My Introduction: My story, My Life, My Struggles.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I think rather than names, what we do, The real introduction of one is what they have gone through in life and what we have achieved.

As these things tells us a lot about a person.

So here my story goes...

2 years ago, I had graduated from my college and I was like all other people, fun loving, full of hopes, trying to do something big, something I would be admired for among my friends and family. After a while, Out of mere luck or bad luck, I got a very good Job in my city. It was high paying job with low work pressure and I got time to enjoy life, spend time with my family. I was on the top of my world.

Then, I get used to these things, the luxury, the comfort, the money that comes every month. Basically I got spoiled in my life. But tables are always turned in life. In september 2016, something happened and the company I was working in was shut down. I lost my job.

It was a sudden shock and a big hit for me. But I wasn't worried that much because I know I am young and I have some savings and I will figure out something. But reality isn't very far from us in life. After a while I figured that to get a good job, I have to leave my city, my life, my family which I am so used to and go to another city. I haven't left my city in my life except for vacations. Then i thought i would set up a small business in my city to avoid job and will settle here.

But when we are in our hard phase of life, life shows our true mettle. I didn't have so much savings to start a new business, neither any idea nor any experience. It was the time when I first got scared what I will do in my life. As my family is well to do in a small town (but not that much to help me start a business), I can't do small jobs as it will hit our reputation and also my education background was good so I wasn't comfortable either. 

Then, beating all negative thoughts I went for an Interview in another city for a good job, But there was another blow. As my job profile was only for a mere name and I didn't do that much important things in my company, I didn't have any knowledge of what I have to do in a corporate world. I was rejected. I tried some more times but the result was same. "No good Experience No Good Knowledge No Good Job".

I was only able to get a job with a very low salary and long working hours as compared to my previous one, which I was not ready to do. I returned to my home, sad, broken, failed. I saw some of my friends who have started from a small job, were able to get a good job. Most of my friends were enjoying their life, reaching new heights, doing something good, something funny daily whereas I was sitting here in my home doing nothing. All these things started to have a big negative effect on me. I started taking everything in a wrong way, I will not be able to do something good in my life, I will rot like this forever. And as a result I was suffering from depression.

I stopped going out of my house, stopped talking to my friends and and then with my family and I was completely lost in life. Just a few months back I was flying in air and now i feel like i was completely lost in my life. Nobody understood what has happened with me, why I was behaving like that. 

But then two months ago I was surfing the net while I found a very motivating post on a blog. I felt some relief. I enjoyed reading it. Then an idea came in my Mind. I will read a lot of positive things and make this a habit. This habit changed a lot in me. I started feeling good. I started doing new things. I tried to get a job and successfully got it near my city(though it was an average job, but I was happy that atleast I am doing something).

Then One day, I was looking for something to invest in, that would give me good returns with my little savings, as still I don't earn much to live a good life and I found a thing called bitcoin. After a lot of research I found it very Interesting with good returns in future. Further research led me to other cryptocurrencies which led me finally to steemit. When I joined steemit this month, I was thinking what I would write about here, would it be about Cryptocurrency or some nitty gritty facts etc, but then an idea came to my mind. My life was changed by reading the positive things, the motivational things and the struggle of great personalities. So I decided I will help myself and others on this path by motivating others and myself to do and achieve things we were scared of doing or think we can't do it.

The most important thing I have learned during this time is if we keep trying to do something that we want, if we keep thinking that we can do it, We will definitely achieve it.

Well, that's story of my life till now and  that's my true Introduction.


Welcome to steemit! That's life, it teaches us the lessons we have to learn, pain causes us to grow. I was also very comfortable one stage, now under great pressure. But we keep on going. The biggest lesson is to learn to let go of society's expectations of you. It is very hard, but only then will you be truly happy.

thanks and yes I have learned all that the hard way @onetree But glad I am able to face the truth and stand up to atleast my expectations.

I like the open-hearted way you write. Sometimes it is good to fall. Like I heard a professor talking this week: if you never feel unhappy, you can not experience happiness the way it is supposed to be. I am glad you found a fitting job. Good luck and wish you all the best.

Yes true, when you fall, you rise higher @pinkielady , thanks :)

.. and if you fall deep, you can only rise up. It's worth it, I can assure you :-)

Yeah that may be, But now I don't want to fall deep, I want to rise higher in life @pinkielady

hello @looftee welcome to steemit.. thats life in some moment everything goes upside down. True hapiness is not at money and jobs, it is at human relationships and simple things. well done for passing over your depression and you find something good to make you strong again

Enjoyed reading your story. Motivational

@bobbylee I myself when remember my old days, I feel proud of myself. How I used to get demotivated of small not so important things, And now how much I have changed myself in a very less time. If we are determined to do something good, we will achieve it definitely. Anyways thanks for reading.

Yeah, rightly said! Afterall if you really want something then all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it - courtesy of Paul Coelho :)

I have it resteemed now, let see what happens :)

Thanks a lot @schamamgerbert you have truly been a lot of help for writing this introduction down. Thanks a lot.

It is my pleasure to help new users :) And your content is interesting, so everyone benefits from it. You are welcome!

Well then keep helping me when I will be here for a while and I will become an old user.

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welcome to steemit @ looftee, am so glad to have you in this platform. looking forward to more of your posts

followed you.

Thanks for following me @frank4jesus you will see more motivating posts in the future.

Hi and welcome to steemit. I am sure that you will enjoy being here.

Hello @looftee ! Welcome to the community . Life is a way so we face rise and fall . Thats why I wrote one about life here on steemit : .
Thank you for sharing your story .

thanks and your welcome @akkha

Thank you !

Beautiful words @akkha upvoted it.

Thank you so much my friend .

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