
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
I did that :)
Although I felt an urge to dive into the deep immediately and start blogging, I did just about enough research, before I wrote my intro post.
I must admit though that I always need to tell myself to at least browse through the manual, before I start using something new. It's tough though ;)

definitely a good strategy. Its tough with steem cuz you just wanna dive in as quick as possible to make money, but youve gotta learn the ropes first.

right, I guess that's the story of my life ;)
just kidding, I'm actually the kind of person that usually preps a lot and then takes the plunge. As a film teacher, I often told my students to learn the rules (of filmmaking) first and then break as many of them as possible.
Thanks a lot for your reply and keep creating!

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