I want to introduce myself, my name is Qhing

My name is Qhing . Friends often call me Qhing. I was born in Sukoharjo, August 13, 1993. So, it is predictable that I am now 15 years old. I am the third child of 3 siblings. I have two older brothers who love me very much. My first brother named Benny, he is now married and has a cute daughter who is 1 year old. My second sister named Donny, now she's married, but has not had a child yet. I live in Bangsri Gede, RT 01 RW 10, Kriwen, Sukoharjo. My father is Dady, he is a teacher at an elementary school in Karanganyar and my mama is named Harmini, he is a great entrepreneur in my eyes.

Before I went to SMA 3 Surakarta, I went to Baiturrahman Sukoharjo kindergarten, then I went to SD Gayam 01 Sukoharjo and for Junior High School I went to Junior High 1 Sukoharjo, which is practically my junior high school being the best junior in Sukoharjo and when the new school year, never a lonely registrant. That is my education history so far. While in elementary and junior high, sometimes I am included in poetry and Octopus contest, because writing and reading poetry is my hobby.

Since childhood, I always wanted to be a doctor. And that desire or aspiration has not changed until now. I want to be a successful and famous pediatrician, because I see children happy because I am one of my own pride. In addition, because I also love to cook, when I grow up I want to become a successful restaurant entrepreneur as well. And because I also like to observe the fashion world, I want to become a famous boutique businessman. Indeed, I have many ideals, but I want to make it all happen so I can help people get a decent job too.

I am a person who likes to entertain friends, so often in junior high my behavior is considered weird and silly by them. I am also a child who jail, sometimes my friends who phobia against an object and talkative become the right target to make a ignorance me. One day I tried to jail a friend of mine by hiding her bicycle key in my other friend's bag. I plan to tell you where the key is when my best friend starts to get confused. But apparently, I forget the original plan, I forgot to tell where the key. My friend was already confused and he thought the key was missing, then in the afternoon I called him and explained everything. In my opinion, that's my outrageous and outrageous jail. And until now I do not dare to repeat it again.

That's all at a glance about me.


Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you.
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Hey ! Welcome to Steemit, I hope you will have lots of fun interacting with the community. Have a great time n do follow me @manish22rai ....Cheers !!

hey qhinghing welcom to steemit I hope you stay follow me back @crypto-pro
nice post

Hello Qhing, Looking at your image is enough for me to accept you. I welcome you to this wonderful platform. Its great having you here dear @qhingqhing. Upvoted you
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welcome to steemit.. You are very cute!!! I like your photo.. please upload more..

Welcome to Steemit! If you have questions - ask me @dobroman

Welcome to Steemit. I have followed you. Have a nice time ahead.

Welcome bro Wonderful photography you are working good i am following you now for you more post
thanks for sharing

Welcome to Steemit!

Hello and Welcome to the Steemit family. i'll be looking forward to your posts. lets support each other follow me back @manofmiracles

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