Who am I and why should you care?

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

This week I made a film about me, so that you may know who you are following. I felt it was time.

My life took an unexpected turn back in 2013 when I quit the London rat race and set off on a barefoot journey around the world. Since then I discovered crypto social media platforms like Steemit, Whaleshares & Minds and have worked hard researching subjects which interest me to create articles on these sites and earn crypto in anticipation of the next bull run.

These subjects of interest have led me down many crazy rabbit holes, the last of which has left me with a feeling like I need to share this message with those of you who are listening:

It is my current understanding that we are moving now into a period which will be testing for us as a species. I believe we are going to see more and more extreme weather which will result in massive agricultural crop losses leading to increased food prices, at a time when the world is poised on the brink of a global recession.

So, the most valuable thing you could be doing this Spring is learning to grow your own food.

To find out more about the Grand Solar Minimum & the upcoming Ice Age:

The hidden history of humans: https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@samstonehill/our-ongoing-quest-for-the-origin-of-civilisation-and-the-purpose-of-pyramids

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The following words are taken directly from the film:

My intention with this film is to let you know exactly who I am and what kind of subjects you can expect to see from me in the future.

The influence of my father

I am the youngest son of US industrialist Harry Solomon Stonehill who built an empire in the Philippines in the 1950s after being posted there as a GI in the 2nd WW. He created 17 corporations with the intention of re-building a broken country and ultimately became one of the most powerful men there. But as we all know with great power comes great responsibility and as the first person to grow tobacco in the Philippines he challenged the existing status quo of US tobacco exports and found himself in a position where he was being asked by the US government to help them out with certain political favours. He refused and in doing so he sealed his fate.


I am grateful they didn't just assassinate him as is often the way in these situations. Instead the US were able to manipulate his deportation and confiscation of assets worldwide. They ostracised him and made sure he was never able to return to the Philippines, tying him up in court cases which lasted almost forty years, ultimately costing him every penny he had.

I want to read you the opening paragraph from his unpublished autobiography which he wrote shortly before his death in 2002:

"Ever since my parents brain washed me into believing America was a magnificent nation, completely altruistic and sincerely devoted to helping under privileged peoples, even to its own detriment, I had believed it with all my heart until I saw what they could do to one of its citizens if that person did not bend to its powerful bureaucracy or political dictates.

This is a story about the good guys and the bad guys. General the good buys win the battles against the evils of the world and the bad guys end up paying for the consequences of their actions in many different ways. I am of the opinion a great injustice has been done and I believe in this instance, the good guys have committed continuous criminal acts in collaboration with the U.S. Federal Judiciary, the U.S. State Department, FBI, CIA and Department of Justice. And in doing so have reversed their roles with the bad guys."

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I tell you this story because I was deeply affected by by his belief system. He taught me not to trust governments but more importantly (unknown to him) he taught me that having money in no way guarantees our happiness. On the contrary, the more you have, the more susceptible your life is to problems, and once you've experienced excessive wealth it is very difficult to be satisfied when you simply have enough, because it is a drug. And like the many businessmen of the world, all of them jostling for position, he was addicted this drug.

So, unlike my father I am not interested in building empires, but rather learning to be independent of them. Before the first ww my grandparents were farmers in Poland and now that I've broken off the consumerist mantle I am ready to get back to my roots and learn how to use the land.

Five years ago I was caught in the 9-5 rat race of London, accumulating junk and living for the weekends. I started out in the UK film industry and was lucky to work on Guy Ritchie's 2nd film Snatch and with Gerard Butler on his first film as lead character. I aspired to Hollywood, but felt out of place amongst the people from this industry.

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I picked up many bad habits over the years which eventually landed me in a rehab clinic in SA but even after two years of sobriety I still felt like something was missing so in the Summer of 2013 I terminated my bank account, gave away most of my possessions, packed the rest into a bag and set off on a barefoot journey around the world shooting time-lapse films, at which point I started this YouTube channel. I walked a section of the Camino de Santiago, spent a few months in Barcelona and was guided all the way to Thailand where I met Sabrina on a bus and today we have two kids, currently based in the South of France, not far from the Spanish boarder.

Crypto was the key

I've been able to maintain this new lifestyle because in August 2016, while living in Indonesia, I discovered Steemit and by writing about the things which interested me I earned a whole bunch of crypto at the perfect moment to see it grow in the bull run of 2017. I saw the value of Steem increase x52 times from 7 cent to $8 in a period of around 8 months.

Since then I have become very interested in crypto and now that we have gone full cycle and we're back in the accumulation phase again, I am busy writing articles again and accumulating crypto any way I can. Unlike 2017 this time around there are an insane number of collaborators building applications on the steem blockchain & competitors with blockchains of their own, seeking to continue the evolution of decentralised social media.

The ones I am using are steem, whaleshares, weku, bearshares, minds, DTube & BitTube. Am happy to answer any questions you may have relating to these crypto rewarding platforms.

