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RE: Who Am I And Who Do I Want To Be?

Well, I'll start with a quote by Andy Warhole, saying something like

'It doesn't matter how slow you move as long as you keep moving forward.'

Have patience with everything as you had all your life and results will come. Good luck with your photo missions and drop by for some discussion from time to time ;)


Much thanks @manoldonchev I really appreciate you! Kind words, and I hope we can have a few chats together soon! 😊

Sure, with pleasure. Could you please tell me what do you know of this platform and how did you find my ref link? Do you use any tools already or should I suggest some?

I don’t know much really about this platform but as I continue to post here I’ll be researching! I was looking on google alternatives to the website Tsu and after a few web pages I came across steemit, your link must’ve been the one I clicked :)
I don’t have any software, would you know of any that are decent?

There are tools to make it easier for you, to let you know what's happening - one of them is

RC (Resourse Credits) is the hardest part new people have to pay attention to. Each comment, vote, post drains some of it and you may be unable to act if it goes too low. And it recharges slowly. So at the beginning don't even answer each comment.

If you want free communication...

We use Discord mostly (yup, that is a good software to have) to communicate in various community servers. And depending on your interests it would be good to find your home in some of those.

Read the FAQ if you haven't. Ask whatever you need.

Ouch, that hurt to see. I opened the tool I suggested, I checked your account and I saw you already hit the bottom of your RC (Resourse Credits) - the cost to interact on the blockchain. That will pass. But it recharges (or used to, I don't know the current rate) at a rate of 20 or 25 % of your total per day, so 4-5 days to fully recharge. Once an acount develops you forget about those. But in the beginning one needs help.

So, three things:

  • Don't get discouraged and have patience with the system. It has a slow natural curve;

  • Join communities on Discord... For instance look out the @share2steem account and find their server link on their posts;

  • Check out suggested projects like @minnowsupport

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