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RE: Hello. I Want to End War.

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

You can end war when you end the consciousness of it. War is an unfortunate inherent part of our human nature. “War is the continuation of politics by other means” - Carl Von Clausewitz

When you find out that war is nothing more than an internal hardwired intention in us then you can fix the problem. Let's face it, no one likes a person in their own back yard at 2am. The problem is human intention more than anything. That needs to be fixed before anything else.

So, unless you can end politics I would say you have an uphill battle of your own. That means the war on war. Oh wait? Does that sound correct?

Perhaps you can think about that statement. To say you want to end war would not be as functional as "I want to spread peace." I appreciate the post. The problem you are trying to fix will take years and new generations of getting destroyed to learn. Learning in the masses comes by either pain or education. War is hard wired in caveman as they fought against other clans for resources.

There was a young man walking down the street and happened to see a old man sitting on his porch. Next to the old man was his dog, who was whining and whimpering. The young man asked the old man “What’s wrong with your dog” The old man said “He’s laying on a nail”. The young man asked “Laying on a nail?, Well why doesn’t he get up?” The old man then replied “It’s not hurting bad enough.”

Human beings are like this...
Exactly as that, the pain would have to hurt as greater than anything for us to learn and take action. Otherwise peace will be a slow drip of morphine. I understand where your heart sits but there are deeper issues here. By no means should you stop your pursuit.

The world must have growing pains for this to occur. Pain does bring growth and this is completely ignored as being part of the human evolution. Chaos also brings order as well. I am not happy these things exist but they do. Opposition also brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony. I am not happy about it, but I understand it. It does not mean we can't bring peace, but it has to be a big enough shock for the whole a generation to feel. Change can come fast through shock and volatility.

“Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty.”
― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder

I appreciate your thought and good post. We can win through humanity and understanding who we are at the core level. Get to the core and you will find an answer. Find the answer and you will have to implement it on a grand scale. Implement and find that people will hate you and wage war against you. My heart breaks every time I hear about Ghandi. He did make a change. He also died for it. He did a good job.


I don't know if you follow Caitlin Johnstone at all. If not you should, she's really great.

Well, in a speech she gave a while back she made an important point to consider. "We are in an unprecedented situation", she said, " there are now 4.5 Billion people on the internet."

She points out that in an unprecedented situation we cannot pretend to know the outcome because it is something that has never occurred before. This is where we are now with the whole globe connected. Four and a half Billion people can instantly communicate a message to each other. Four and a half Billion people can instantly join a movement. All we need is to agree on something. I'm suggesting we start by agreeing to end war, (or to spread peace, that is a nicer way of putting it).

The point is, we can't look to history to predict the future right now. We are in the middle of something that has never happened before, and now, more than ever before, we are on the cusp of something brand new happening.

Further more, when it comes to things like this, even if it doesn't work out, it's still worth supporting. It's still worth trying just to be able to say we tried. Maybe the global elites crush this peace movement just like every one before it, but it's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all.

P.S. Here's a link to the Caitlin Johnstone Video I mentioned.

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