What kind of films do I make?

I post a few different styles on DTube, BitTube & YouTube.

I love shooting time-lapse & drone footage whenever I visit a new part of the world.

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My video diary films show what my family & I are up to and give you a little insight into the way I live my life.

When I feel inspired by certain subjects I make more informational films.

I'm particularly interested in subjects which improve our understanding of the world and I don't trust anything as truth until I've researched it. In many situations I will demonstrate what I have learned by doing it on myself.

To give you an example of this, 3 months ago I decided to re-grow my receding hairline and after researching the subject I found it was possible using natural techniques. I experimented with a few of these techniques and in the end settled on this wooden bristle brush which I now use for ten mins a day massaging the desired areas. The brush cost me around $10 and it has been pretty successful as you can see. Still needs to grow out a bit but I am seriously happy with the results and super grateful I didn't listen to the advice of my doctor who suggested Rogaine.

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It is a little bit sad that in this modern world of information simple techniques like this are not more commonly known but while corporations run the show profit margins will always be more important than truth. So it's up to people like us to do the research and share what we know freely, encouraging others to do the same.

This year I am going to be correcting my short-sighted vision so that I can see the world without glasses again. And no, I will not be getting laser surgery.

I will also be whitening my teeth and closing this gap. And no, I won't be needing a dentist.

Beyond the recent conquest to fix up my 43 year old body, I am currently looking at a subject which feels more important than anything else I have ever come across. While living in Bali a few years back I was asked to film a Graham Hancock lecture on ancient civilisations where I even had the pleasure of meeting him.

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I've been a big fan of his since reading Fingerprints of the Gods many years ago, but this peaked my interest again and now that I am absolutely convinced humans have been here way longer than we are being told, I'm looking at the more important question of what happened to them. It seems to me that life on earth is controlled by a natural cycle which has been intentionally hidden from us and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that we are moving now into a period which will be testing for us as a species.

The first thing we are going to see is more and more extreme weather which will lead to massive agricultural crop losses, dramatically increasing food prices at a time when we poised at the brink of a global recession. So from my perspective the most important thing you could be doing this spring is learning to grow your own food, thinking specifically about how to optimise the nutritional output of your land and available growing space. Micro greens and sprouts are particularly effective because they are night nutrition and only take a week or two to grow.

Beyond that my advice is this:

  • Get off the banking system and start using crypto.

  • Get off the grid and start using solar power.

  • Learn to harvest rainwater and make it drinkable with home made filters.

  • Stop relying on the medical system and learn to use nature as it was intended.

  • Get off mainstream media and research subjects for yourself so that you can make informed decisions.

  • Educate your own children because schools are the first step to a lifetime of servitude to a government who doesn't doesn't care about you. Better to teach them the kind of skills which will retain their value no matter what is happening in the world.

And finally, get your spiritual house in order. There is nothing more important than this. Forgive your enemies, be kind to strangers, meditate regularly and follow your instincts. You are a non physical being in a physical shell and just as we attend to the health of our physical bodies so too must we attend to the health of our non physical bodies if we are to thrive here.

So, that's where I'm at right now but I'm always open to new ideas.

Looking forward to your comments ;)

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

Sam is the creator of:

The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.

Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE


All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image


This masterpiece well deserves my 100% upvote and resteem.
Thanks for being you, Sam!

A huge hug

Hey there! A huge hug right back atcha!

It was admittedly a slightly scripted version of me to keep me from rambling too much ;)

Feeling better today now that this is done. I think it was important.

Appreciate your sharing. I have been following you for awhile although I don't think I have ever commented. Your post on the coming ice age intrigued me, and strangely enough in some weird Celestine prophecy sort of way has been brought to my attention elsewhere since then. Not something that can be attributed to a buzz making the rounds as the book i am reading was written in the early 90's.

You have led quite an interesting life, the events peeling back the surface shine enough to afford a glimpse at the machinery inside. I am still undecided as to what, if any precautions one can have a reasonable expectation of taking that wouldn't be thwarted by those in the know. Seems to me they plan on most of us not making it, so guessing they might come along and steal peoples hard work as things deteriorate.

Blessings to you and yours, and look forward to more of your posts that don't loop the programs for the ghosts.

Interesting to hear of your Celestine-like connection to the subject after reading the article. I always say there is no such thing as coincidence and our intuition will guide us very well if we let it. The idea that humans have been wiped out in the past by a natural cycle has been coming up for me over and over for the last few years, each time from a different source. Which is in part why I felt like I needed to make this film. I imagined that if people could know the kind of person I am before hearing the final message, they might perhaps take it more seriously.

To answer your question relating to precautions it seems to me the one thing the cannot take from us is our knowledge. A farmer can be a farmer anywhere... to an extent.

And there are many other skills which will be useful to us in the event of a system break down.

I will do my best to expand on these 'many other skills' in a future article.

Thank you for dropping me the comment. The way you write is quite alluring. Have followed you for more.

