
Haha, only if they're abrasive in their opinions. Haven't noticed anyone rude or abrasive here yet, which is refreshing!! :)

Thanks for the reply!

I have a different take on the matter: it wasn't ideological, but the reaction of a crowd to someone who ostensibly punctured their dreams. Imagine that you wrote, on March 20, 2000, an article warning everyone that the Internet 1.0 bubble was about to pop. You would have gotten a huge amount of hostile comments and quite possibly a few death threats. Even though you would have been prescient right to the day. The sad part is, almost none of the readers would have sold and saved their skins.

It's how we humans react - viscerally react - to people we perceive as dream-shatterers, even if they're 100% right. Ideology actually has little to do with it.

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