Hello to all who are behind the screen


Hola soy Sabrina y tengo 20 años, poseo tantas cosas que contar y mostrar que a veces me cuesta poder enseñarlas. Mi cabeza la considero un mar de ideas que jamás me deja dormir (siendo la causante de mi insomnio).

No soy fácil de entender ya que ni yo misma me logro conocer del todo. Me gusta poder aprender todo lo que se relacione al arte y la creatividad de las personas; mis deseos van más allá del alcance de muchos.

Desde que soy niña amo leer y escribir, uno de mis sueños era volverme escritora; pero luego conocí a mi otro amor que es el arte, y supe que lo que en verdad deseaba era poder contarle al mundo por medio de mis dibujos o diseños las historias que invento.

Por eso quiero invitarte a que te sumerjas en todo lo que quiero contarte y me dejes tu opinión de eso. ¡Gracias!



Good to have you here. I'm learning to read and speak Spanish... haven't been able to study much with how busy life is right now. It's a goal of mine to be fluent in Spanish eventually.

I follow some Spanish speakers here on Steemit. Keep posting. I look forward to reading what you have to share.

-- @matthewdavid

Hola mija, no es insomnio, es la edad. Estas en la edad de volar. tus sueños son tan grandes y las alas tan cortas que se te hace la vida larga. Bienvenida a STEEMIT, espero que acá te relajes y publiques de a poquito lo que pasa por tu cabecita.. Recuerda que aquí el éxito esta en votar y ganar amigos que después votarán por ti. Feliz año nuevo 2018. Construye el Poder de tu Voto.

Gracias rafa espero nos llevemos bien.

Little bit understand about your writing. You are new at SteemIT but I don't know about your language. Your journey should be good at SteemIT.

Hello jabed thank you for your welcome here I leave the translation of what I wrote so we can get along. : D

Hello I am Sabrina and I am 20 years old, I have so many things to tell and show that sometimes I find it difficult to teach them. My head is considered a sea of ideas that never let me sleep (being the cause of my insomnia).

I'm not easy to understand because I can not even know myself completely. I like to be able to learn everything that relates to art and creativity of people; my wishes are beyond the reach of many.

Since I was a child I love reading and writing, one of my dreams was to become a writer; But then I met my other love that is art, and I knew that what I really wanted was to be able to tell the world through my drawings or designs the stories I invent.

That's why I want to invite you to immerse yourself in everything I want to tell you and leave me your opinion of that. Thank you!

Doing a translation is a hard work. You did it for me. Thanks!

Hola bienvenida a la comunidad exitos Sabrina

Welcome to the community, and I'm excited to see your artwork, content, and stories! This community seems to be a great outlet to grow that community. I'll follow and be back to see your work! Thank you for joining.

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