Me Myself and I (english/german)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit,

i just want to introduce myself. My name is Julian, i`m a ui / ux designer in #Berlin.

My main interests are #design, #music, reading, #photography, #science, #gaming, #philosophy, #space and #politics.

I think i will mainly post music playlists, photographies i took and design critics (if someone wants a second opinion on his work) but be aware, i'm german, so i'm fucking honest and direct. ;-)


Hallo steemit,

ich wollt mich nur mal vorstellen, mein Name ist Julian, ich bin ui / ux designer aus Berlin.

Meine Hauptinteressen sind Design, Musik, lesen, Fotografieren, Wissenschaftliche Themen, zocken, Philosophie, Weltraum und Politik.

Ich glaube hauptsächlich werde ich Musikplaylisten, eigene Fotografien und Design Kritiken posten (wenn jemand eine zweite Meinung zu seiner Arbeit möchte) aber Vorsicht, ich bin sehr ehrlich und direkt ;-)


Willkommen auf Steemit! :D Cooler Post, mir gefällt das Bild dazu! :D und was und worauf zockst du? :D

Hey, danke. Also im Moment zocke ich nur noch auf der PS4 und da auch relativ unspektakuläre Spiele, im Moment hauptsächlich Elder Scrolls Online, Elite Dangerous und No man's sky.

Früher hab ich aber ziemlich viel EVE Online auf dem PC gespielt ;-)

Wenn du magst kannst auch mal bei mir vorbei schauen, wird dir bestimmt gefallen! :)

Herzlich Willkommen bei Steemit :) hab als Entwicklerin zwar nicht extrem viel mit UI/UX zu tun aber ein rießen Interesse daran. Freu mich auf design critique :)

Hey, na dann follow mir mal dann wirst du denke ich mal das ein oder andere lesen können in nächster zeit hoffe ich.

Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Also get to know more about Steem reading the Steem Blue Paper and share your feedback on our Steem Blue Paper Awareness Initiative
All the Best!!!

Hallo @neutronenkind, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Server vorbei.

Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick

welcome to steemit

Welcome to Steemit! It's got a steep learning curve, but it's worth it in the long run if you keep putting in the time! Just know that it will take quite a while before you start getting attention and followers. The secret to success? Keep posting high quality content regularly, and make sure to search out other people's posts, read them, and give relevant comments.

Tagging is extremely important. Always make sure to use all five possible tags, and to keep them relevant. You can always just tag something "blog" or "photography" or something else really general (so long as it's still relevant) to fill the quota if you need to- most of your tags should be established ones, though one or two less used ones are fine.

Posting more than four times a day can reduce your potential rewards, as well as turning off potential users. (I aim for one post per day most of the time.) Consistency is important, though, so you should try to post often.

Always make sure to attach a photo to your posts! You should also have a finished profile: Write a description, add a profile picture and a banner- neither needs to be of you, necessarily, but you should have something- and set a website.

There are a lot of really good resources out there for minnows (new users). You should check out the following groups and services, they offer a lot of valuable resources to new users:

@thesteemengine (Check this one out first- they're an extremely supportive group.)
@qurator (These guys offer an excellent liftime upvote to accounts that post consistent quality content.)
@originalworks (Whenever you write an original post, tag this account- they'll verify it's original and upvote you.)
@steembasicincome (Another lifetime upvote option.)
@steemstem (The biggest and best STEM curation group in the game. If you're interested in writing or reading about science, check these guys out!)
@geopolis (A fairly new science curation group, this one's dedicated to the study of the Earth.)
@ocd (A curation group that seeks out undervalued new writers.)

And, again, the biggest thing is just patience. Breakout successes are incredibly rare on Steemit- you've got to find your way there through perseverance and hard work. It takes time, but you'll eventually succeed if you put in the work.

Please feel free to repost this guide on the posts of other minnows you run into, and if you've found any of this content to be helpful, feel free to stop by my account to check out some of my recent posts!

Hi, nice to meet you, i'm also a newbie here. I upvoted you. Please, Check out my intro post too. It'll mean so much to me :)


I wish you all the best.

Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi, this way we can support each other!


Willkommen @neutronenkind und einen tollen Start.
Falls Du noch Infos brauchst für weitere Fragen, und die kommen sicher noch:
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Viel Erfolg :)