Captain's blog: day 0001 in Steemit ... Earth calling Angela, I introduce myself and 3... 2... 1... Liftoff!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Can you imagine in a future like: you pay for the beers tonight dude, I don't have a single bitcoin in my pocket!
I did't, until recently ...

Now. Would you read a brief review of who I am and where I am going? I am too curious about how you get here in Steemit!

Although if you are one of those who prefer images I have one that describes me perfectly:


And one that correctly describes what I like the most:


Let me tell you quickly how my ship landed here...
Done! Inspiring, right?

I'm not a writer at all and I'm under the rookies, just splashing from the waters of the cryptocurrency, eager to soak up and so much information (although I struggle 'cause my right hemisphere is more active than the left one), I would love to have a romantic or rational story of how the heck I get to Steemit, noup, but what I do have it's a word: Serendipity and its meaning "A serendipity is a discovery or a lucky, valuable and unexpected finding that occurs accidentally or causally, or when you are looking for something different."

Still there? Do you want to read a little more about me and this project?

Greetings! sea creatures of space! (3 hours later) I welcome you to this ship and I am happy to introduce myself: my parents named me Angela Guadalupe Morales Méndez but I am genuinely Miss. Atomic Bomb captain and creator of this new and small ship called B side. I am currently in the Mexican Caribbean suffering (believe it or not) the vacation. Life brought me back here to leave my comfort zone for a while and push me to achieve, fighting and overcoming turbulence.

Briefly: As Mexican as the enchiladas (mexican dish), I survive as a graphic designer, the cactus and the cats are my best friends, it keeps me healthy the sport climbing, yoga and pedaling my bicycle, playing the drums take away the stress from me, cooking it's like a therapy, it relaxes me, I freaking love to eat and eat well, I enjoy saving my days in photographs, I detest the medicine/doctors/hospitals referring to allopathy, I refuse to work locked in an office, I've tried a couple of times just to reiterate my decision, I prefer to organize my time in discovering and learning, it is almost impossible to remain still; I jump, I sing, I dance and I spend a thousand hours a day analyzing, I like to change my mind sometimes abruptly, like in this post, I had written everything in terms of maritime and almost in the end I changed it jejeje, I consider myself an expert in squeezing my creativity and in organizing whatever.

un día normal.png

And that's it. So, where is this ship headed that as a good girl from the 80's I named B Side? Following the signs of the universe and guided by the stars, we'll navigate between comets through space, going through all the orbits that I feel passionate about, through the well-known milky way and especially through dark matter.

We will cross the vast galaxy of my design philosophy (not just graphic). Which so far still as a constant challenge; develop ideas and give solutions to others through the creation of objects or the reinvention/intervention/decoration of spaces. As concepts generator I am aware of the importance of working in a harmonious environment and I declare myself a huge fan of everything that reinforces communication in any kind of expression. It has become a way of life, everything I think and do happens through the vision of a designer.

It is simply exciting to have the ability to create something new, different, simple, beautiful, functional!

We will discover and conquer planets! because I haven't studied deeply anything related to ecology, gardening, self-sustainability, nutrition, astrology or spirituality but these are for me very interesting topics that I have tried to incorporate into my life little by little. I consider fundamental the respect for our universe, both external and internal, keeping them in balance and free from contamination is the purpose. And although I'm not even close to be part of the community categorized as "eco-freak" or "fitness-freak" let's say that I do see myself in the future as a "crazy-cat-lady-eco-fitness-spiritual-freak!"

We will navigate through the authentic, as an enthusiastic supporter of what is handmade that I consider to be invaluable, and not because of the price of the material used, nor because of the hours dedicated (which are usually many) but because of the love that each one of those pieces posses. The satisfaction of developing my own things is one of my favorite feelings and the only way to know what we are capable to create is trying and believe me, these hands that will be eating by worms, have tried to do many things.

It's the feeling of pride for yours!

Last (and definitely not least) we'll land this ship repeatedly and with singular joy on the asteroids of food and specifically the making desserts asteroid. It's so easy find a good recipe on the internet or send a message to mom to ask, but my speciallity is to experiment, supply ingredients, try different condiments, combine recipes, etcetera!

We will always pilot with the spatial mission of B Side in mind, which is the deep curiosity for the different, expand our vision admitting in it other realities, other perspectives, other alternatives. Question the A Side to find answers from the other side in unknown atmospheres where there is what only a few perceive.

All aboard!

what the heck do with my life.jpg

I'd love to know that what I'll shared as an opinion or recommendation, no matter how everyday/simple it is, it will be useful and could leave a positive mark in the world of someone, as well as for me, specifically starting the moment I click on the -post- button, not just my world, my universe will change radically and finally I'll be doing and sharing what I really really love and that my friends, that already makes me happy!
As you may notice English is not my main language, but I am so excited with Steemit that I wanted to introduce myself and share with the most possible (if I spoke French, my next post would be the same but in French) in the end, the bigger the community , the better for everyone, right? Although for now, I am the one who is waiting for more advice and suggestions as a new member of this wonder, I will deeply appreciate it.

Wishing you the best!
Kisses and see ya soon!


Wow, the dedication to this post was amazing. You're such a lovely content creator. I wish I were this hardworking.

Heeeeey I'm so happy to know that you can feel the dedication I put on this post, I have a question, is it english your first lenguage?? or should I finish esta respuesta en español?? jejeje Muchísimas gracias por tus palabras, la verdad es que empecé a escribir y me dejé llevar, luego llegó mi lado perfeccionista a colaborar jajaja
Te mando abrazotonononote!!

hey love the work : )

I'm glad!! Thank youuuuu!! :D

Ladob, shall we follow each other : ) Harj

Well of course! I'ts just that I'm so new here and so into my next post that I totally forgot to follow nice people like you :) Now I'm following Harj's art!!

thanks mate! me too


Thanks :)

Thank you :)

hahaha... awesome intro... You don't need any help, but its nice to meet you anyways! Welcome and just be yourself, you'll light this place up ;)

You choose the nicest words to welcome me! Thank you very very much for that and for the advice :D I wish it so! Sending virtual hug...

