Hi I'm Joakim from Norway

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

Hi Steemit! I really love your concept and so I'm moving in.

This is not my first post here. The urgency of getting out my first two articles delayed this introductory post. I will try to write something about what motivates me to write.

I was born in the fjords of Norway two days after the 200-year anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence, and have always had a love/hate relationship with USA. In my upbringing, one of unconditional adoration and after 9/11, one of mostly pity. My hope is that the americans can get their act together at some future point, and be the world leaders they want to be.

Growing up, I was 2 or 3 classes ahead of my class in several subjects, like Norwegian, English and Mathematics. I was never shy of trying new things and was a natural although shy leader. When my class was asked to participate in a nation wide vaccine trial against the meningococcal-b bacteria, I was among the first to raise my hand. I rushed home to my parents with the form of consent they had to sign since I was a minor at only 12 years old, my head filled with all the propaganda we had been told about how we were specially selected children that would save the world from this terrible bacteria.

What they failed to tell us then was that the so called epidemic had already waned but that so much money and prestige had gone into the program that they had made the fateful decision to go ahead with it anyway. The program was led by the notorious FHI, the "public health institute" that was given to us by the Rockefeller institution in 1929, to set us up for dependence on chemical and synthetic drugs.

They had already gotten reports of some serious side effects in the pre-trials and it didn't take long before the same serious side effects were reported as the actual trial started in 1988 on 180.000 youths. In the end the vaccine proved only about 53% effective and had to be scrapped.

One girl got paralyzed from the waist down, while others slept for days. But for most of us, we started out with vague symptoms that only grew worse through our teenage years. Besides, we were told not to go to the doctor with "minor" symptoms, and being vikings we didn't feel inclined to go unless our head had fallen off. My arm was so swollen even years after the vaccine that even to this day I instinctively avoid drying it with my towel whenever I take a shower.

I would be lying if I told you that I noticed myself that my ability to concentrate waned, because to me it was like being led slowly into a dark tunnel. My teachers should maybe have picked up that my grades went from being near perfect to being near the bottom in a manner of three years? Sadly, my parents was in a process of breaking up through these very same three years and everyone figured maybe I was reacting badly to the breakup.

The other things was that I started oversleeping to a point where I was absent 50% of the time from school. I went to the doctor and asked him why I was sleeping 12 hours a day but he couldn't give me an answer of course. Because my concentration was gone, I couldn't keep up with my friends anymore and drifted from social circle to social circle.

I will not bore you with the details of my slow descent into a very dark and cold abyss. Because it coincided with the palpable sense of looming darkness around the millennial shift, I doubt that anyone I knew back then gave it a second thought? Suffice to say that as the three towers were demolished on 9/11 to start wars in foreign countries, I had already been a full year in a psychiatric hospital after a nervous breakdown that led to a suicide attempt.

After leaving the hospital, I tried every religion and alternative therapy known to man in order to understand my pain and heal it. One of the things I tried was spending well over 2000 dollars on direct healing. Somehow this healer convinced me that the city I was living in had a "dirty energy" in it and that I was better off living in the countryside. And not long after, when my pain and despair was growing so much that I feared being admitted to the psychiatric hospital again, I got on a bus to my grandparents, who were living in the countryside.

I lived with them for few months, my grandmother even securing a flat for me, before she sadly died in a car accident. And so for some years it was only me and my grandfather and a whole lot of time to ponder what had happened and go online for answers. By sheer accident I incidentally discovered 300 other individuals in a Facebook group that had the same ailments as myself. What they had in common was that they had participated in the same vaccine trial as I had.

Just like me, they had been sleeping 12 hours a day, had dropped out of school and had developed chronic fatigue syndrome as well as a host of autoimmune diseases. At last I had something to go after and I got hold of a professor in neurology that had helped a lot of these individuals out of his good heart with getting a chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis. Getting the diagnosis didn't change much for me. They had already put me on welfare at the tender age of 24, when I was admitted to the psychiatric hospital. But psychologically it allowed me to put the reason for my was suffering to rest.

But before this happened I read a newspaper article about this artist called @arthuradamson, who was painting and displaying these big paintings in his own gallery in a nearby village. On a spur, I got on a bus to check out an apartment there and I moved there soon after, in 2009, landing a job in a framing workshop that was opening there just a few months later. Here in Balestrand I have found the stability and the friends I craved, and time to focus on my own painting, music and writing.

My firsthand experience with the big pharmafia and all the lying scientists they have in their pocket has led me to be very critical of their making money off the back of sick people. Because the United Nations and the WHO wants that backdoor into our blood that vaccines provides them with for their secret genetics and population control programs, this very un-miraculous form of scrapheap 18th century trickery has been fiercely protected for over 100 years. If I can help just one person with avoiding the vaccine injury that I myself endured then shouting about it has been worth it.

I also hope to write about music theory, share my music and art and write about all the different things I have come to know a thing or two about in this strange life of mine. Especially as regards the blockchain revolution and how to best use all the emerging technology without losing our humanity.


Fantastisk @jimble

Du må jo bare skrive mye mer her på Steemit. Det er mitt ønske å lese mer fra deg.
Hipp hurra for deg.

Takk! Det ønsket skal eg prøve å oppfylle! Hipp hurra for deg og!

Nydelig post og så utrolig godt skrevet.

Ha en skikkelig god dag @jimble

Takk Barbro! Takk for de fine ordene dine. Ha ein fin dag/kveld/natt sjølv!

Hei @jimble

Så gøy å se nye fra Norge her (jeg fikk ikke med meg de to første artiklene dine når du skrev dem).
Modig og stort at du deler din historie og identitet slik at andre kan begynne å tenke mer selv. Rett og slett takk skal du ha.
Syns også du skriver på en historisk og objektiv måte, selv om det er en veldig personlig historie. Gleder meg til å lese mer fra deg.

Med vennlig hilsen
@ramta fra Østfold

PS. Skriv historien en gang til på norsk når vi blir mange fra Norge her på Steemit

Takk Ramta! Visste ikkje i grunn at det var så mange nordboere her... Takk for de fine ordene dine!

Wow, what a nice intro! Welcome to steemit @jimble

Thank you!

Thanks for sharing your story and I am glad you haven't given up on the USA. We will be ok..We are getting back to some of the principles our country was founded on. These principles helped make us great. See you around!

Thanks! I haven't given up on you and I feel mildly optimistic about Trump getting the US back to the principles of "We the people"... See you around!

The messenger is far from perfect but I am willing to give him a chance! I believe his heart is in the right place. He just signed document that gets the USA out of TTP trade agreement and his team is redoing it. He is moving fast!

great intro! nice to have you here

Thanks! Nice to be here.

You are very brave to share.

Welcome Joakim! Great to see more artists and musicians. You have an admirable vision for a better world.

Thank you for your kind words! Are you an artist or musician your self?

I played Clarinet & Sax when I was younger and played in teh school band however did not follow through due to other interests. I am an electronic producer these days and love making new age sounds using the A=432HZ scale. :) We are living within the symphony of life itself.

Excellent Joakim. You are a great guy and I truly value your friendship.
Utrulig fint @jimble

Wauw, I know this feeling, been there! Do you know bioresonance?

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