Happy Belgian Girl joining Steemit ! Let me welcome you into my life !

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


This post is dedicated for you all guys. Who had to support the sooooo looooong waitiiing time (12 days for me !) to be finally accepted (thanks so much @theprophet0 ) on this magical new social network! & who are also SO HAPPY TO BE HERE … like me !

A little song to show you how I feel.

(You don’t have to listen more than the 0,3’s of the song. But you can if you really really want).

And sometimes, images are better than word : the victory dance !

Victory dance

Yes. This is how I feel today !

Oh. And yes, it’s also my #introduceyourself post.

Short Bio

Hellow! It’s me and my official “Steemit First Picture”
My name is Roxane. I'm a 30 years old girl from Brussels, Belgium (even if I don’t really look like a Belgian girl – that’s because my parents doesn’t come from Belgium, but that’s another – long- story. And I will let you guess what kind of crazy mix I am).

I am married with this so sexy handsome men @oroger. He is the one who introduced me to Steemit (see how this all story started here) and who decided to “spend” some of our money on crypto-currency (while I am trying to spare all our money to retire by 35… I may be wrong. I really really need and want to learn more about crypto-currency).

What are the things I love ?

To travel.Ecosse-2017-232.jpg

Also there.
Also also there.
Oh. And even there.


I've visited, traveled in more than 50 countries in 30 years - I really love COLD countries... Even if I've spent months and months in Asia... I've started to travel (alone) at the age of 16.

To Declutter.

I also love to declutter my home (just in case we decide to travel the world and never come back again. Just preparing).

2015-06-28 01.32.30.jpg

(yes, I really need to work on myself... it is really too MUCH stuff).

Oh and I started to declutter in 2010 (it was not “fashionable” at that time to be a minimalist). I still have a lot of stuff (I really DO NOT KNOW how it’s possible). At that time I even made my first blog only to sell/give my stuff (I don’t like to throw things away).

My Bed.

I love my BED. It’s probably the only material thing I am attached to. Look how nice it is. Oh. And I’ve made this so great DIY bedhead.
Rox la limace - 1.JPG

And, apparently, I am not the only one...


I even wrote an entire blog article on my personal blog about my bed... -_-

The View from my terrace.

Glandouille à la maison - 01.jpg

Balade sur le toit - 27.jpg

To share my knowledge & inspire people.

This is one of things I love to do (everyday) : have an impact on people 's lives. I work a lot on myself to be a better person and I try as much as I can to lift up the persons around me.
In my real life, I work with teenagers and help them to raise their self-esteem & self-confidence and motivate them to undertake.

Steemit (probably very soon).

As soon as I will start to earn (and understand better) crypto-currencies by written/sharing content, I am suuure I will love it more every day ! ;-)


And finally I love Olivier (it’s important to tell, I love him since I am 13). Look how cute we are.


It’s a 17 years old picture.


Not so many changes, right ?
(Look at THE ring, THIS has changed!).

What can I offer to the Steemit Community ?

Here on Steemit, I will share post (mainly in french) about Money, Minimalism, Travel , Entrepreneurship and Love

In fact, it’s been almost one year that I’ve started a blog to talk about my journey towards financial independence. I intend to share it here also, on the Steemit Platform. I really hope you will like my posts and that it will inspire you in your daily life.

I hope to retired by 35. Still 5 years to go. And I will share with you all the journey to this goal :-)

I am happy to be a part of Steemit! And hope my posts / videos & articles will help the growth of the French speaking community on this Platform !

With love, belgian fries & beers, from Brussels,


Let’s get connected:

Contact me
Contact me: I am waiting to read from you soon !


What a great intro Roxanne, I'm giving you a late resteem!

Welcome to the Steem blockchain (and Steemit.com)!

Ohh waw ! You can resteem my introduction !? Thank you so much :-) I hope that I can get connected to more french speaking persons with this visibility ! Thanks !!

You should check if there's a French channel on Steemit.chat and perhaps look for a tag for French posts, such as "fr" maybe? https://steemit.com/created/fr

Hope you'll like it here! Don't get too focused on the money you make/don't make now, ok? =)

Hey ! I am on the FR channel :-)
And no, I am not focusing on money ... (it's been years that I am written a blog for no money at all - I really didn't want to put ads on my blog ! just some partnership sponsored for things who really matters :) ).

