7 Tips/Advice for new steemers

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone specially to the new steemers.
Before I start my topic about what Ive learned for the past 2 months of steeming.I will tell you some tips and advice for how to be a good steemer..

First I would like to introduce to you myself.
I am Roselleanne Resma from somewhere around South East Asia.Ive been steeming for the past two months and for the two months of steeming..I kinda learned some of the basics and how it goes here in steemit.Ofcourse,I learned it from other steemers too,and read some FAq's


Ok lets start.

First,if you start steeming.Dont forget to read first the Frequently Ask Questions.

I think most of your why is that?what is this?how to do this..It has the answers..
Actually I just read it when i steemed almost a month..I have so many questions to other steemers and all my questions was there in the FAQ.
You can start reading it here


Read it first before asking other steemers.

Second,introduce yourself properly.

You can introduce yourself properly by posting/saying what are your interests.What you do love the most.
By posting that.maybe you can find someone else who has the same hobby or intersted in.like yours..

Third,validate youself/validate your account.

I read it in the FAQ section that you can validate your account by posting a photo of you holding a piece of paper with the writings of the date.your name.and steemit on it.You can also do it in a videoclip.So that other users will know that your real..here is a sample of it.This is the photo that I used when I first Introduce myself here in steemit


Here is the link to the said FAQ validate your account


Fourth,be unique,creative and mindful when you share a post.

By sharing a post..by sharing a good posts..
Many steemers will like it..And it will be the start of a friendship between you and other steemers.And when friendships starts..you followers and upvoters will grow fast..always be polite whenever replying to others..

Fifth,dont spam the whales to like or upvote you posts.

Ofcourse we all know that the more upvotes we got..The more SP and SBD will be accounted to us..but..i read a post about not to spam whales to upvote your posts.Thanks to that guy @schattenjaeger Now i became a mindful person when I read that one.Actually I am too a whale spammer before i read the post..Try to read this one and you will realize that you dont need to spam a whale to like your post..If the whale loves or liked your post..You will see them behind upvoting your post.


Sixth,Try your luck.

Some of steemers have a contest..and they give a big prize..
Sample of this is the steemitphotocontest.
Every week they have different topics of what you will post..
Try to join..maybe..you can be a lucky one..
Me im always joining but.still cant get the luck.lol.
Here is one of my entry to the said contest.


Im not a photographer.but still..im joining..maybe sometime..when luck comes to me.lol.


Here is the link.try your luck..and mix it with creativity when you join.

And the last..
Be respectful to others..

Be respectful whenever you comment or replying to others posts.By respecting the beliefs opinions of others even if your not in the same page..Still respect is all we need to be a part of a community wich is a friendly,family,human oriented social media medium.Ofcourse it will comeback.if you rspect others..then you will be respected..

Still its your ways how to play the game..Im not saying that all that I say here is right..The tips and advice I said to this post is just my opinion..You dont need to follow me or follow what I've said..
Thank you for your time reading my post.

Special thanks to the links that Ive used to this post.
Also thanks to
@belle.julz for the Dallas shirt



Follow me @iamkunaning
Upvote and follow will be highly appreciated
Surely I will follow back


Screen Shot 2017-06-24 at 00.18.39.png

@darthnava thanks for the upvote.lol
How are you?

Welcome aboard @iamkunaning Brace yourself for the best social network you have ever experienced. Steemit is the place to be if you ever use the internet on any device. Check out my blog I hope you'd find something you like and feel free to follow me @simeonburke I will follow you in response.
If you need any help, feel free to ask questions as well.
Have a lovely day!


Thanks for the tips! Newbies like me need all the help I can get!

Thank you..still i am a newbie too..

Thanks sweets

Welcome to Steemit @iamkunaning!! Enjoy yourself and have fun!

Thaks for the warm welcome.

Hey there! I agree with the points. New users should start by educating themselves about the system and slowly build up their blog by engaging with the community :)

Ahm..yes.thanks for agreeing with me..
Thanks for sparing some time to read my newbie post..its my second mindful posts.the other one is about sports..thanks a lot..

Would you mind upvoting me..
It'll be a good boost for me to post more interesting posts.
Your upvote will be highly appreciated.thanks my friend alot..

Thanks alot..nextime the post youll see is more interesting and a helpful one..thanks to you..namaste my friend..

Thanks kennroy.try to follow some of my tips..and youll see..its effectiveness in the long run.

Nice post hopefully you will love my steem also.
Greetings Dibaco


You're welcome

Congratulations on the first two months of being a Steemian!

Lots of great advice here - I'm sure that it will really help people enjoy Steemit quickly.

Thank you so much @avarice even if im here in two months..im still in the process of knowing things how it goes here.thanks for the time reading my first mindful post..also thanks for the upvote.its highly appreciated..steem on

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