Hello World!

twitter verification - Hey everybody!

As of today I am officially on Steemit & Hive. I am a hobbyist content creator, having written a book and producing the occasional YouTube video. For those who don’t know, which is just about everybody, I wrote a book on secure/anonymous digital communications, and have produced several YouTube videos (I’m not even going to call myself a YouTuber, I just occasionally post content there).

In regards to my YouTube videos, some content such as my introduction on Litcoin, DogeCoin, and Monero is probably not going to be to informative for anybody in this community; though my content such as my predictions on Bitcoin & the Crypto market as well as a quick little PSA on Bitrot might be. In the future I plan to try to upload all of my video content to both YouTube and Dtube simultaniously. Furthermore, in regards to written content, whenever I write an article (which may or may not have a video form as well), I also plan on using Steemit & Hive as my go to places to publish it.

As I mentioned, I’m just producing content as a hobby, so things may vary. I don’t have anything in regards to a schedule for content and will probably be online at random intervals. Additionally, though I have focused a lot on topics such as cybersecurity and crypto, since I am creating content because I enjoy it you might find completely random things thrown into the mix – maybe I’ll create a video or article on RATS tourniquets or the Fallout games, who knows?

Finally, I feel kinda weird introducing myself and immediately posting a link to my book, so I figured I would do sort of a makeshift promo. If the book sounds interesting, you can use the code “VR99C” to get it for free on Smashwords (the only reason why I am using Smashwords is because Amazon does not allow free promos unless you are on Kindle Direct). If you’re interested, cool. Here’s the

Smashwords link
Amazon link

Just remember, the code only works on Smashwords. It’s valid ‘till the 14th.

Anyway, if such random content might be interesting to you then I might be an interesting person to follow. Regardless, have a good day!

-Nathan K.M. Bowie


Hi @natebowie!! Welcome to Steem Community! I hope you enjoy #steemit.

I'd like to invite you to join Newcomers Community. There is a program where you will go through a series of achievements and completing some tasks so you get to learn more about this great platform. For a start, please check out this post, @cryptokannon will guide you!!

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For music, check out Music For Steem 🎵 .

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For photography, World of Xpilar hosts many photography contests.

Please follow @steemitblog for the latest update and news on steem and @steemingcurators for Steem Community contest and challenges.

Have a nice day!

The Steemit Team

Hey, thanks for the warm welcome. I toyed around with Steem a while back, so I'm a tad familiar with it already, but I definitely appreciate the intro resources.

Hello natebowie!

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I wish you a great time on our blockchain!

Steem on!

Yours @kryptodenno

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