RE: Steemit convincing me to try marijuana
"smoking bad, picturing destroyed lungs here, but I guess there is vaping?"
Smoking cannabis is not as bad as smoking cigarettes, or so we think anyways. Some studies claim it is worse too, so it's definitely up to what you read. Everything you consume comes with some risk. To use an example you used yourself. We see pictures of clogged hearts from eating meat. Does it stop you from eating meat? Doesn't stop me.
"I might get addicted"
Valid concern. I am addicted to cannabis. I've smoked cannabis for 19 years and always thought I would never quit. This may change in the near future.
"smells bad"
I don't know what kind of cannabis you're smelling, but most of the ones I smell actually smell very good. It's common for cannabis to have a fruity smell.
"stoner reputation pretty bad here"
There are good and bad users. Some are the stereotype you see, but the vast majority are intelligent, educated, and sophisticated. It's up to you if you're going to lay on the couch and do nothing.
It also depends on the type of cannabis you smoke. This is where it becomes important to know the difference between indica and sativa.
"have some fun"
Sure. I believe you can have fun with or without cannabis, but, like alcohol, it does generally loosen people up and make them "more fun". Again, this is all subjective. It's possible to be allergic to THC. Trust me that you won't have fun if you are.
"one of my hobbies is aquaponics I don't think that's a good way to grow cannabis"
I don't know anything about this so I can't comment on it. That being said, maybe it's worthy of study?
"but it could finally convince me to try some hydroponics"
Absolutely. Are you considering growing too?
I think that your first time consuming or smoking cannabis should be done with friends. I think that it's generally more fun to smoke cannabis with friends. I also think that edibles are not the best way to introduce someone to cannabis. Due to "greening out". With no tolerance to speak of I would consume a very small amount of any properly made cannabis consumable. A brownie was your example, with a brownie I would recommend only a quarter of one until you're able to see how you react to it.
Personally, I probably would take 2 and still end up doing a few dabs of shatter. Not something a first timer should do.
I think the best way would be a simple "joint", a cannabis cigarette. You might have seen some people roll with tobacco, personally I think that's a bad idea.
thanks this is the info I'm looking for
growing would only be if I like it ;p
are you addicted to other stuff?
I can only compare with alcohol, while I like the taste of some beverages I never feel the need to get drunk
Not at all. I quit smoking cigarettes around 5 years ago, I used cannabis as a crutch. I was able to quit smoking cigarettes "cold turkey" because of that crutch. Now, realizing I traded one addiction for another, I am considering quitting cannabis. I have recently drastically reduced my consumption, successfully.
When I quit smoking cigarettes I also stopped drinking, somehow they went hand in hand.
Do I have a bit of an addictive personality? Yes. I've had bouts of addiction with other drugs when I was much younger. Now, I'm 31. I refuse to use anything but cannabis related products. I don't even use prescription drugs and I haven't seen a doctor in years.
I'm looking forward to legalization next year, here in Canada, we're going legal nationwide in the spring of 2017. Actually, our government announced it on 4/20/2016 if you can believe it. lol
When I was younger I definitely drank to get drunk, but since about the time I quit smoking I really haven't been able to do that. I can enjoy a couple of drinks, but I quickly end up not wanting it. Quitting cigarettes changed the taste of everything, I gained a lot of weight just because of how different everything tasted. I smoked cigarettes from the ages of 11-25. So, I really had no memory of what food tasted like.
I do find that my memory has probably been negatively affected, especially in recent years. I do lose my words in the middle of a sentence and sometimes completely forget what I was talking about while I am talking about it. lol. Maybe this is from the thousands of exstacy pills I took as a teenager, though.
The experts say wait until you're 25, and to only use it occasionally. I can't possibly know if I would be any different had I done that, but I can say that I would probably agree with them as far as when it comes to my own children. I would like my kids to wait until they are at the recommended age.
That being said, many studies are inconclusive or biased. Worse yet, we're not getting enough study because of the treaties and schedule 1 rating. Hopefully, with legalization gaining steam federally in the USA and already expected next year for Canada, we can expect to see more research being done.
Cannabis is no-addictive, you're suffering from societal ignorance. (Entirely Not your fault!)
Check out the link on cannabis being non-addictive in my blog listing.
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There's Life After 'So-Called' Cannabis Addiction! :)
Skunk weed is pretty common and smells horrible.