I tried tagging everyone and only a few got it.. some I'm send it individually to each of you. ;)

I'm sending this as a comment instead of a post because I want to make sure you get this individually because I know everyone doesn't read all my posts. (and I forgive you ;)

I'm sure I missed many friends, but I listed the ones that I found on several of my links that I feel that I have a connection to. This IS a personal message to each of you individually, (but that is a lot of typing and I didn't want to be insincere and copy and paste to each of you either). lol... I hope you read it because I wanted to bring it to your attention personally. As always if you have any questions, just ask me I'm here to help!

Hey you might want to try to use @bumper to learn how it works. Its really easy to do and I've done it 63 times now over 4 days and I've been thrilled. It is an upvote service that is designed to help us smaller guys/gals leverage our money in our wallets to gain power and also to multiply our money.

What happens is you send @bumper in from 0.10 SBD to 0.50 SBD (SBD is "steem dollars" in your wallet) and then the a recent post URL of an article that you want them to upvote (3 days old or newer). Hint: you just open your post that you want upvoted and go to the url bar and copy the whole link and paste it into the comment section when you send @bumper the SBD. To do this go to the wallet in your account and click on the steem dollar section (see below) and click "transfer"

Next just enter in the "to" section bumper
Enter in the amount: just put in an even number (0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50)
Copy and paste the URL of the post you would like upvoted

Then they will upvote your post 3x what you sent in. So if you sent them 0.10 SBD, then you will get a vote on your post you send them that will "bump" it up by at least 0.33. Its a good way to grow and make money, so I suggest you start doing it so you can learn how it works. You will be sending in hundreds of these as soon as you learn it.

@bumper will be setting rules in the coming weeks to put limits on how many submissions each person can do, so the sooner you see how it works, the more you can benefit as they set these rules. I will be writing about the economics of how STEEM and SBD work in a upcoming blog post, and you will understand the impact even more at that time. So this is just a headsup to my friends to start your learning process on something I have found.

If you find any others that are "real" and "genuine", and like us smaller, then you can pass this info along. I want to help the smaller "good ones" out here to grow together and at the same time to learn how to share with each other. (like in this post to my friends)

Note: I am sure I missed some really good connections I've made, but my feed is going so slow that I can't stand it any longer. I'm sorry if I missed you :) and just let me know I did so it doesn't happen again. ;)

I forgot to re-iterate, ONLY SEND POSTS 3 DAYS OLD OR NEWER

lol... virtual hug received ;) ...

I'm glad you liked my words because they were the truth! I think you will be great and if you have any questions about how any of this works, let me know (it is quite complex)... I'm always happy to help you, because I realize what a perfect addition you are to this place!

Cheers to the new year and stay in touch ;)

Oh men, I have thousands of questions and like 3 answers hahaha but I have the feeling that I'll find some answers stalking you ;) Thanks again and have a happy life in 2018 I sincerlly wish you the very best to this new year!! Cheers o/*\õ (<- ps. That in my mind it's two good friends rising their glasses)

lol... I understand and btw you can stalk me anytime ;)

I hope you have an awesome 2018 too (and even an awesome 2017 (got 2 more days after all)...

And like the depiction of a toast, o/*\õ back to ya! (be careful, I tend to steal good ideas like that) ;)

That's what ideas are made for, to take them and make your version of them!
n____________< (wink)

:) ... hmmm I'll have to think on that to figure it out... I am a man so I'm a little slower lol

Bienvenido a Steemit, éxitos en esta nueva aventura. Que buen escrito, me caes bien..

Muchotas gracias!! Eres bienvenido a bordo!! Abrazo fuerte y espiraloso!!

Welcome and very nice work!!

I'm happy to read that ñ_ñ Thanks and good vibes!!

THanks ! :)

Nice. Welcome to the club.
Would be following you up.
I would also appreciate a follow back

Happy New Year :)

Hey @ladob, really enjoyed reading you presentation. You seem to be very energetic. I also love the fact that you are from Mexico (I really enjoyed the three weeks I was travelling around the country). Let me know if you have questions about this amazing platform! I will follow your blog hoping you will write about your home. Cheers @lesshorrible!

Thaaaaanks a lot @leeshorrible!! Love your nickname btw!! Mexico it's a beautiful country indeed. What places did you visit? Now that I'm living in paradise, of course!! I intend to make some post of the amazing and not so amazing things of the Caribbean.
It's so nice to know that somebody will read my nonsense and thank you for your support too, it's complex but I try to be up to date (as much as I can hahaha)
I wish that a looooooot of wonderful things happen to you this new year!!
Cheers :D
Ms. Atomic Bomb

Thanks, I hope you will make some great discoveries in galaxy 2018!
I was driving around the Yucatan peninsula and then west to Oaxaca. My favorite places were San Cristobal de las Casas (hope you know that place, its beautiful) and Campeche.
I am sure you will be successful here. You are doing the right thing, you are having fun!

Noooo, I've never been there, and I do not know why, I know it's beautiful for all my friends, maybe I haven't gone because I would stay there to live!! Hopefully when I go back to my hometown I'll visit, San Cristóbal it's definitely on my list. Thank you for the good vibes and we all are here (in this universe) to enjoy and have fun ;) kiss kiss and be happy!!

I wanted to wish you a happy new year my 2017 classmate :)

Happy New Year to you too!!

lol, I thought you'd be celebrating ;) ... and with such wild enthusiasm too :)


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