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RE: "Our Mama Terry" Lives On By Means Of Steem/Steemit And By Means Of Every & Each Of Our Good Deed Towards Humanity (The Brother Next To You!).

A most technical loveable comment. We will all meet her in paradise. For now we do good and service Jehovah by this means while he grants us undeserved kindness by virtue of his perfect son Jesus amen


Amen to that. We surely give all the thanks to God for His undeserving kindness.

I was not able to meet her physically here on earth, but I know surely we will meet in eternity. Am a believer and I believe in the after life with all my heart.

'' Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”''

I believe this with all the Fibre in me, and that's what keeps me going, no matter who I lose, otlr what happens to me, for I know we will surely meet again.

Thanks again and God bless

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