
Haha thanks, people generally think it's a completely insane thing to spend your life doing and interrogate me about why I wouldn't just go to business school or something, but occasionally someone thinks it's really cool. I learned a long time ago that if people don't get it, they don't get it, and there's no use in explaining it. It's like, people enjoy going to museums, but it doesn't occur to them that there are real life humans out there who wrote the descriptions under the artifacts they're looking at?

I can't express how annoyed I am with the society around me. Well, I origin from India, where the only two class A jobs that the people know are being a doctor and an engineer. They aren't aware of the million other things that they can do otherwise. They look down on farmers while they consume the food that the same farmers are the reason for.
We are who we are, we are not someone whom other can judge upon.

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