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RE: HI ALL- it's gonna be short, but hopefully enjoyable!

Grüß Gott ;) @theaustrianguy ,

So nice of you to welcome me this warmly.
You are correct I do speak German, will definitely need some grammar improvement though.. so I will get right into putting this german introduction post into the oven! :)

My plans for writing , heh , well I find myself quite good in describing the real life situations, meaning, the parts of my life, which gave me the most thrills. I think it's honestly the best way to go, experiences, raw flesh. So Yes, diving is a big part of this, also most challenging , body pushing and mind calming , comparable to meditation. But I would also like to focus on my ongoing travels mainly to South Africa and the insights I have acquired. I assume it might be interesting for many people who as me like to learn about themselves by indulging in the encompassing and omnipresent nature.

Thanks again !


Sehr gut, freue mich schon auf die Posts - Posten ist eh sehr gut um dein Deutsch zu festigen:)
Habe deinen anderen Blog gesehen - Glaube sowas in der Art passt hier sicher gut her! Und hey, hier kannst du sogar etwas verdienen. Dein Vorstellungspost ist zum Beispiel gerade gut über 25€ wert :) LG

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