UP-VOTE .. reSTEEM .. and, the POWER of COmmUNITY !!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

THANK YOU !!! @craig-grant !!! - )))

IT is said, "There is nothing NEW, under the SUN" ??

... i couldn't DISAGREE MORE !! !! !!

IF anyone wants "TO BE" successful .. at anything !! .. picking the brain, of those who are 'already' successful .. is a GREAT place to start. i have taken this understanding to 'heart' .. and, i have have dug my heels IN .. finding GOLD !!! - )))

!! ALL thROUGH the STEEM COmmUNITY !! - ))

There are MANY "established" STEEM'er'S .. knocking it "OUT of the PARK" .. on a daily basis, IN a 'wide' variety of subjects. This simple TRUTH, 'expands' daily .. along side the expanding "opporit-UNITY" .. that STEEM "IS" !! - ))

Many 'NEW' .. STEEMer'S .. see the success, WITHOUT the 'recognition' (??) of the WORK & EFFORT, that, OUR current STEEM HEROES .. have put-IN !!! SO, rather then .. being themselves, sharing 'their' perspective .. ?? .. and, doing their BEST ?? - ((
.. they "kick & scream" .. FOUL !! - ((

.. and, "sadly" to their 'own' detriment - (((

i sincerely 'hope' .. the following Video .. will 'enlighten' ALL STEEMer'S .. to the possible ramifications, of raining "poor me" .. on the .. "ALREADY ESTABLISHED SUCCESS" .. of OUR FAMILY = STEEM !! !! !!

Please note .. Craig's 'thought process' .. the moral dilemma .. and, the sincere "love" he has for .. 'his' .. established COmmUNITY .. and, !! IMPORTANTLY !! .. "what" the 'situation' has taught him.

Whether .. OUR NEW FAMILY'S .. "ROCK STARS"' .. 'content' .. interests us ?? .. or NOT ??
Their .. "SELF . ESTABLISHED . FAME" .. holds MANY KEYS .. for 'each' of US !! - ))

Their .. "SUCCESS" .. is an .. "ASSET" .. for ALL of US !!! - )))

The math is simple .. !!!
= .. why do you think, THOUSANDS of NEW users are POURING "in" EVERY DAY ??? - )))
OPPORT-UNITY .. .. YES !! - ))
.. and, where DO the NEW users ?? .. get the idea, that SUCCESS is pOSSIBLE ?? - ))

Ta-DA ... from OUR .. WELL ESTABLISHED .. ROCK STARS !!! - )))

With a 'mere' .. 260,00 users ... OUR personal SUCCESS is guaranteed !! - ))
.. and, i say this with "CONFIDENCE" !!! !!! - )))

A-GAIN, the math is simple .. !!!
= .. OUR FAMILY'S .. well established HEROES !! !!
.. got to .. HERE & NOW .. with a "tiny" population !! !!

CHIN'S UP .. BE YOU .. and .. LOVE the TRAJECTORY !!! !!!
.. there are .. BRILLIANT LIGHTS .. !! .. s(HOW-IN)g .. THE WAY !!! !!!

AND !!! ... there is GREATNESS .. "IN" .. YOU !!! !!! !!!

ha ha - ))
... and .. HAVE some FUN !!! .. ALONG the WAY !! - ))

.. how YOU !! FEEL !! NOW !! .. means EVERYTHING !! - ))
.. for .. YOUr .. FUTURE .. EXP(erei)NCE !!! - )))

greb'Z )

WORLD WAR ((( FREE ))) has ST(ART)ED !!! - )))

STEEM .. is a .. FRONT L(in)E WARRIOR !!! - )))


Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

LOTS of W(IS-DO)M .. 'in' .. OUR STEEM FAMILY !! - ))
and, sorry .. i'm GOING to FolloW YOU BACK !!! - ))
ha ha ))))
YOU may ?? enJOY this TOO ?? - ))
The D.gital C.urrency "BU(BB)LE"

.. thanks for the reply ! - ))))))))))

welcome to Steemit Fun-along-theway! Glad to see more people like you - here joining Steemit! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @mekong

hi Fun-along-theway!! Nice to see more people like you - here joining steemit!! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure! Here you can win money while bloging! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. Wish you much luck! Cheers! Greetings, @khunpoom!

Hi !
This is an automatic message.
According to SteemData, you have now used #introduceyourself 8 times.

You might not be aware of this, but #introduceyourself is mainly used by new accounts, to introduce themselves once. Please consider other, appropriate tags.

.. i appreciate this message !! - ))
EacH time i have used the introduce yourself tag .. has been from a place of service to the NEW FAMILY members - ))) .. i stand by 'each' use of the tag.

greb'Z )

Then use #introducesomebodyelse, but stop tag abusing. Thanks.

hi ))
i've removed the tag.
i do stand by my actions (naively .. probably ! - )) .. if you read the post, the intention is 'of' service - )) ThanK-FULLY, my first action was to go to YOUr blog .. to gauge wHERE YOU are coming from ???

and, i appreciate ALLoT .. YOUr perspective !! - ))

i really like the insight about 'randowhale' !! YOU will note .. in my wallet, i have used randowhale .. quite a bit !!! .. i think i'm around 50/50 .. giving and receiving .. the 'rando' UPvote .. and, i have used the service, to push my posts UP in the standings .. of 'tags' i've used ?? i believe i will continue to use 'rando' .. but, now with a 'broader' perspective !! .. and, as a continued, "giving to others" - ))

ThankS for the advice - ))
ThankS for the reply -))

and, ThankS for YOUr "SERVICE" !!! - )))
i plan on BE-i-NG HERE .. until the end of 'this' me - ))
ha ha - ))

.. and, knowing how i'm fitting "IN" ?? - ))
is incredibly VALUE-ABLE .. for me ! - ))))

greb'Z )

" UP is IN "

an .. Extra .. feather ?? - ))
i've made a pledge to "never UPvote" my own PosT nor COMMENTS - ))
ON this post .. found here:
MY way of BE-i-NG .. on + with STEEM - ))
.. just saying .. i'm ALL IN !! - ))
COmmUNITY PLAYER .. 100% - )))

.. if you were curious ?? - ))
thanks again - ))

Hope you enjoy being here!

... thankS !! - ))
and, a BIG .. "SAME to/for YOU! !!! - ))

LOVE it UP !! - ))

Hi fun-along-theway. Welcome to steem community! Great post, I will follow you. Please follow me too at @gaman

.. thankS YOU !! -))

and, i TrusT i am FollowinG YOU to GREATNESS !!?!! - ))
hey ?? HEY ?? - )))
ha ha - ))

interesting post

.. i felt like the VideO .. is GOLD !! - ))
.. for US ALL - ))
.. thanks for the reply - ))

nice introuction. Followed. Follow me back 😘

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