you for telling me about this place :*

Welcome to Steem @shlomit. Feel free to follow me @kanasite and upvote. Cheers :)

Thank you! :) Very nice to meet you, all the best of luck with your new business, let me know if you ever need a photographer in Vienna ;)

WElcome to steemit. I hope you will have good time here. wish you success!

Thank you very much! :)

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