introducing myself

Hi, Steemian!! Let me introduce myself!!

Hello everyone...!! Good morning, good afternoon, good eveniiiing!!
To be honest, i don't know what time it is in your country now. Hehe.
And here i am, another newbie in steemit...

My name is Desi Purnama. I am another steemian from Aceh, a province in Indonesia. But i ever watched youtube that there are only a view people know Indonesia. But almost all of them know Bali :D. Actually, Bali is also a part of Indonesia. The same as Aceh.

WhatsApp Image 2017-10-05 at 12.49.59.jpeg
This is my picture when i was in a coffee shop in Aceh (you can see from the picture that i took selfie, the reflection from the screen tells the truth, hahaha)

I know about steemit because my friend @hananan told me about it. Big thanks to her. I heart you hana chan! I still need to know many thing about steemit. So, hopefully she and also you all want to tell me more about steemit :) .

My user name is @hime.sama. Don't forget to follow, upvote, and resteem yaa :D
Actually, I have many nick names. Different friends call me with a different name. Desi, ecy, purna, purnama, popo, daijoubu, hime, etc... -_- it is quite disturbing me.
Hime sama is a word from Japanese which means princess. But, it doesn't mean i can speak Japanese :P :P . I just love the language because it sounds nice when i hear it.

So, see you on my post some day. Nice to be here, steemit ,,>.<,,


welcome to Steemit have fun & good luck.
anyway I love the tab, wahahaha

hahaha, thank you for a reason @hananan

Welcome to Steemit!

I've been here for a few months and I've learned a whole lot since joining. Best advice I can give is to keep posting. Then share those posts with friends and family who are not yet on Steemit.

I wish you success!

Wellcome @hime.sama, we are happy to have you here on steemit :D
If you need any help or anything don't hesitate to ask!

Please check my Introduction post as well :)


Welcome to Steemit! I hope you have a great time using this platform. Be sure to check out's the official chat for Steemit and you can create a new free account to use it.

hey @hime.sma !

Welcome to the steemit community. I hope you will enjoy your time here!
And i also hope your post will bring enlightenment to the community!
I followed you and i expect you will also follow me too @abbzykhan!

Have a nice day!

Welcome, Desi. How are you doing today

Thank you greatness, i am doing good

semoga samawa

semoga samawa sama steemit.. :D :D

hahaha, makasii

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