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RE: Hello STEEMIT! Come and say welcome to your boy Motan .

Hi Motan! It's great to know there are people with stories so similar to my own! Striking out on your own can be terrifying, but it sure is liberating isn't it? I look forward to reading your future posts, especially those concerning running s small business (the struggle is so real isnt it?!).


Hey! It is indeed terrifying but I take full credit for the results of my actions. I'm so much driven right now to put in the hours and succeed . The day I will come out of the red and into the green is pretty far away , but I will make it for sure and I hope you will to .
I will definitely post about business if I will have some thoughts and ideas I think others can profit from .

That day will certainly come with that attitude! That's why as entrepreneurs we have to be as diversified as possible, I own a retail business with both brick & mortar and eCommerce components and squeezed in between that i dive as deeply into crypto and now steem as i can! Keep a look out for my first post as well!

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