Mi Inicio

Hola comunidad Steemit
Mi nombre es Marianela , soy venezolana tengo 22 años , estudiante de derecho ultimo año. me emociono la idea depertenecer a la comunidad por una sugerencia de un ser querido, luego adentrandome a este lindo mundo encontre por facebook diversas paginas de la comunidad y me di cuenta que como yo , hay muchisimos venezolanos buscando el mismo objetivo a traves de contar una historia buscar una ayuda a la situacion que nos agovia, quiero compartir con ustedes todos mis gustos, viajes, experiencias, anecdotas,mi amor, y diversas cosas que tal vez a algunas les agraden o tengan los mismos gustos.
Soy sagitariana apasianada a la vida, amo la naturaleza y el sentimiento de estar en un lugar abierto con montañas, rios, playas mi piel se eriza al sentir la calidez del viento rosandome cuando estoy en esos lugares me siento feliz, puedo ser yo misma.. 1375773_10201583727789357_1705221138_n.jpg
soy timida, entusiasta y siempre veo el lado positivo de las cosas, para mi un error o imperfeccion siempre tendra una solucion 10897888_10204946567378245_5982405287319817008_n.jpg Mi madre es el amor eterno , soy su pequeño angel guardian
Mi frase dia a dia es : Bendecida vida , a pesar de las adversidades
Hello Steemit community
My name is Marianela, I am Venezuelan, I am 22 years old, law student, last year. I was thrilled by the idea of ​​belonging to the community by a suggestion from a loved one, then going into this beautiful world I found on facebook various pages of the community and I realized that like me, there are many Venezuelans looking for the same goal through counting a history seek help to the situation that overwhelms us, I want to share with you all my tastes, travels, experiences, anecdotes, my love, and various things that maybe some like or have the same tastes
I am Sagittarian apasianada to life, I love nature and the feeling of being in an open place with mountains, rivers, beaches my skin bristles to feel the warmth of the wind pinking me when I'm in those places I feel happy, I can be myself. .
My mother is eternal love, I am your little angel guardian
my phrase day by day is: Blessed life, despite the adversities


Hello welcome to steemit ☺️ it's really nice to have you here enjoy the platform and explore the community

Adsactly Bravo, Bravo!! Your post are really Mewtacular!. It inspires me to be a better me. I am learning so
much not only from the information on your post, but also about presentation and design. Thank you!

Thank you! I hope you read me always

Nice to meet you.
Welcome to this great family.
I hope you're going to make a lot of success in this great community.
I wish you all the best !!!

Thank you! equally

Hola bienvenida, Tambien soy de venezuela. Espero disfrutes de steemit, te invito a leer mi post que acabo de publicar a ver si te gusta espero tu voto https://steemit.com/cervantes/@brandonluzardo/la-supervivencia-del-mas-apto-transporte-publico-en-venezuela Te Sigo.

You look just like an old friend of mine. Don’t worry she is beautiful too. Very cool you’ve joined steemit!

Hola!! Bienvenida a steemit. Muy Buena presentación. Te invito a seguir mi blog. Saludos

Bienvenida Marianela <3

Hello, welcome to steemit, check my post!

Welcome to Steemit marianelamendoza. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! Welcome to the blockchain

Thank you, I'll have it in mind

Welcome to steemit. I hope you like it here and keep posting. :)

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