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RE: “Punish a white kid first” – The Rule I Didn’t Follow

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

LOL, the SJWs are going to hate this post. The fact that you stayed is like reading about those women in Germany who were holding a pro-immigration rally and were raped by the refugees mid-rally in broad daylight the other day. You're literally helping people who want to kill you. Helping empower people to destroy the place you live in and discriminate against you.

This is why every non-patriarchal civilization collapses and why there is no precedent ever of a successful matriarchal civilization. Everybody knows America is being destroyed by this political correctness garbage.


I understand what you are saying, but where I disagree with you is these are just kids. I see your side of it and there are certainly people more well-suited than me to help these kids, but again, they are kids. We all did stupid stuff growing up and I don't know about you, but people sticking by me no matter what is what helped me be who I am today.

I attended an all black elementary in Baton Rouge in the 1970s in a poverty stricken area. It is difficult to morph culture all at once. I think maybe you would have had more success if you had been at liberty to have a dance-off for the first 20 minutes of each class period to build rapport and for them to see you as culturally close to themselves. The young boys probably needed someone to push them on the basketball court and some long-distance running to get them focused in on accomplishment. I don't think you can do this all by yourself. Schools need to change. Entire communities have to care.

Yeah I agree they are just kids. Too bad you weren't in an environment where you could become their friend first. Perhaps you don't see that as your role. These kids need role models they can identify with.

Thank you for the comment. That is a really interesting insight. I totally agree that these kids need a role model they can identify with and I think that was definitely a part of the difficulty I had. Also your comment about how it takes time and a whole community - thank you for your wisdom!

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