
Life seems to be endless days of meal preparation, diapers, tantrums, changing clothes, play time, homeschooling, outside time, laundry, house cleaning and bed time routine. Most days the basics are all that gets accomplished, with the best of efforts to complete them all. However, the little people in our world dictate how much gets accomplished. The day before always starts with the To Do List, followed by waking early in hopes for a few hours to do the mundane of chores; laundry, dishes, and cleaning, to hear little foot steps approaching; just as the mundane chores get into full swing. Time to stop and start the other part of my day, being Mom.

I am asked quite often, if not daily, how do you handle the everyday life of a large family. As you can see from the above, it is a daily struggle to get it all done. However, the daily chores fall to the waste-side to the smiling face of my son. Nothing is more important or can't wait then their needs. There is no greater joy in this world to me then seeing their first times and than the first time they learn a new letter, to count, to spell. Their faces when they learn anything new or experience a new adventure. There is no greater joy on this planet for me.

Which is weird, as I love to write more then anything in this world. It is the only time that my life comes to complete understanding and I know exactly what to do. There is no question. However, I may be the only one that likes it :) When you are a parent you are always questioning, every decision, every movement, every word you say. You are always questioning; did I do the right thing; did I say the right thing? You never know; even though the rewards are more then can ever be explained, you still question. Writing is what I think about all day, everyday, it keeps me sane. I am like a jailed prisoner that cannot write on paper, I write in my head, talk aloud, write on napkins, scraps of papers. It is crazy the amount of scraps of paper I have with little tidbits of stories on them. I write then rewrite in my head, always trying to come to the perfect beginning, perfect ending. The problem is life is not perfect, it can't be.

Life is the most messy of all. There is never enough time to do it all. There is judgement from some that we should all be able to do it all, work, parent, clean, entertain, visit, etc. My question to them is always how? Yes, you can if you have very little in your life, but I don't have that. I have a house full, a mind full, and there is only so many workable hours in the day, I have to sleep. Right at this moment in my life I am writing this, answering my husband, watch a new episode of a show, and answering my 5 year old son. There would be very little time to wash dishes or throw laundry in. I do however find the time between questions and burps. I have learned through my many years on this planet, still learning, that you cannot please everyone and if a person does not walk in your shoes they have no freakin clue what your life is like. I have learned to not judge, as I hate to be judged. I have also learned if you have something worth saying, be an adult and say it to the person directly. I have also realized I have very little time for drama and the people who cause it. Life is too short. Life is to precious to worry about such ridiculous actions of others. I walk away and stay away no matter the feelings of others. Life is yours and how you live it, is yours to make. I cannot stand the thought of being on my death bed or seeing my life rush before my eyes right before death and see me caring about the thoughts of others. I cannot stand the thought that I would spend parts of my life kissing the ass of people who judge instead of understanding. They are not worth the time.

Time seems to be the extra we all crave and try to find more then any other. However, it is the one thing that does not change. The hours, minutes, seconds are set before we are ever here. We have to live within its confines and fulfill all that has to be done. I guess my reasoning for this post is to justify why some of my daily chores do not get done and why I never seem to have the time to write, but in actuality, it is for me to remember and share. Time is so precious and the time I spend on what I do will never come again. It is the best way to spend my time and when I do reach the end of my life, however way that happens, I will have no regrets about raising my kids and saying fuck it to the laundry. I will also have no regrets from this point on about eliminating people from my life that are more worried about judging then just being a part of my life.

Steemit is now giving me the ability to do the what I love and that is to parent and write. I am very happy I have found this forum and I cannot wait to meet everyone and read your posts. This is my way of saying hello.

Please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes as I am writing with a 3 month on my lap :)


Laundry pic. (2018). Comic Vine.

People Judging. (2017). Tiny

Time pic.( August 31, 2017). Ias Paper.

Writing pic. (March 2, 2017). Dreamstop.


I wonder how did you come up with your username or maybe you just love the band. lol
Anyway, welcome to steemit and take this opportunity to be able to write and say what you want. =)

I came up with the username, not because of the band, but because I love my imagination and I love dragons. I love the band also :) Thank you for commenting on my post :)

Welcome @imaginedragon! :)

What a fantastic work you are doing?

Thank you, I do try :)

Welcome to Steemit, I think it sounds like a good place for you to write and be yourself among the fun that sounds like your very busy life. I have followed you as I found your style interesting and it was also funny. I look forward to reading more. I also curate for a group called the @asapers, follow them if you want a chance to be curated.

Power up and steem on!

I'm sorry, I thought I responded to everyone. Hubby told me I missed you and I fought with him that I didn't, but I did.

Thank you and I am happy to be on here. I have followed on both :) Thank you for sharing. I'm happy you enjoyed what I wrote :)

Haha I am guessing your partner is @erodedthoughts lol... my hubby likes to think he's the funny one too. Somedays I let him have it cause those ears are pretty funny. Welcome again!

Yup @erodedthoughts is my hubby. He think he is funny too and once and awhile he is lol... He is the only one that does not think I am funny. I believe I am quite funny :)

haha, yes my hubby is the same lol. I noticed that you joined back in Sept, did hubby sign you up and you finally get sick of him steeming it without you? I only lasted a week of my hubby on it before I got addicted. :)

My wife is not funny, she is the serious one.

Not what she said... lol... so glad she has joined you. When should I be expecting Round 3?

Tomorrow, giving an extra day for round 2

Cool, just wanted to make sure I made some time for it :)


welcome! to the steem room!

HI @imaginedragon welcome to steemit from core of my 💓 heart.its nice to see you here steemit is very good plate form and community here you can find good friends of your own desire. I wish you best of luck.
Please follow me For future help and upvotes, resteem

Thank you and I hope I do. Being a stay-at-home Mom and working from home can be very lonely. Adult contact is very limited, so it will be nice to have adult conversations about subjects we are both interested in. Thank you for commenting on my post and nice to meet you :)

Hi! Have fun doing your list now that you've finally started steemit.

My list is done hubby and you are still sleeping :P Hopefully a few will get done :)

Ha, you bought me the xBox. Plus my coffee is still hot so I could not have slept long past my morning wake up kiss.

You didn't but we have a lot to do today and the kids were up before you :(

Welcome to steemit. It's a great place for writers and creatives. You will have so much fun and make so many new friends.

You have to also learn how to balance your chores and steemit because it can become pretty addictive. Lol.

Thank you :) My hubby is on here and its all he talks about and the reason I joined. He tells me how much fun it is and I have seen how great his friends are; so I wanted to join. However, I wanted to wait until the baby was little older to where I could sit with him and type. Now I am ready to go, chores can wait ;) Nice to meet you :)

Nice. Nice to meet you too. You'd have massive fun and learn new stuff too. Your husband posted ur post on discord, that's how I got here anyways. Family thing you know. Lol

Welcome in @imaginedragon and I am happy to see a quality writer from the get-go, the platform definitely needs some decent content that makes people chew a little more, swallow a little less.

Although not a writer, I write here also about many, many things. I have a feeling you are going to give me a run for my money once you find your feet.

Good to have you here :)

Thank you :) I hope so :) Nice to meet you and I can't wait to sit and read your writing :)

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