The D.gital C.urrency "BU(BB)LE"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


.. and, NOT "understood" .. by many ??? - (((

IN OUR .. current LifE .. tHERE are MANY ACT-ORS !!
PaiD "agents" .. of DisINformATiON .. Charlatan'S !! !!

-A charlatan (also called swindler or JACK ASS - )) .. is .. a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception.

These 'actors' .. are "P(ai)D" .. to read the LINES (.)

and, because they are "P(ai)D" .. !!! !!!

... they are ... con-TROLL-ed !!!

(( see: highly decorated HOOP JUMPERS ...
.. who DO NOT .. think for themselves !! - ((

Simply meaning .. NOT .. worth listening to (.)

ALL the eCONomic analysis, done by the ..
LAME-STREAM MEDIA .. is D"ONE .. with ???

BROKEN !!! !!! FIAT SYSTEM .. in MinD ???

CaN a "problem" .. BE FIXED ?? ?? ??
.. 'with' a BROKEN TOOL ??? ??? - ((

"governments" seem to think SO ?? ?? ??

The 'math' .. of the current FIAT system is simple !! - ))

CREATE .. AS MUCH .. LACK & LOSS as possible !!

(( YOU will "know them" .. by their ACTIONS )) - common sense (.)

CREATING LACK & LOSS .. is an EASY thing .. TO DO !!! !!! !!!

AND SIMPLY !!! .. because .. so MUCH is Hi(DD)eN !! !! !!

Hi(DD)eN !! BEhiND .. COMPLEX .. B.ULL S.HIT !!! !!! !!!
(( B.S. .. = B.elief S.ystem !! .. = B.roken S.ystems ))

(( a talking 'head' speaking freely, about economics))

EVERYONE .. who "questions" .. EVERYTHING !!! !!!
... K)NOW(S .. with a .. FEELING of CERTAINTY !!! !!!

ThaT .. "TRANSPARENCY" .. is GOLDEN !!! !!! - )))

!!! ONLY !!! .. (( without exception ))
CaN .. "TRUE" .. "MARKET VALUE" .. BE .. K)NOW(N !! !! !!

SUPPLY & DEMAND .. BOTH .. are necessary !!!!!!!!!!! - ))
WheN considering .. economic VALUE ! - )))

SO .. D.gital C.urrency .. !!! - )))
IS .. COMPLETELY !!! (( anti )) !!! INFLATIONARY !!!

.. a fixed SUPPLY .. with TRANS-PARENT .. DEMAND - )))

Worry NOT .. the "DUPE-ABLE" ... will BE DUPED !! - ))
... this simple 'truth' .. will NOT CHANGE (.)

VOLATILITY .. will .. INCREASE .. in D.gital C.urrencies !!! - )))
.. and, "for those" .. who ASK QUESTIONS ??? ??? - )))

OPPORT-UNITY .. will come KNOC'KING .. EVERY DAY - )))
and, OUR continued CONFIDENCE .. will HELP the DUPED - ))
... IN the LONG RUN !!!! - ))))
(( see: .. the LARGEST TRANSFER of WEALTH .. EVER - ))

.. word's of CAUTION !! !! !!

.. if .. government regulations .. were "EFFECTIVE" ??? ???
.. the current FIAT SYSTEM .. would 'work' for everyone (.)
.. and, "financial criminals" .. would GO TO JAIL !!! !!! !!!

!!! NOT !!!
RECEIVE .. BAIL OUTS + INS + "special consideration(S)" ? - (

A-GAIN !!! - )))
(( .. you will KNOW THEM .. by their ACTIONS ))
... - common sense (.)

2). During the most recent DOWN TURN in D.gital C.urrency ...
There was a .. sin'gle .. HIGHLY CAPITALIZED WINNER !!! !!!

