**Hello, STEEMIT!**

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


My account is @rusteem, my name is Russian Steemit. I am an account that unites about 300 people, of different age, sex, religion, profession and living in a large area from Kaliningrad till Kamchatka.

The main content of this account will be composed of your questions about Russia and the Russians. Yes, yes, here, you will have the opportunity to ask anything that you want. And you will certainly receive an answer, it will be given to you from all those who will judge that they have the necessary knowledge to answer you.

What do you know about the Russians now? Vodka, balalaika, Russian doll "Matryoshka", bears walking in the streets and some propaganda images made in Hollywood - spacemen wearing winter hats, gangsters and the mafia trying to conquer the world, some details from the latest news?
You are very far from imagining how all these stereotypes make all the Russians laugh.

@rusteem was created to ensure live communication with the real Russians (and not with imaginary friends or enemies). The integral part of the group of Steemit Russia are the residents of all the territory which represented the former USSR - the Ukrainians, the Belorussians, the Baltic countries residents, people from the independent regions of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

And even some of them also live in Europe and feel perfectly integrated among the French, the Germans, the Italians, the Spanish, as emigrants of the first generation, born in Russia.

We are among those who can not be divided by the borders, nor should we be opposed by any political tendencies, simply because, in our childhood, we have been taught that the greatest gift of life is the friendship.

And @rusteem also wants you to break down barriers in your mind by asking us the most thorny and frank questions you have in your head.
You will receive an honest response from each our member.
And most likely, afterwards, we'll laugh at it all with you!
We wish you a warm welcome to Steemit Russia!

Bonjour, STEEMIT!

Mon compte s’appelle @rusteem, je m'appelle Russian Steemit. Je suis un compte qui accompagne environ 300 personnes, de différent âge, sexe, religion, profession et habitant dans des lieux de résidence de Kaliningrad au Kamtchatka.

Le contenu principal sera composé de vos questions sur la Russie et les Russes. Oui, oui, vous y aurez la possibilité de demanderez tout ce que vous voulez. Et vous recevrez certainement une réponse, elle vous sera adressée de la part de tous ceux qui jugerons qu’ils ont des connaissances nécessaires pour vous répondre.

Que savez-vous des Russes maintenant? Vodka, balalaïka, poupée russe « Matriochka », les ours qui se baladent dans les rues et des images de propagande made in Hollywood - les astronautes coiffés de chapeau d'hiver, les gangsters et la mafia qui tente de conquérir le monde, quelques bribes des dernières actualités?
Vous êtes très loin de vous imaginer à quel point tous ces stéréotypes font rire les Russes.

@rusteem a été créé pour assurer une communication en direct avec de vrais Russes (et pas avec des amis ou des ennemis imaginaires). La partie intégrante du groupe de Steemit Russie sont les résidents de tout le territoire de l'ex-URSS - Ukrainiens, Biélorusses, les pays baltes, les personnes des régions indépendantes du Caucase et d’Asie Centrale.

Et même, certains d'entre eux vivent aussi en Europe et s’y sentent parfaitement intégrés parmi les Français, les Allemands, les Italiens, les Espagnols de souche, en tant qu’émigrés de la première génération, nés en Russie.

Nous faisons partie de ceux ne peuvent pas être séparés par les frontières ou opposés par des tendances politiques, tout simplement parce que dans notre enfance on nous a appris que le plus grand don de la vie est l’amitié.

Et @rusteem aussi souhaite que vous puissiez casser des barrières dans votre esprit en nous posant les questions les plus épineuses et les plus terribles que vous ayez dans votre tête. Vous recevrez une réponse honnête de chaque notre membre.
Et fort probablement, par la suite, nous rirons de tout cela avec vous!
Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue chez Steemit Russie!


Do you like putin and why?I heard from an other russian ,that the wages were good but the pension was bad.

Hello, @elizabethmurray,
Thank you for your question.
Personally, I appreciate Mr. Vladimir Putin because of his vision of Russia as a strong and united nation, able to defend its interests on the world arena.
Regarding the pensions and wages, as it usually happens worldwide, in Russia too, the regions which are close to the capital city or those who have been traditionally developing the strategic sectors of economy benefit from larger share of public investment in their regional budget. Hence, the gap between the average salary and pensions.
More and more often, the Russians prepare carefully their retirement, invest in real estate or personal business which could later ensure them with extra-revenues to the pension.
The official age for retirement in Russia has not changed since 2011, for women it is fixed at 55 years, for men - at 60.
The new law, currently under preparation, would increase the retirement age in Russia accordingly till 63 for women and till 65 for men, which corresponds to the international tendency.
Thank you and welcome to our community!

Thanks for your reply,i think hes got his head screwed on the right way,better than most politicians,i wish he was governing the uk.

Well, Mr. Vladimir Putin is a wise and strong personality. Personally, I believe that historically the governance style in Russia has always been different from the other countries due to its huge territory, multiple cultures, languages, mentalities inside it. So, to my mind, Mr. Putin or any other politician would never govern in the same way two different countries, like Russia and the UK. We are different, but we should remain good partners on the main political and economic subjects. Don't you think so?

Your question will be in the next posts of @rusteem. You can read the answers of many Russians and make a general presentation. Follow @rusteem.

Welcome Rusteem account!

I'm going to Russia for the world cup in Summer (my second visit) - looking forward to it :)


This is great news! You can ask us anything that excites us)) where it is better to live, how to get from the airport, etc.

Well, with interest I will watch your entries

Which city and stadium are you going to?

St Petersburg stadium in St Petersburg, Kazan Arena in Kazan, Mordovia Arena in Saransk and Fisht Olympicn Stadium in Sochi.

I can't wait!

Отлично! Мир, жвачка, дружба! Excellent! Peace, chewing gum, friendship!

Good beginning!!!

Hi.. I m Sani, Indonesia. Hopebsomeday I can go to Rusia :)

This is such a wonderful idea :) Welcome :)

Thank you.) You can always ask us something.

welcome to steemit @rusteem. My real name is russian. But call me simple @yanosh01 ;-)

Welcome to steemit @rusteem.

How were you able to use 8 tags in your post?.

You know why russians so well done in general engineering and so bad in economy?
Because of creative approach to any type of constraint. Especially legal ones.

Well, they better explain this particular creative approach to us.

Даешь русского кита через годик!
I hope you will become a whale in a year!

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