That's perfect then, you're ready to explore this place :thumbsup:

Here's a tip:
Try going to https://busy.org/introduceyourself/@malik.roxane/finally-joining-the-steemit-community-and-introducing-you-to-my-life and you'll see your post from another angle.

Then you're still viewing the same "Steem blockchain", but using another site. There are many options. =)

Good luck!

I am already on Busy ;-) More easy to use ! THANK you again for sharing this :-)

That was fast! :D Ok then you'll learn this in no time!

(I have the great help of my husband ;-) I wouldn't know it so fast otherwise :p I am good at writing and sharing knowledge... not IT / crypto /etc. ^^


thank youuuuuuuuu !!! ^^

Hello Roxane ! ^_^welcometonewbiesredim.png

Bienvenue ici ;-)

Yeah une francophone trouvée de plus :-))
Bonjour Barbara! Je viens de jeter un regard à ton profil et à ton sublime post d'introduction ! Comme c'est beau !!! Quelle artiste tu es !
Contente que tu m'ai contacté ! A bientôt !!!

merci.pngRoxane et avec plaisir ;-)
La communauté francophone malheureusement ici est reduite, que dis-je, inexistante mais c'est souvent le cas partout, et cela ne t'empechera pas de faire ton trou et de t'amuser énormément si tu le souhaites ^_^
encore une fois sois la bienvenue sur Steemit, si tu as des questions auxquelles je peux repondre je le ferai volontiers, cela étant, je n'ai moi-même pas tout compris mais ça ne me gene pas trop : je ne comprends rien à l'électricité mais ça ne m'empeche pas d'appuyer sur un bouton pour avoir de la lumière ...LoL

belle soirée !oiseau.png

Haha belle réponse ;-)
Je pensais écrire en FR en espérant attirer à terme cette communauté. Pourtant, mes deux premiers posts étaient en anglais... Mais je me dis qu'on est des précurseurs ;-) A nous de donner une bonne image de la francophonie sur Steemit et d'attirer des nouveaux ;) Je veux bien que tu éclaires ma chandelle... y a t'il un moyen de contacter les gens en privé ?

oui il y a le steemchat : à coté de ton avatar il y a un menu deroulant et tout en bas steemitchat, il faut t'inscrire

J'y suis ;-) Je viens de cause avec des tas de gens !!!

armand.pngHaha parfait !
moi je vais me coucher ^_^ A plus !

Nice introduction and pics, funny too. Welcome to steemit. Hope you follow me as i will do the same

Hey! Thanks for the welcoming.
Please, as I am not familiar with Steemit yet... Can you explain me something : should I follow people because I think their posts can be interesting to me and add value in my life or should I follow people to get followers ? I am here to learn things, follow valuable content and share also content to the people who really really like my writting / video and most of all the themes I speak about : minimalism / money / travel (in french by the way).
Thanks in advance,

Excellent intro post! Welcome! Great to see your travel pics from my current home, Norway :)

I personally dont like to play the "follow for follow" game or just follow tons of people in hopes they will follow me, but thats up to you. The types of people I follow are those whose content I genuinely enjoy and those who interact with me through comments or in the chat (you should check out chat for post promotion and interaction if you havent already).

I will follow you bc you look like a promising addition to this community (even though I don't speak French) :)


Thank you for your message!
I've loved Norway ! Lucky you too live there! I went up to North Kap... probably one of my best travel...
I don't like the follow to follow neither ;-) I am following for now mainly french speaking person (because I try to find and hope to be part of the french speaking community here!)! But thank you so much for the following. I am really honored ! More travels pictures and stories to come :-) So many memories to share...
I have discovered this Chat tonight :-) And have already joined FR / french /Français :-)
Thank you again for your comment !

Bienvenue! Nous avons le minimalisme et la volonté d'atteindre la liberté financière en commun! Au plaisir de lire tes post et en français YOUPI !!!!

Haaa génial :-)) Vraiment heureuse de t'avoir trouvée ! Ha oui, regarde déjà mon second post (la vidéo) :-)) Elle peut peut-être te plaire !!! :)

Bienvenue! C'est très inspirant comme article!

Bienvenue. Enjoy the community..

Merci beaucoup ! :-) A bientôt !

Nice to have you on board, Roxane! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Thank you ! & You just got a new follower :-)

Welcome to the Steemit community @goodaytraders

Thank you !! I am very happy to be here :-)

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