Who We Are (Part 1)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

We're going to do this introduction bit in several parts. @Guiltyparties is a group operation. Since it takes quite a few of us to detail 15+ years of history and it's just one poor sap writing this post, I'll start with what brought me personally to Steemit.

Some of you may recognize the logo. Yeah, we're back.

I heard about Steemit about a year ago from a friend. At the time I was pretty new to actual participation in anything related to cryptocurrency and the blockchain. I also had a lot of work-related shit to tie off since, as we all know, there's nothing more critical than securing that stable bit of employment sucking corporate cock.

I registered this account a week ago. My initial thoughts?

Why won't it get approved? WTF

A few days passed. Approval came. Smart move on not using a throw-away-email as is typical.

Now what?

Someone whose judgment I probably shouldn't trust all that much suggested I drop in on Steemit Chat. It's addictive but there are only a couple of active rooms. Whether it's a good way to learn more about Steemit remains to be seen. Here's what I got from it so far:

kryptic quote.png
Shoutout to @Kryptik for providing us with such a memorable quote.

Took a few days

I took some time to explore the markup before making my first post. Two of us are graphic designers and developers and noobing around with basic markup code isn't acceptable. I learned how to tag. I was originally under the impression that images were to be remotely hosted but noticed that the Steemit platform expanded to allow for uploads, which is excellent.

Steemit, in my view, is a microcosm of society. You've got beggars and other desperate poor vying for "vote4vote". You've got the wealthy that control the 99% of the power and influence. And you've got the middle class who make some extra change along the way. All the topics that anyone cares about are covered and ones no one does are not.

Promoting posts costs an average of $20, or so I'm told. Otherwise you're tossing your pennies into a bottomless pit. I don't have the cash to invest right now but I gotta say "thanks" to @stonedfood who sent me 0.420 Steem just to help a brother out.

Upvoting should be saved for posts written by either friends or the influential wealthy.

Correct me if I'm wrong here. This is my second week actually doing this.

Reason we're here

Fuck Facebook. Closed that account about 9 years ago. Fuck Twitter and it's anti-freedom of speech terrorist agenda. YouTube is owned by big brother Google. None of us can stomach enough chalkboard menus and shitty coffees to make it big on Instagram. None of us trust our respective governments. We do trust the blockchain.

I'm not going to tell you that I think Steemit is some magical platform that will free us all from the shackles of oppression. It's a natural evolution of the anonymous message boards that were once full of life and are now full of Feds. Communities like FuckedCompany (run by a douche named Pud who since retired as I've heard) were eliminated by continuous lawsuits. Their problem? Centralization.

What you'll see from this account

Freedom of speech, survival, off-grid cyber-initiatives and maybe some humor and just maybe, maybe some art and business (un)wisdom that we can impart. Hell, maybe some beer as I'll need it because I personally swear to suffer through every stale IMP and overrated kit so you don't have to.

In all seriousness, however, we will integrate this and other co-accounts with our Guiltyparties re-launch initiative.

Stay tuned

More to come in the next part of the introduction series. In the next few days I'll tell you exactly what Guiltyparties is, was, and was meant to be.


Thanks my automated friend

Welcome to steemit guiltyparties, happy to have you here

I am @alienposts - nice to meet you :)
Enjoy your time here and let's get this party started :)

Its never too late, steemit is still in its infancy. You made the right decision in joing the platform.

Welcome to the community.

Thanks a ton buddy. I think it's the right move, just wishing I made it a year ago.

We still have so much thing to do and so much journey to take. Steem on!!

I actually like the idea of a group account. I can't say it is an idea I have come across on this platform. Sure you have people who may moderate an account but multiple parties on one account. I can dig it. I am going to follow you to see how this works out. Not to mention your post had me cracking me up.

Oh and look into hardfork 19. The way upvotes work will change on Tuesday(I do believe that is the day). Here is a post to get you started on HF 19 voting. https://steemit.com/steem/@oaldamster/hardfork-nineteen-will-be-coming-soon-to-a-blockchain-near-you

Thank you very much for mentioning!

No problem! I keep a folder of favorites for steemit story posts that I either really like or were really helpful. I then try to share those story posts with others. You obviously made it into that folder. Thanks for being helpful.

It is my pleasure!

We'll give it a shot and see how it works. Everyone involved have known each other for over a decade so it's looking promising. Only issue is we really haven't done much in terms of content output in the last five years or so and trends have moved on. We'll see I guess.

Happy to welcome you on this great platform. This is the right place to be and I look forward to your posts.
I blog on food and health-related articles. Feel free to follow me @GLOBALFOODBOOK

Welcome to this fabulous community! I post about cryptos, economy, silver,etc. Please checkout my posts to see if they interest you and my policy is if you follow me I will follow you. Welcome again!

Welcome to steemit community.
I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Please read the following address and press voting
Good Luck

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