Comments on PhiBetaIota.SteemIt are for advancing Open Source Intelligence and Decision Support.steemCreated with Sketch.


...not for patting the heads of Labradors!

"The comment section of PBI posts is getting out of hand
and is off to a bad start." ~Someone important.

A quick intro story from The Management of PhiBetaIota.SteemIt

The recent activation of @phibetaiota on SteemIt was a Call2Action by the Pro Bono Chief Enabling Officer of Earth Intelligence Network, Robert David Steele.

The Management of @phibetaiota came forward this week to help assist the work of Steele and over 80 contributors to on mirroring some of the important open source decision support work being done on that site. has seen a substantial increase in traffic to the site and Robert Steele's considerable body of work on Amazon has gone up in sales this year. All of this points to a growing SURGE of interest in the Open Source solutions that Steele and others have been working on for decades.


The Steem Blockchain and specifically was mentioned by Robert Steele on the Alex Jones Show this month as an embedded order to those of us who have been waiting, watching and working from the back of the room for many years. The consensus was that there are many solutions, immediately available to begin to take back the power from centrally controlled and dominated networks like Twitter, Redit, Facebook and others. The amount of censorship that is being seen in this day and age from the likes of Google and their Ad subsidiaries sounds like a plot out of dystopia sci-fi stories like 1984, but is an ever present and growing reality. Now is the time and WE are the ones we have been waiting for.

Now that we are active on SteemIt, this is the portal to content across multiple legacy websites, and the Earth Intelligence Network (EIN) point of interface with the public. That being said... @phibetaiota is NOT BEING RUN BY Robert Steele. We are a loose affiliation of volunteers to the Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog. We have years of experience with Robert and communicate regularly but we are our own group of open source freelancers. Think of a crazy group of scientists when dealing with this account.


Previous comments that were written to us as "Thank you" and "Welcome to SteemIt" were mostly responded to with simple, "Robotic" responses. Comments that advanced the narrative of the post or introduced important information were responded to in a more "human" way. Our willingness to engage in intelligence gathering is MUCH HIGHER than the need to placate random comments with "touchy, feely" human responses. We're here to get some work done for the overall mission. We are not here to use Steem as a "Social" network... It's an INTELLIGENCE NETWORK from our point of view. If you want to say HI to Robert, then mention him specifically in the comments and he will likely see it.

Unfortunately out of the gate, the comment section of the earliest posts got off track and irritated a few of us in The Management. In hindsight, all of it could have been avoided. Unfortunately, the comments will stay but should be used for either advancing the post or expanding the research. The comment section of the original is disabled for this reason; very early on, too many comments that had nothing to do with the mission began to Clog the Blog so to speak. As it stands now, we will not be interacting in comments anymore than absolutely necessary until a Professional following of interested contributors can combine efforts and make @phibetaiota more potent for the greater mission.


We appreciate all support from our followers and contributors.
Earth Intelligence Network is a non-profit educational corporation that seeks to teach individuals and organizations how to use holistic analytics, true cost economics, and if desired, open source everything engineering, to create open ethical intelligence (decision support) in support of strategic, operational, tactical, and technical decisions, courses of action, and investments. Our intent is to teach, not do, but we are happy to help donors with direct support if asked to do so. We hope to avoid the tediousness of fund raising by using Steem organically and growing a very productive following. In time, if all goes as planned, we will recruit many of the other 80+ contributors of for a more functional and secure interaction here on the Steem Blockchain.

Thank you and press forward.

“WE don't believe anything we write or say. We regard belief as a form
of brain damage, the death of intelligence, the fracture of
creativity, the atrophy of imagination. We have suspicions but no
Belief System (BS)”
~The Management

EIN is certified as a 501c3 Public Charity. Donations are tax deductible. Our IRS 501c3 Letter is available on request.


I thought Steele did an amazing job explaining his plan in this Greg Hunter interview on Feb 21st.

Quality pick! The Cathrine Fitts reference is not a coincidence.

Hello @phibtaiota ,
I have written articles about the true cost of using solar energy and how to promote it. I would be interested to share links on the same subject.

Excellent post. We @phibetaiota believe we are 20 years into the Peak Oil run that drove Michael Ruppert over the edge. Solar is a very useful technology. Way cleaner than the fiction of "Clean Coal."
Keep up the good work and thank you.
~The Management

Nice to see you on here nevertheless. Maybe eventually you can get Steel posting on here too!

Would be awesome if you get him to start posting again!

hahah :D maybe when the payout increases and there are more people interested is what they would say :)

"Nothing created by any US-based corporation, or any former employee of NSA, or for that matter anyone anywhere that is not totally open source and subject to rigorous independent testing, is available right now. There is a huge need for a comprehensive global to local solution that includes data at rest encryption and complete protection of all related transactional information. I am the author of the 1994 letter to the White House sounding the alarm, and the 2010 article in Homeland Security Today on the cyber-scam being foisted on the public by NSA and the US Government. There is a network of world-class coders that would respond to a structured challenge, should a major open source enterprise might care to inspire a new public offering. Constant counterintelligence against penetration will be needed." Robert Steele
01 Transparent Trusted Security. .jpg

An incredibly generous, helpful, and poignant comment. Truly beneficial for this growing community of Cyber Intelligence Minutemen and women. (specialists)
Thank you for providing an incredible example for this article.

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