introduceyourself on steemit

My Name is Shehroz Bilal Im 19years old im Student of 2nd year I Belong to a Middel class Family
When i heared the steemit so im very impress to see the work of steemit i realized that i can change my life on steemit many peoples changed the life and this is golden chance for me to change my life and i complete my wishes by using steemit and i thanks to all for my spurt and thanks steemit team becasce i day by day in progressing


Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


im very happy to see your comment thanks i will do my best dear please upvote

Welcome in this wonderful community

Pleasure to have you here , Best of luck

thank you dear

Welcome to steemit! Nice post!
i hope you enjoy this community as i do!
I followed and upvoted you :)
Hope you like my posts too, im also pretty new here.
I did this compilation of info and useful links to help new users :
Hope you find it useful, feel free to ask any questions in the comments :)

thanks dear for spurting me

Welcome to Steemit
I enjoyed your post and I'm pleased to meet you!
Please help us grow @chamika Follow/UpVote/Resteem
Original Content.i hope you enjoy this community

ok i will try my best

Greetings From Mr. Crypto!
I enjoyed your post and I'm pleased to meet you!

Please help us grow @rehab22 Follow/UpVote/Resteem
Original Content.

thanks dear friend

first you have to do is build a network of friends. that's the key to steemit as far as I'm concerned, though I myself do not have enough time to do it

welcome aboard! I put this together for new people to steemit you may find it helpful:

ok thanks for guiding

ok thanks for guiding

hi Shehroz Bilal i Just upvote to you and follow back

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