You've been visited by @riverflows, on behalf Natural Medicine.

Forgive us if we're being intrusive, but @theycallemedan has a challenge on for someone to win 20K delgation for the year! If you haven't voted already, please vote for @homesteaderscoop by clicking here, as we fully support what they do in their quest for an ethical marketplace. Did you know they even have a natural health section?


If you'd like to support Natural Medicine on the Steem Blockchain, please join us on Discord, or delegate by clicking any of the links above! We're all about supporting those who write about natural healing, from herbs to yoga to being part of the natural world! Come join us!

My vote is in ;)

Exciting times!

Thanks sooooo much!! It is. We still have a way to go though, so if you can rustle up your homies, that'd be uber cool! Like me, for using the word 'homies' - so not cool - @riverflows xx

Wow, cool to hear your story/background :)
Not sure why you want to get rid of the gap b/n your teeth? I've always liked those!
I agree that we will see a great loss of resources--especially food in the near future. I've planted gardens in the past, but would like to expand mine and try out some new plants.

It is a good point you bring up about the gap. I've never stopped to consider exactly what is my issue with it. Quite possibly it's because my dad had one and while I love him dearly of course I have spent my adult years trying to be different from him. Am sure too that my time in the UK 'hollywood' had an effect on me, still unconsciously reaching for the picture perfect look. Hmmm. Thanks for bringing this up. May have to reconsider the gap fixing now!

Thanks too for your comment regarding resources in the future. I was hesitant to mention this but felt it a good opportunity to push people toward their gardens.

Hi @samstonehill, thanks for this deeper look into your life. Really interesting what you are doing and so many parallel activities.

Love to meet you in person once and have a long long talk about all this.

All the best from a solar power owner, rainwater user, homeopathy lover and on the way to use crypto for so much more thinker from Belgium.

Indeed, some real meetings would a welcome step after all this digital interaction with people.

Come on over to the South of France for a little holiday! You're not too far ;)

Great to hear you are out there doing it already! We also have a big love for homeopathy. The kids have never had any pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines.

I do the Steemit meetup aachen and we may have you there for a short video call or a short speech about one of your topics.

Sure, next trip to south of France, we add a meeting with some red wine and a lot of talks.

Hi Sam,
Brilliant, wonderful, inspiring and superb!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story and vision - truly inspiring!

Have a wonderful day =D

Upvoted and resteemed

Hello again!

Am pleased you were able to watch it.

And pleased too this is now done. It will serve as an #introduceyourself for all these new platforms ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you Sam,
That was a really superb #introduceyourself - pleased to meet you haha :D

Hi Sam! My name is Adam, your story and opinion are indeed interesting. I have a question. You only combed and massaged part without hairs and used Rogaine? That’s all? I am slowly loosing my hairs infront and I wanna stop it and get it growth... I was thinking about surgery but I am too young... Thanks very much for advice. ;)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hello Adam.

No surgery required. And no Rogaine!

All you need is a wooden bristle brush. Any kind will do.

And if you want to make sure you never lose the hair again it is better to develop a full understanding of the subject.

This article will help: https://steemit.com/health/@samstonehill/showing-off-my-new-hair-growth-100-natural-system

Please contact me again in 3 months when it is growing back. I am trying to compile a collection of photographic evidence so that others may learn from our experience.

I have no doubt you are going to be very pleased with the results ;)

Hi Sam!

Thank you for sharing. Do you think I can use this shampoo! My sister gave it ti me as christmas present. Or it is better to use your combination?



Anyway beautiful movie meditation, view from Ijen was one of my most fantastic experience in my life! I was sitting there three hours and watching sunrise, forest and ocean behind! ;)

Thank you!


The long list of ingredients does not bode well for your shampoo. They call it bio but I don't see too many natural ingredients? Personally I would not use it. Am sorry for your sister.

Great that the mediation brought back some good memories!

Sorry about what they did to your father and like you say at least he didn't get knocked off, as people say.

Look forward to seeing more of your posts. Did @jockey ever make it back? I have not checked.

In fact I am very grateful for the way things happened with my father, without which I am not sure I would have been able to break free from the rat race quite so emphatically!

@jockey did contact me recently from Cambodia but doesn't seem too active these days here on steem. Busy with lots of new projects instead! He'll be back when the overall direction of the market changes ;)

good to know... I used to always think he was an alt account. Yes, we have all been on this platform a while. I like when he writes his quote posts. :)

I will remind him ;)

what an amazing piece.

Your atory is really inspiring, and i just say, such injustice didnt happen to your dad alone, lots of people have been victims to authorities because they refused ti be puppets.

Thanks and have lots of fun living life in your own terms

One day there will be a film about my father. Just not sure when!

Your comment is appreciated ;)

Very inspirational for a saturday morning click. Glad I listened, will be following you now.

Am happy you chose to click ;)

Followed you back.

The sun is shining today so we are off out to play. Feel a real sense of release now this film is out!

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