Introducing: Myself

in #introduceyourself5 years ago (edited)

I’ve been a member of this community for a while now, so an #introduceyourself post is long overdue. I’ll try to make it brief, but this could take a while. So, grab a cup of coffee and be comfortable while you read.

Who am I then?

I was born in Sweden, have lived half my life in Denmark and have recently moved to Spain. (Travelling has always been a big part of my life, and sometimes it utterly amazes me how much I take it for granted these days.)

The great passion in my life is music and has been ever since I can remember. I started playing music at the age of eight, and during most of my adult life I’ve worked as a musician. When I turned nine, I chose the trombone as my “main” instrument and it has stuck with me ever since.

Monday Night Big Band, Paradise Jazz, Huset, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Roger Berg Big Band, Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, Sweden.

During my music school years in Sweden, just before moving to Denmark, I started playing more and more as a professional alongside my studies. I then moved to Denmark to study, continued to play professionally, and when I graduated after five years, I already had so many engagements with several orchestras, that I could easily support myself as a professional. By now, I've been a professional musician for more than 25 years, with the trombone as my weapon of choice.

I studied music at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory ( in Copenhagen, Denmark, for five years, one of the most well-renowned non-classical music schools in Europe. I graduated with the then-equivalency of an Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Performance – Trombone, getting a top grade in composition/arranging along the way.

RMC entrance, my home away from home for five years. Photo courtesy of @nelyp.

Screen shot from a score of mine, taken from Sibelius (music notation software).

Trombone players, as a group, are what I usually refer to as an endangered species. There are relatively few of us, so we need to stay very versatile, and above all open-minded towards many music genres. You never know what you might be asked to play tomorrow... During my professional career as a musician, I have mostly played big band music (ranging from old-school jazz to new and experimental), but also a lot of theatre music, musicals, pop, soul, funk, reggae, hip-hop, disco - and the list goes on and on. I have done studio recordings within most of these genres, and even managed to squeeze in recordings for a couple of TV-commercials.

The orchestra from “Die Dreigroschenoper”, The Betty Nansen Theatre, Copenhagen, Denmark.

My babies at a recording session, a farm (!) outside Lund, Sweden.

Besides playing, I have also spent a lot of my professional career arranging, transcribing, composing and conducting.

Conducting Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert (for big band and choir).

Conducting rehearsals of a Ray Charles-themed concert (strings and big band).

I have also been lucky enough to travel around the world while performing, visiting most of Europe as well as USA and Japan. Much, much more on this in future posts.

These are the countries I’ve performed in as a musician.

Being a professional musician (especially as a freelancer) can be very stressful from a financial point of view. You never know when you are going to get your next paycheck... So, during the last fifteen years, I’ve also worked full-time in the market research industry, mainly as a project manager. Doing this, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to dabble in graphic design and video editing, so I’m certainly no stranger to Photoshop or Premiere Pro.

One of my other passions is photography. Let me state this from the outset; I am an amateur who just happens to love taking pictures. For some reason, analogue (or film-) photography has always appealed to me, which has resulted in a collection of numerous weird and wonderful cameras over the years.

This is the bulk of my photographic arsenal (not everything is unpacked yet…). Left to right and top to bottom: Diana F+ (Lomography version), upside-down KMZ Zorki 10 (?), Minolta X-300, Canon EOS 3, Bel-Air X 6-12 (“Globetrotter” version, by Lomography), Flexaret (probably one of the IV models), Canon EOS 300, (+a variety of filters and lenses).

Being a musician and a hobby photographer sometimes gives me very unique (and privileged) points-of-view. When you’re on stage, you don’t always have the time to take pictures (except the occasional documentary and/or stupid selfie) but sometimes you do, and if you’re lucky, you might find some interesting results…

In future posts, I plan to tell you more in-depth about my musical career, showcase my instruments (I have a lot of instruments, including seven trombones), perhaps do some music tutorials and (of course!) post photographs. As I have had some very unique opportunities regarding music and photography, I like to combine the two. Aaand whatever I think might be interesting or useful, maybe some graphic design or editing tips. I’m also a fairly kick-ass cook (even if I do say so myself) so I will probably dish out some recipes for you as well… You can catch me on other SoMe platforms too, I'm not that hard to find. If you have any questions for me, I'd be more than happy to answer in the comments below.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this intro of mine and I hope you have a great day.

Source notes:
As a performing musician, it is often very hard to find pictures of yourself, to use as you please without copyright infringement. So, a disclaimer is definitely in order; pictures/designs/photographs/etc. in this post which do not have a source stated, fall under either of the following criteria; 1) they are designed/photographed by me or 2) explicit permission of use has been given by the photographer/designer or 3) they have been passed on through usual social media channels or in DM’s. If you’d like details on cameras (or film) used, get in touch in a comment below.


