Electro-Mechanical Pinball Machines

Hello! I am a life long pinball enthusiast! I played the games since the time I was tall enough to see over the glass. I am self taught on the mechanics and repair of electro-mechanical pinball machines. I specialize in pinball machines from the 1950s through mid 1970s. I welcome any pinball hobbyists to comment on my upcoming posts and send me personal questions they have about their own machines.



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Thanks! Looking forward to meeting a lot of great people.

Thanks! Any pinball questions feel free to ask. I'm here to help. Do you have any recommendations for Steemit? I'm new to this.

Hello! Thanks for checking out my post. Any pinball questions ask anytime.

I'd definitely rather be playing a real pinball machine then a video game any day!

Whoa, memories of my misspent youth, when mom would give me a quarter for lunch, and I'd spend it on the 5-cent pinball machines in the back of the smoke shop, circa 1950-53...them were da days...you could even get a cream puff filled with real cream for a nickle...imagine that. Welcome!

Hello! Thanks for commenting. It really was a different world and pinball was a real game in that your whole body is involved (shaking machine etc). Very different from staring at the TV with a controller in your hand. The other difference in pinball vs video is because of the randomness of a mechanical game you will never always win no matter how good you are.

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