I'm MatthewDavid and I will be posting about Programming, blockchain tech and learning Spanish

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Here I am holding my ThinkPad laptop with my Steemit profile page.

Intro pic with ThinkPad

I'm also wearing a DuckDuckGo shirt, a privacy respecting search engine.

I've been here on Steemit for about two weeks, but this is my first post. I've read a lot of posts and commented. I know that I want to stick around and be a part of this community.

I have known about bitcoin and blockchain tech for a long time. I was super interested in it when it first came out... but didn't buy any. Well, I'm back now and this time I am here for the alt-coin rise (have purchased Litecoin and STEEM) and the revolutionary opportunities of blockchain tech like steem.

I'm here to meet people and continue my journey as a programmer. I'm focusing on #javascript and #VueJS and hope to become a blockchain developer.

My wife Chanel and I have four children, three boys and a girl. Here's a picture of me with my beautiful wife:

Me and my wife

In addition to continuing to learn programming and web development, I want to connect with people who speak Spanish here on Steemit. I'll be reading posts in Spanish in the hopes of improving my understanding of the language and I'll be making some comments in Spanish to improve my ability to communicate.

Bienvenido a Steemit!

I'm also a freedom focused person and am working to give my family more opportunities to explore this wonderful world. We have the goal of traveling and working together, both with programming and publishing.

I'm very happy to be here and I look forward to contributing to the Steemit community!


Hello Matthew, welcome to Steemit and enjoy :-)

Thank you for the warm welcome. It's great to be here!

Thank you! It's good to be here.

I've learned a lot already from reading other people's posts.

Welcome to family :) Follow me back and I will surprise you on August 1 ;)

Thanks for the welcome. Followed you.

Did he surprise you like he said he would on Aug 1st??

I don't remember surprised. Did he disappear or is he still here on Steemit?

I just checked....looks like he is still here. Making junk LOTTO posts.
Too bad. I was hoping he had given each of his followers $50 or something!!

I think I just ignored him for a while, but then finally replied. Looked scam-y. Oh, well.

Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks Forest. I'm glad to be here. I've met a lot of great people already and I've learned so much in just a few weeks.

Great introduction and welcome to the community!

Thank you! Good to be here and happy to connect with you. I also enjoyed your #introduceyourself post and followed as a result. Like you, @jerrybanfield was influential in my decision to join steemit. I had heard about it before, but one of his videos really got my attention and convinced me to be an active member of this community.

Bienvenido/a a Steemit! El mayordomo de la comunidad Hispanohablante te saluda!!

No te olvides de poner el tag spanish en tus posts.

Si tienes dudas acerca del funcionamiento te invito a que leas las Steemit FAQ:
Steemit FAQ #1
Steemit FAQ #2

Hemos creado tambien un chat en discord donde interactuamos los unos con los otros y nos promocionamos.

Chat @cervantes en Discord !!!
Y no te pierdas los audioconferencias entre los miembros cervantiles y los canales de promocion por categorias


Tambien estamos en Steemitchat https://steemit.chat/channel/HispanoHablantes

CONCURSO CERVANTES: Regalamos un viaje al SteemFest2 al finalista
valorado en 2000 SBD!!!


No te olvides de votar @cervantes como witness en esta pagina:


Este bot de bienvenida fue creado por @moisesmcardona para el equipo @cervantes basado en el script original de @felixxx

Hey, I am an Aussie who lives in Spain, so plenty of Spanish language tips from me. (If you want-em) (you could give me help with the alt-coin world, 'cause there I am such a nube.)
If you haven't started there, (after the swear words) learn the alphabet, and the numbers and the colours, days of the week months etc. Everything you would expect a child to learn first, you need to too.
anyhow, great to meet you.

Muchas gracias!

I appreciate the Spanish tips. I'm fairly new to crypto-currencies, despite having been really excited about Bitcoin when it first came out.

I have developed some strong opinions in the short time I've been in it. I read a good three hours a day about crypto for almost a month straight. My recommendation is to start with a local Litecoin wallet on your computer. Learn how to secure it and keep a physical copy of your "seed" phrase in a safe place. Test accessing that account on a different computer by entering that "seed".

Try to stay off exchanges. You don't want your money held by another entity that could lock you out of accessing your crypto funds.

Right now I hold Litecoin and Steem. Litecoin is good for transactions, buying stuff and Steem is a great for building social clout.

Hope that helps.

yes, I think it probably does. I have been reading a bit, but not that much yet. Thanks mate, big hugs

Happy to be your first follower here on Steemit!

Wow! So much in common with you. (Even the part about hanging out here before the "introduceyourself" post -- mine's still pending).

I'm a dad, too, and have been spending the last couple years learning web development as part of a career transition: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, bunches of tools, a few frameworks (Angular 1/2/4+, Vue). There's been so much to learn, but I've loved every minute of it.

Would love to chat with you sometime about your experiences.

Take care!

Thanks Sean. Good to hear from you!

I haven't been able to do a whole lot with programming for the last month or so. Some of my more recent posts talk about that. Been super busy with the small business I own and I'm really getting into trading crypto-currencies.

I've learned so much since joining Steemit. It's amazing how much has changed for me (at least mentally) in a few months. Hopefully the skills I've learned will pay off for me... it looks like they will.

Thanks for commenting and connect more with you soon.

Totally understand. I've been trying (often unsuccessfully) to balance learning all the things I enjoy: web development, blockchain, crypto trading, being a husband/dad ... plus getting in my exercise.

Oh, and I'm part of a new local community group for the Appalachian Trail and I volunteered to do a website to showcase the groups mission, provide a user forum, etc... Something WordPress is ideally suited for. Add that to the list of things to learn.

Hello @matthewdavid,
A warm welcome to Steemit....
Looking forward to your blockchain posts.

Thanks for welcoming me! I have a lot of thoughts on blockchain tech, but haven't written a post specifically on that topic yet. Thanks for your comment. I followed you.

Hi Matthew! What do you think about Ethereum & the Solidity programming language? I am currently studying to be a javascript / full stack developer - I also love the idea of being a blockchain developer - best of luck to you!

I'm much more interested in Javascript and I am not super impressed with Ethereum and Solidity. In the market, I think they will do okay, but that there was a lot of hype over the last couple months.

I am much more interested in Javascript based solutions or the STEEM blockchain using steem.js (or something else) as a way to access the blockchain and write Javascritpt based apps on top of it.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64724.35
ETH 3436.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55