Great that you did an intro after all , if I can help let me know. we have a great discord called Steemterminal and they do great things.

I can second this, Steem Terminal and it's admins/members are truly one of kind great people!

Awesome introceyourself post! Very well written and detailed, was a pleasure to read and get to know more about you and your passions. Music is love, music is life, you are truly gifted man. Hope to see and maybe "hear", more from you!

Thank you very much! Hopefully, I'll be able to post something to hear, but being a musician, I know what a snarled jungle the concept of copyright is... So I hope so!

Welcome, well I guess you've been here for a while already? But welcome anyways as this is an introduction post.

That's cool you've played music for so long! Also, I love your camera collection! Photography is one of my main interests and it's always cool to meet other photographers.

That must be fun and exciting to play music in front of so many people!
I recently started messing around with some mixing sample stuff and a fun drum pad machine app, though I kinda doubt I'll ever get anywhere near your level of expertise and understanding. It is fun though! I hope to one day put out my own album with my spoken word poetry.

I see bashadow already mentioned it, but I would also second him and suggest looking up @bengy as he is also very adept at music kinds of stuff!

Anyways... You seem like a productive, interesting and creative individual. Good luck on here! Oh and the main pieces of advice I would give would be to find some good communities to be a part of, look into some contests to meet more people and make some extra steem and then just put out some good content that people like and I have a feeling you'll do well on here. Peace!

Thanks for the very warm welcome and your comments!

Just to address a few; It is a lot of fun playing in front of a large crowd of 10k. But at the same time, playing in front of a "crowd" of 10 can be equally satisfying. To me, it depends on what, when and where, and so many other things.

I've also done some drum/pad/samples live on stage, so I know what you are talking about. :-)

Thank you for the good advice. I certainly intend to try as hard as I can to share whatever I think might be interesting.

Peace right back atcha!


Learned of your amazing blog, talents, and enthusiasm, via @jamerussell's #excellentblogpost ...

I know many might have mentioned the @steemterminal, which is a Group on Discord, that helps both new and current Steemians with questions about both Discord, and the blockchain. Though Discord is not actually connected to the blockchain, one would almost think it was! At any rate, I am a Moderator for the @steemterminal, and would LOVE to have you in our ranks...

I feel your talent and drive could be a very positive force, for both new, and current Steemians. If this is something that sounds like your cup of tea... tap the banner below!!

Thank you so much for those kind words!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @wesphilbin on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

Thank you for that, I appreciate it.

That's a good introduction but why take so long before a first post? If you can write like this and avoid the bots, you could do well here.

I can see you know about the tribes.. hope you can do some more posts too.

Thanks for the compliment!

I honestly don't know why I haven't posted before. Maybe one of the reasons was that I wanted to learn a bit more about the platform as such, before bumbling into it blindly...

My plan is definitely to start posting on a regular basis.

Looks like you hit the jackpot. There's so many who complain they are not seen, but if you make the effort then things do happen. Your a living example.

Don't expect it every post. Someone mentioned @bengy. I know he's a musician possibly along the same lines of you.


Hey man! I've been holding off on replying to this for a while, since I didn't quite know how to respond to be honest. So, bear with me for a sec. :-)
I don't know about "hitting the jackpot", but I guess that I caught the attention of some whose votes carry a lot of weight? In all honesty, I just wanted to get started on here, because I feel that I might have some interesting stuff to share with the community.
I don't expect anything, to be honest. If I can share some interesting things, be it music or whatever else, which someone else might find helpful/inspirational/nice to read, then so be it. If not, I'll take it in my stride.

Again, thank you very much for your welcome, and I truly appreciate your time to leave a comment or two!

You caught the attention because you made some effort. So many don't and do a half-job. It really makes a difference and we can all see it!

Welcome to steemit journey and any about helping always with you @Johan.norberg

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to steemit! It's really a good platform for the enthusiast writers and for the people who want to share their good work with the world! ;)

Welcome! Looks like this is gonna be a fantastic account if you stick with it =D

I'm a musician too and I just picked up the viola. I play a bunch of instruments but brass is probably the most distant family from me... Look forward to see more!


Strings are pretty far from brass, yeah... :-D Hope that viola is working for you!

Looking forward to seeing some shots from these

I have some of these in my collection, even though it's not as large as it used to be having sold off 75% of it.

Welcome to Steem

Thanks for the welcome!

Last shot in the post (the b&w one) is from the Diana with a fish-eye lens. :-) There will be more to come for sure.

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