(R.I.P.)PLE .. a CENTRAL BANK .. D.igital C.urrency !!! - (((
IT is 'my' .. FEELING .. this is a ... TIME BOMB !!! !!! - (((
.. constructed to "USHER in REGULATION(S)" !!! - (((
.. OR ..
A VIRUS has BEEN constructed .. that ONLY (R.I.P.)PLE !!! - (((
.. will BE .. "immune too" ??? ??? - (((

= ... the ... "" iLL-um(i-N)UTTY "" ... WAY !!! - (((

(( HELL-OO ... someone, OWNS the "FIAT" printing MACHINE ))
(( HELL-OO ... someone, is "collecting" ALL the compound interest ))

(( HELL-OO ... someone .. has a .. WELL ESTABLISHED PLAN !!! !!! !!! - ((
.. and .. ALLoT of .. MOMENTUM !!! !!! !!!

(( NOT .. "TO BE" .. FEARED .. "TO BE" .. "recognized" (.) ))
(( SECRETS .. are a .. GIFT .. = .. SELF D(IS)COVER'Y !!! - )))
(( SecreT . HanD . ShakE (V.2) ))
(( note: what has "created" .. the DESIRE for something BE(TT)ER ?? - ))

3). ETHEREUM's .. recent .. FLASH CRASH !!! - (((
.. suggests .. there is a .. BUILT-IN .. F-LAW ??? - (((
and, the "flash crash" .. a TEST ??? - (((

4). YOU ARE AMAZING .. and .. UN-DUPE-ABLE !!! !!! - )))

... the REVOLUTION has ... ST(ART)ED !!! - )))

IN F'ACT ... - )))

WORLD WAR ((( FREE ))) has ST(ART)ED !!! - )))

STEEM .. is a .. FRONT L(in)E WARRIOR !!! - )))

WOR(L)D WAR ((( FREE ))) .. is BE-i-NG FOUGHT !! - ))
.. with CHOICE !!! - )))

BELIEVE 'in' YOU-SELF ?? - ))
.. or ..
BELIEVE 'in' TalkinG HeadS ?? - ))

THE VICTORS .. will BE .. those 'who' DO NOT FIGHT !! - ))

THE VICTORS .. will BE ... WAY to BUSY !!! !!! - )))
.. DANCING !!! !!! - )))

A(B+U)N-DANCING !!! !!! !!! - )))

SO ?? .. IS the "volume" of YOUr .. "HAPPY DANCE MUSIC" ?? - ))
.. .. C(RANK)eD UP !!! - )))

.. .. it 'could' BE !!! !!! - )))

greb'Z )

"" UP is IN ""

(( !! .. disclaimer .. !! ))

This 'post' .. is AB(SOL-U)TE'LY !!! !!! !!! - )))
""TO BE .. TaKeN"" .. as .. "financial" .. ADVICE !! !! !! - ))


.. and HERE IS P'ROOF !!! - )))

YEAH JEFF !!! - )))


Let us all join the efforts for "WOR(L)D WAR ((( FREE )))! Very well written post even if it is in code.

I agree.

We are in need of this.

Let this be the foundations of freedom.

The Last Sage

GreaT REPLY !!! - )))
and, .. that's the 'happy' DANCE !!! - )))
i was hoping to CranK UP !! - ))
((( - !!! WITH CERTAINTY !!! - )))

.. thankS YOU !! -))

WOW! You are a Super Freak, bro! Love it... That post took some time to write. Wish you the best... I'm following. Check out my Intro post if you have time. Keep rockin it!

.. thankS YOU !! - ))
SupeR FreaK .. ALL the WAY !! - ))
.. will check out the intro NOW - ))

appreciate the REPLY !! - ))

Are you writing a secret message with all the "(((" and "." and caps? Just curious. Also END THE FED!

YES .. - ))
ALL CO-DE .. 100% .. but not mine .. i'm just pointing OUT the cODe within the LA(N)GUAGE - ))) .. i'm putting together a video series .. to s'HOW the .. sim'ple .. p(O'WE)r .. of words .. and how they coRrelate to B'a(S)i'C MatH - ))

GematriA on steroids .. that any 10 year old could understand -))
.. i hope you'll check it out ?? - ))

.. thanks for the reply !! - ))

GOOD FOR YOU !!!! - ))))
.. sm(ART) MAN ! - )))

When you just know to follow...

.. thank'S YOU !! - ))
The shortest, STRONGEST vote of confidence i have received !! -))
i appreciate that ALLoT !! -))

Like you, I tend to read between the lines ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖

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