Introducing Steemians (Edition 9) - A Blockchain Enthusiast from Germany


Steemian of the Day (Edition 9)

Dear Steemians - in our 9th edition Steemian of the Day we introduce you a young man from Cologne in Germany. He is a blockchain enthusiast and initiated some great campaigns here on Steemit, one is to support students by giving aways his rewards!

Please say Hi to @blocklab

The real name of @blocklab is Nino. Here is what he has to say about himself:

I got introduced to Steemit @ a Blockchain MeetUp in Cologne, Germany by a fellow Steem User @homosapiens.Blockchain was already my favorite topic since the beginning of 2016. I started buying and reading all available books on alt coins and the underlying technology, got a bitcoin wallet & Ethereum, ZCash followed soon later. This hot topic went through the roof last year according to google trends and big companies like all major banks (r3cev, digital asset holgings, etc), IBM, PwC, Deloitte, EY, KPMG & various companies in the markets of energy, insurance, etc. also jumped on the train. Some real life applications like sending BTC across the globe in an instance for a very low transaction fee are already happening, while other potential use cases and technical implementations of the blockchain are still theory.

I consider myself as a "scanner personality" thinking about ideas and approaches across all aspects of life . This was one one of the main reasons I started blogging on Steemit. It is great to have a platform where you write and read about anything life can offer and interact with other community members. My ultimate dream is to become a digital nomad - living a life like Vitalik Buterin 😉.

Recently he launched a great initiative to support students where he transferred all his rewards to a fellow Steemian:

Currently he is working on the challenge to fund his new laptop via blogging on Steemit - sure he will succeed very soon:

Feel free to check out @blocklab and interact with him, you will not regret it!

Nominate the Next Steemian of the Day

Please feel free to nominate other Steemians that match the category German, Beer, Sports and History you think need to get their own personal appreciation post. That can be anyone not limited to any Steemit reputation or other stage.

Thanks a lot for reading and following this account - there is more to come

While we are still trying to settle the account and activities we have already plans for the future - this will mean some opportunities for people to win some Steem as well as to have other Steemians curating this trail. Watch that Space. Please see below the main guidelines for posts we might support!

Rules and guidelines

Some general guidelines to follow to increase chances of receiving support and recommendations for curation by this account.

  • Original Content – We would like to see original writing and personal touches in your posts. At least write a personal summary what you think about a certain story you are posting;
  • Correct Tags – If your post is primarily about history, then please tag it accordingly by using Germany, German, Deutsch, Beer, Bier, Beers, Sports, History as on of your tags. This will help sort the posts that we curate for the category;
  • Do not forget Citations – Content that is simply copied & pasted will not be eligible for curation. If you’re using images, quotes, or copied information from other source, cite them please;
  • Formatting and Writing – As a German I can not be too picky in terms of spelling and grammar but you all know a well-written post is important for readers, proofread your content before you hit the publish button and consider using Markdown or Editor at least (know it is not easy but helps you)

These are just some tips and guidelines that should help you receiving maximum support by this curating account which is a part of @steemtrail


Wieder eine sehr gute Wahl! Der Junge hat viel Wissen und bringt es gut rüber. Es ist ein "Guter" und somit ein Gewinn für steemit. Er hat auch schon viele Votes von mir bekommen.
Übrigens ist auch der german-trail ein ausgezeichnetes Instrument. Danke für deinen Einsatz, Meister!

Danke für die motivierende Antwort - das schätze ich sehr! Wir stellen auch paar alte Hasen vor, damit die Neuen wissen wer die Community zusammenhält, da wärest Du ein Top Kandidat auch @freiheit50 - gib mir Bescheid ob Du Lust hast.

Danke für die supper netten Worte & Votes ;)
Finde die deutsche Community hier auch sehr stark 💪

Und mit dir wird sie noch stärker.
Ich bin jetzt eine Woche offline.
Danach gibt es einen tollen Tourenbericht.

nice. bin gespannt.
Grüße von der Blockchain Expo in Berlin^^

Sehr gerne - danke für die tollen Initiativen die Du auf die Straße gebracht hast

Willkommen :) zu Steemit

Danke, schönes Projekt :D und eine nette Auswahl and Tags "german, deutsch , beer, bier" :D

Your introduction series is great.

Sehr gut :)

sag ich Doch - übrigens @timsaid - eine Aufgabe dieser Reihe ist Neulinge vorzustellen in der Hoffnung, Sie erhalten etwas Exposure. Andererseits stellen wir auch alte Hasen, Wale, Orcas etc vor, wenn diese einverstanden sind, somit können wir gewährleisten die Neulinge wissen sofort an wem sich orientieren soll. Wenn Du Lust hast gib mir Bescheid! Namaste!

ich bin auch seit Feb. dabei als kleiner Delphin 🐬

Gut schwimm im Walteich!


prima - ich komme auf Dich zu

Ist gute Wahl. Diese Trail macht steemit voran. Weitermachen bitte.

Hey hey hey, Welcome to Steemit and good luck with your new computer challenge!!!!!


@blocklab, mein Scanner Bruder 😉. Du bist berühmt!Yippeeeh! 🎆🎉 hast du verdient!

Welcome to Steemit! Follow @god-is-love

Welcome to Steem @german-trail I have sent you a tip

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63186.04
ETH 3392.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50